CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

fudk you. The OP.

"Last week an extraordinary article appeared in, of all places, NBC News, reporting that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume."

Where's the link you bleeding pussy?

Okay, after mommy teaches you to read, have her teach you what a search engine is and how to use it.

You faggots have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

I don't want to see that, so it doesn't exist.
pfft. Russia's defeat is not actually the issue. The issue was whether Ukraine failed to negotiate. That's not entirely accurate, and totally inaccurate if you suggest Russia and the separtists negotiated in good faith. The problem is now. How does this end.
You don't understand. I'm not trying to argue whether one side or the other debated in good faith.
Good faith is dependent on the sides' POV.
The only issue of Russia's defeat is whether that's Biden's end game. And I am unsure of that. But you raise an interesting issue. Would Russia using a nuke in ... say Crimea ... give Biden cause to destroy Russia's army in Ukraine? I think he's sincere in not wanting American dead, but the "prize" might be too enticing for him to pass up.
It's above Biden's pay grade. A senile old man isn't making decisions that could lead to nuclear war.
No, of course Russia won't nuke the Crimea. They might nuke Kiev if the situation begins to look hopeless for Russia.

Russia could use nuclear weapons without a response in kind by the US. That would cause the US to consider whether Russia's use of nuclear weapons on Kiev would be worth nuclear war. If the US hit Russia with nuclear weapons, Russia would nearly completely eliminate the United States.
Okay, after mommy teaches you to read, have her teach you what a search engine is and how to use it.

You faggots have to be the dumbest motherfuckers on the planet.

I don't want to see that, so it doesn't exist.
Any time you find that nbc link in the rand paul op, u let me know kotex face.
Sorry bout that,

1. CIA should of been shuttered decades ago.
2. When they killed JFK.
3. They are rouge.
4. Evil fuckers to the last one.

Not exactly. Putin never committed to ending the conflict. And that is why people believe Putin's aim was never a settlement to donbas but a "need" to put in a vassal govt for Ukraine.
Putin would argue it was the US who put a vassal government in Ukraine in 2014 when Victoria Nuland picked the next Prime Minister after forcing a duly elected president from office. The US has been using Ukraine to destabilize Russia since 1949 without any concern for how many Ukrainians will pay with their lives, liberty, or homes.
Deep State is YOUR trigger word.

To me it just represents the permanent bureaucracy that exists long after any presidential administration or congress has come and gone. If you don't think there is one you should probably take a Poli Sci 101 class.
Birth-Class Totalitarianism

The Deep State is the upper echelon of the Hereditary Plutocracy, not some bureaucratic nobodies. In fact, it is the Deep State's message that the problem is the unelected officials, who are actually mindlessly obedient flunkies of the Deep State itself, as are the elected officials also.
Putin always retreats, and then advances again. He's shortening the geographical area of conflict, so he can successfully ethnically cleanse behind "his lines" and simply bomb the Ukrainian forces out of donbas and created a land corridor to Crimea. Then he can wait for a new opening.
Putin is defending his 1200 mile long with Ukraine from a hostile military alliance.

Brzezinski laid it out clearly in 1997:

The U.S. proxy war in Ukraine | MR Online

"But the goal was the Ukraine.

"Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was the most important strategist of all of this and had been Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor said in his 1997 Grand Chessboard that Ukraine was the 'geopolitical pivot,' particularly in the West, which if it were brought into NATO and under Western control, would weaken Russia so much that it could be tethered, if not dismembered.

"This has been the goal all along and U.S. strategic planners and Washington officials, along with the NATO allies, have stated over and over that they wanted to bring the Ukraine into NATO.

"NATO made this goal official in 2008.

"Only a few months ago, in November 2021 in the new strategic charter between the Biden administration in Washington and Zelensky government in Kyiv, it was agreed that the immediate aim was bring Ukraine into NATO.

"But this has also been NATO’s policy for a long time now.

"The United States in the final months of 2021 and at the beginning of 2022 was moving very fast to militarize the Ukraine and accomplish that as a fait accompli."
Sorry bout that,

1. CIA should have been shuttered decades ago.
2. When they killed JFK.
3. They are rogue.
4. Evil fuckers to the last one.

Controlled Dissent Initiated by the Out-of-Control Ruling Class

They killed JFK and Bobby in accordance with an agreement with the KGB to end the Cuban Missile Crisis and prevent World War Three. All other conspiracy theories are plants to throw off anyone who is suspicious. The murder of Oswald would never have happened in such a tight security situation, so it was undeniably a set up.

All those who are suspicious about the situation are misled by the delusion that JFK was a great man. Without the well-financed charisma, he was just a spoiled, conceited, and incompetent loose-cannon fraternity bully. If JFK and Bobby had lived, they would have been exposed. Today, they'd have the same reputation as LBJ and Teddy.
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Putin is defending his 1200 mile long with Ukraine from a hostile military alliance.

Brzezinski laid it out clearly in 1997:

The U.S. proxy war in Ukraine | MR Online

"But the goal was the Ukraine.

"Zbigniew Brzezinski, who was the most important strategist of all of this and had been Jimmy Carter’s national security advisor said in his 1997 Grand Chessboard that Ukraine was the 'geopolitical pivot,' particularly in the West, which if it were brought into NATO and under Western control, would weaken Russia so much that it could be tethered, if not dismembered.

"This has been the goal all along and U.S. strategic planners and Washington officials, along with the NATO allies, have stated over and over that they wanted to bring the Ukraine into NATO.

"NATO made this goal official in 2008.

"Only a few months ago, in November 2021 in the new strategic charter between the Biden administration in Washington and Zelensky government in Kyiv, it was agreed that the immediate aim was bring Ukraine into NATO.

