CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination

Jared Kushner cares because his relationship with a murderer is exposed.

Kushner has tainted himself, Trump, and the Trumplings.
|Nah. No one really cares. This is one of these things that gets MSM's panties bunched up ... but, who cares?

People with morals and ethics care about POTUS associating with a murderer who butchers people in Saudi Embassies.

Kushner is stained by association and foreknowledge of the murder. Kushner has tainted Donald Trump who would also have had foreknowledge.

It is a violation of and makes a mockery of the Magnitsky act.
No one cares about a murdered Muslim. They kill each other all the time.

Nobody kills more Muslims than the USA.
I think your pussyhat is too tight. No one kills more Muslims than Muslims, or Arabs than Arabs.
Christians kill mostly Christians
The agency’s assessment — the most definitive to date linking Mohammed bin Salman to the journalist’s death — is based on information that includes a phone call between Khashoggi and the prince’s brother, according to people familiar with the matter.

CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination

Not a surprise! What do you think?

Is it really an "assassination" if the crown prince, Mo bin Salman, is a high official in the Kingdom and supposedly has the legal authority to order executions? Might just be a case of criminal justice.
Depends how you look at it
If you look at it from Prince Salmans perspective...I can kill who the fuk I are correct

If you look at it from the perspective of the free world who have to deal with the is an assassination

Under the Constitution of Saudi Arabia, they are an "absolute monarchy" , which is different than our system here in America. Under their system, the Royal Family has the obligation to provide justice when one of their subjects is determined to have broken the law. Mr. Khashoggi seems to have been suspected of sedition against the crown and it sure looks like he was found guilty by Mo Salman and given the death penalty.

A lot of people don't care for America's system of jurisprudence abroad either.

Who am I to judge someone else's judicial system?
Like you said. Not a surprise.

Ya know who IS surprised?

The guys he sent to do the murder that are now in his jail.

Sucks to be them huh?

5 are up for the death penalty

Imagine getting your head chopped off for doing what the prince ordered. Better cut their tongues out first

Obviously, they didn't perform their tasks to the Prince's standards.

Don't you think people should be held responsible for poor performance in their jobs?
The agency’s assessment — the most definitive to date linking Mohammed bin Salman to the journalist’s death — is based on information that includes a phone call between Khashoggi and the prince’s brother, according to people familiar with the matter.

CIA concludes Saudi crown prince ordered Jamal Khashoggi’s assassination

Not a surprise! What do you think?

Is it really an "assassination" if the crown prince, Mo bin Salman, is a high official in the Kingdom and supposedly has the legal authority to order executions? Might just be a case of criminal justice.
Depends how you look at it
If you look at it from Prince Salmans perspective...I can kill who the fuk I are correct

If you look at it from the perspective of the free world who have to deal with the is an assassination

So you don't believe a sovereign country should enforce law and order, especially when they can see what happens to a country when liberal insanity takes over.
By your logic, Nazis were justified in killing Jews
It was their country and their laws

No. You can't tell the difference from a country allying with 2 other countries, crossing borders aggressively, attacking other countries, and killing groups of people merely because of their religion and a country bringing a single criminal to justice.
Sharia Law is a non-factor in this country.

But you have no problem with it in Saudi Arabia? Afghanistan?
Ban him from ever entering the U.S. He is one of those new age Saudis that LOVES everything Western, especially American. Never being allowed back in the U.S. would just kill him.
That would hurt America more than it would hurt Saudi.

That's why you bribe the shit out of him, and make him do something like donate 100 million to his widow and another 100 million or so to charities, and then give him like a 1 year penalty for traveling to the U.S.

And make him apologize publicly.
Sharia Law is a non-factor in this country.

But you have no problem with it in Saudi Arabia? Afghanistan?

We don't have a standing to have a problem with it.

If you have such a problem with it, you should pack your bags and go over there to protest.

Please keep in touch from time to time to tell us how it's going...
Saudi Arabia kills a US resident and we want to appease them by giving another dictator yet another US resident so they will stop making such a fuss about the first US resident --- all because why?

And all Trump supporters can do is say "but what about blah blah blah"

Ok, what about Iraq? We shouldn't have invaded Iraq then, and we shouldn't have done it now -- and it was "CHERRY PICKED" CIA intelligence that got us into that war -- meaning the intelligence was there that Iraq had ZERO to do with 9/11 but Bush ignored it because he already was set on going to war.

No one is at risk of going to war with Turkey just because we refuse to hand over a US resident who has lived here for over 20 years

And no one is at risk of going to war with Saudi Arabia just because we refuse to buy the Saudi government's line about this guy being killed by a rogue interrogation team

Just like no one was at risk of going to war with Saudi Arabia when 17 or more of the hijackers came DIRECTLY from Saudi Arabia
Saudi Arabia kills a US resident

Mr. Khashoggi was a Saudi subject, and he VOLUNTARILY entered Saudi territory. If Saudi agents had abducted him off the streets of Donora PA and shipped him back to Mecca, there would be a problem. But that's not what happened.
Saudi Arabia kills a US resident

Mr. Khashoggi was a Saudi subject, and he VOLUNTARILY entered Saudi territory. If Saudi agents had abducted him off the streets of Donora PA and shipped him back to Mecca, there would be a problem. But that's not what happened.
No, then we wouldn't have had a problem if Trump tells you it wasn't a problem

Trump is trying to take someone out of PA now so he can be sent back and not many trump lovers have a problem with it
Saudis would not last a day without our military cover so we do have leverage.
Saudis would not last a day without our military cover so we do have leverage.
Kick Turkey out of NATO and bring Saudi in then.

Destroy NATO and create the Coalition of the Willing. ie. a Force of those who can vs those who can't.
Khashoggi is none of our business.
He is a permanent resident and his children are US Citizens

We have a dog in the fight

The Saudis didn't abduct Mr. Khashoggi, he went to their territory on his own initiative. Further, he is not a US citizen.

If they nabbed him off the streets of Hermitage PA, kidnapping him and sneaking him out of America, that would be something different. But that's not what they did.

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