CIA Admits to Feeding Americans False Information on Ukraine

Is it related to the same story?

More truth and factual information is slowly coming out but the propagandized are pretty well untouchable. They don't want to hear anything different than the propaganda bombardment on the MSM.
Could you check your link please and maybe try it again?
It is the same link I used.
That link comes up for me; however, if you try the homepage of that will also provide my source.
Note what you want.

You still have no clue what you're talking about. Your'e just another cookie-cutter clone.

Says the clown babbing memes and slogans in every post, right out of the silly 'libertarian' Big Book O Slogans. lol you don't even have any original conspiracy theories, same old shit spit out by the usual tards.
It is the same link I used.
That link comes up for me; however, if you try the homepage of that will also provide my source.
Thanks, I'll try their homepage.

edit: Yes, I got it through their homepage. I'll read it later for all the finer points on how this war has come about. I'm aware of the basic story. Good detailed link and from a credible source! Keep up the good work!
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"Strictly limited'' you stupid asshole. lolol.

Learn it. Live it. Love it.

The statesman's assessment is, as is most often the case, correct.
You're useless to the cause you are trying to defend on this thread because you've hooked into the usual domestic politics bullshit with the forum's lowlife spammers. Stop it!
The US escalates

This makes it look like the US is going for all the marbles. Russia isn't going to be granted the Crimea and/or the Donbass region.

It's also becoming apparent that Zelensky and Ukraine's government won't be having a say in any peace settlement, no matter how brutal the war becomes.

It does appear that both sides are going to have to withdraw cooperation on the war's limitations. Nuclear arms excepted for now we all hope.
It's probably fair to say that Putin has never sincerely attempted to negotiate a settlement to donbas that does not include changing Ukraine's borders, but nationalists in Ukraine have not been too sincere about negotiating any autonomy to the two Donbas provinces. At least until Zelensky.
But that ship sailed when Putin tried to capture Kiev and kill Zelensky to install a stooge govt.

And there won't be anything left in Donbas besides rubble, bodies, cholera and typhoid
The US escalates

This makes it look like the US is going for all the marbles. Russia isn't going to be granted the Crimea and/or the Donbass region.

It's also becoming apparent that Zelensky and Ukraine's government won't be having a say in any peace settlement, no matter how brutal the war becomes.

It does appear that both sides are going to have to withdraw cooperation on the war's limitations. Nuclear arms excepted for now we all hope.
I think Zelensky and the maj of Ukrainians don't want russia to get anything besides their dead, at this point. Raping and torturing people inside the rubble of their former homes seems to have had a "hardening effect" on opinion. The Ukrainians are motivated, but Russia has the artillery and planes.

I think Zelensky was open to some form of "limited self-govt" in sections of Donbas where Russian speakers were the maj .... if the Russians had committed to staying out.

At this point, I think Biden's (and the civilized world's) only option is defeating Russia militarily. But Biden's not giving Ukraine the tools in planes and especially artillery. So, I don't trust his objectives. A true sociopath would be fine with a long term bloody war in Donbas because eventually Russians would not accept the human cost to them. I doubt many of them give a rats ass what their military does to Ukrainian civilians.
I think Zelensky and the maj of Ukrainians don't want russia to get anything besides their dead, at this point. Raping and torturing people inside the rubble of their former homes seems to have had a "hardening effect" on opinion. The Ukrainians are motivated, but Russia has the artillery and planes.

I think Zelensky was open to some form of "limited self-govt" in sections of Donbas where Russian speakers were the maj .... if the Russians had committed to staying out.

At this point, I think Biden's (and the civilized world's) only option is defeating Russia militarily. But Biden's not giving Ukraine the tools in planes and especially artillery. So, I don't trust his objectives. A true sociopath would be fine with a long term bloody war in Donbas because eventually Russians would not accept the human cost to them. I doubt many of them give a rats ass what their military does to Ukrainian civilians.
The only point of interest you've raised is the question on Russia accepting defeat.

My response to that is in saying that Russia will turn to nuclear weapons before accepting defeat.

But that does beg the question on Russia being defeated on the Crimea and Donbass regions.
Would Russia use nuclear weapons to hold those if it became necessary? The Crimea is of huge strategic importance to Russia and so it's hard to imagine they won't fight the ultimate fight for that at least.

Aside from that question, any larger defeat for Russia will be avoided by their use of tactical nuclear weapons if conventional weapons don't suffice.

I think Russia's conventional weapons will suffice but it's very hard to determine whether Russia is winning enough right now, or they're losing ground.

I fully understand that America is banking on the defeat of Russia.
The only point of interest you've raised is the question on Russia accepting defeat.

My response to that is in saying that Russia will turn to nuclear weapons before accepting defeat.

But that does beg the question on Russia being defeated on the Crimea and Donbass regions.
Would Russia use nuclear weapons to hold those if it became necessary? The Crimea is of huge strategic importance to Russia and so it's hard to imagine they won't fight the ultimate fight for that at least.

Aside from that question, any larger defeat for Russia will be avoided by their use of tactical nuclear weapons if conventional weapons don't suffice.

I think Russia's conventional weapons will suffice but it's very hard to determine whether Russia is winning enough right now, or they're losing ground.

I fully understand that America is banking on the defeat of Russia.
pfft. Russia's defeat is not actually the issue. The issue was whether Ukraine failed to negotiate. That's not entirely accurate, and totally inaccurate if you suggest Russia and the separtists negotiated in good faith. The problem is now. How does this end.

The only issue of Russia's defeat is whether that's Biden's end game. And I am unsure of that. But you raise an interesting issue. Would Russia using a nuke in ... say Crimea ... give Biden cause to destroy Russia's army in Ukraine? I think he's sincere in not wanting American dead, but the "prize" might be too enticing for him to pass up.
"Strictly limited'' you stupid asshole. lolol.

Learn it. Live it. Love it.

The statesman's assessment is, as is most often the case, correct.

Babbling now. At least you went three posts without that buzz word 'statist' idiocy you're so fond of parroting along with the other trendy rubbish your cult parrots.

As with America's past wars, Ron Paul is stepping up again to expose the propaganda lies. His libertarian political bent may be crazy but it always seems to serve a good purpose.
You better find a better source than stupid fucking "" if you want to convince anyone of this.
It's probably fair to say that Putin has never sincerely attempted to negotiate a settlement to donbas that does not include changing Ukraine's borders, but nationalists in Ukraine have not been too sincere about negotiating any autonomy to the two Donbas provinces. At least until Zelensky.
But that ship sailed when Putin tried to capture Kiev and kill Zelensky to install a stooge govt.

And there won't be anything left in Donbas besides rubble, bodies, cholera and typhoid

Given the Ukraine's more anybody else's experience nobody should trust anything the Russians say at all given their record of welshing, there is no reason to criticize Ukrainians. After all it was the Russians who said they would guarantee Ukrainian independence back in the 1990's, along with Britain and the U.S., if the Ukraine agreed to give up its nukes, and the same in 2008 when the Euro Parliament voted to expand NATO membership to several countries but the U.S., France, and UK sought to appease Russian fears and blocked the Ukraine's NATO membership. All patience with Putin has gotten is more people killed and another run on the Ukraine.
Ask Mommy to teach you how to read.
fudk you. The OP.

"Last week an extraordinary article appeared in, of all places, NBC News, reporting that the US intelligence community is knowingly feeding information it does not believe accurate to the US mainstream media for the American audience to consume."

Where's the link you bleeding pussy?

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