"But this has also been NATO’s policy for a long time now.

"The United States in the final months of 2021 and at the beginning of 2022 was moving very fast to militarize the Ukraine and accomplish that as a fait accompli."
Nato's structure prevents any chance of its use as an offensive force. It must operate through consensus, and a minority of nations actually require legislative approval before force can be applied.

Seriously George, and I mean seriously, no one can factually dispute that Russia invaded Ukraine even though Ukraine had no military means of causing Russia an existential threat, or that there are thousands of dead Ukrainian civilians, and my saying that doesn't even mention that claims Russians have torture, raped and forced into Russian "camps" Ukranian civilians.

Russia's propaganda on this shit is only believable if one wishes to be "DUPED."

No doubt there are some "leaders" in the West who would have liked to remove Putin and installed some other govt. But that never happened, nor was is approved in Nato, not even remotely. And frankly, I don't think Putin "the person" is really the issue. His morality makes any western leader look like Francis of Fucking Assisi, but the Russians love him.

The WEST needs a force capable of destroying Russia. So long as its defensive, and Nato is that.
Here's the NBC report mentyioned

They refer to declassified intel stating that Russia is intent on using WMDs.. They also say there is no evidence that chemical weapons have been brought up to the battle area.

Those are two different things
Here's the NBC report mentyioned

They refer to declassified intel stating that Russia is intent on using WMDs.. They also say there is no evidence that chemical weapons have been brought up to the battle area.

Those are two different things
I found the same info and linked it when the thread was started. And I pointed out it does not support the op: "

CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine​

It appears the Biden admin is sharing these reports with Nato countries, and eventually new reports filter out, or in some instances the Biden admin may send them out to "all concerned." For over six months, they've been identified as "we have heard reports that. ...." Nato has not attacked Russia over any on them, nor has Ukraine EVER attacked Russia. Rather the Biden admin seems to be warning the russians "we know what you may be planning" and letting nato know they have to be ready to respond unless they just want to let Putin conquer and put in a stooge govt for Ukraine.
PS George, what's wrong with "tethering" Russia? This is it's fourth invasion since 1990. How about Putin keeps his troops in Russia (and Belarus if Belarus wants them)

And as the link above pointed out, Nato is "hobbled" by having to respond with a cumbersome democratic structure. One result of Russia's invasion of Ukraine is that Nato may increase the number of ready deployed forces from 4K (which was just a token of saying "don't kill our troops or we'll be mad") to maybe 40K or more, with the US increasing its military footprint in Germany and Poland back up to even more than that.

That is, the danger to Russia you posted Nato poses, DIDN'T EXIST BEFORE RUSSIA INVADED UKRAINE. But if Putin widens this war, the "balloon may really go up."
Nato's structure prevents any chance of its use as an offensive force. It must operate through consensus, and a minority of nations actually require legislative approval before force can be applied.
NATO's structure didn't prevent in from taking offensive actions in Yugoslavia and Libya:

Legitimacy of the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia

"The legitimacy under international law of the 1999 NATO bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia has been seriously questioned. The UN Charter is the foundational legal document of the United Nations (UN) and is the cornerstone of the public international law governing the use of force between States. NATO members are also subject to the North Atlantic Treaty.[1]

"Critics of the bombing have argued that the campaign violated international law.[2][3]"
Seriously George, and I mean seriously, no one can factually dispute that Russia invaded Ukraine even though Ukraine had no military means of causing Russia an existential threat, or that there are thousands of dead Ukrainian civilians,
Why are you forgetting the thousands of Russian-speaking civilians in Donbass who have died because the US armed and trained right-wing extremists since the US supported coup in 2014 drove a duly elected president from office.

Why do you suppose America finds it necessary to invest billions of dollars backing the most corrupt state in Europe Ukraine) instead of rebuilding its homeland?

Black money behind war: How the US military-industrial complex has thrived after attacks in Middle East - Global Times
Why are you forgetting the thousands of Russian-speaking civilians in Donbass who have died because the US armed and trained right-wing extremists since the US supported coup in 2014 drove a duly elected president from office.

Why do you suppose America finds it necessary to invest billions of dollars backing the most corrupt state in Europe Ukraine) instead of rebuilding its homeland?

Black money behind war: How the US military-industrial complex has thrived after attacks in Middle East - Global Times
Do you really believe that the MIC is the most important consideration.

fwiw, I'm thorougly convinced that this is the culmination of the Cold War and the challenge between Russia and America coming to fruition.

In fact, if it wasn't then it would be the only example in history that wasn't for the cause of global hegemony.

This is America's attempt to prevent the China/Russia alliance that will challenge America forever!

This is meant to just state the obvious and not to take a side. My position for the sake of answering the question on why the world is headed to world war.
PS George, what's wrong with "tethering" Russia? This is it's fourth invasion since 1990. How about Putin keeps his troops in Russia (and Belarus if Belarus wants them)
I think you have to consider the motive for tethering Russia.
The best example I've seen so far came at the end of the Cold War when the Harvard Boys looted Russian natural resources and created the oligarch class we see in that country today:

The Harvard Boys Do Russia

"Ater seven years of economic 'reform' financed by billions of dollars in U.S. and other Western aid,:eek: subsidized loans and rescheduled debt, the majority of Russian people find themselves worse off economically.

"The privatization drive that was supposed to reap the fruits of the free market instead helped to create a system of tycoon capitalism run for the benefit of a corrupt political oligarchy that has appropriated hundreds of millions of dollars of Western aid and plundered Russia’s wealth.

"The architect of privatization was former First Deputy Prime Minister Anatoly Chubais..."

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