Cia director david petraeus submits letter of resignation

I don't know what the big deal is.

It's his own personal business, that should be left between his wife and himself.

Everybody does it.

It didn't stop him from doing his job.

Politicians resign for those reasons all the time. In the military, it's especially frowned upon .

jesus , hes not in the military....
He's not under the UCMJ

He was and always will be General Petraeus. If he punished other soldiers for adultery, he cannot be seen committing adultery and not paying a price.

If he has any honor, he must resign.


He resigned last year.

You can't be in the military and CIA at the same time.

He retired from the military, not resigned.

And you are quite wrong. DCI's can be flag officers.

Adultery is a violation of the UCMJ.

Article 134.


Hmm...? Does the USCMJ cover retired personnel? As far as I know Gen. Pertaeus (Retired) and was Director of the CIA. Two different positions, not one and the same.

Again, he was and always will be General Petraeus. He cannot be seen getting away with something for which other soldiers under his command had been punished.


Well once upon a time in America the moveon. and the NEw York Times proclaimed him to be Gen Betrayus and Hilary proclaimed him to be a liar. That's the facts jack.
I don't know what the big deal is.

It's his own personal business, that should be left between his wife and himself.

Everybody does it.

It didn't stop him from doing his job.

Politicians resign for those reasons all the time. In the military, it's especially frowned upon .

jesus , hes not in the military....

But he was.

Just imagine if a Democrat who was a retired officer cheated on his wife and it was discovered other soldiers under his command when he was on active duty were punished for adultery. Can you say with a straight face the rabid pseudo-conservatives would not be foaming all over that?

Petreaus is doing the honorable thing.

This could get interesting...if I was a journalist - I would pay a few $million to get an interview with him.
This guy knows it all, and has laid things out on the table before.
We may learn more about Benghazi yet.
Or maybe he found a horse head in his bed last night.

Couldn't he just have gone on national TV, pointed at the camera and said "I didn't have sex with that woman, Monica Lewinsky"?
It has worked in the past...
I don't know what the big deal is.

It's his own personal business, that should be left between his wife and himself.

Everybody does it.

It didn't stop him from doing his job.

I agree. Thats between he and his wife and you know Barry and his boobs could give a rats ass if he had an affair.

More to it my friends. Benghazi anyone??

This is how conspiracy nutters get their start. They make shit up inside the information vacuum in their heads.

Don't be that person.


Your right G.

I'll agree that we will have to wait for more info.

The hearing should be interesting.

The General has resigned so hopefully we will get the facts.

Conspracy nutter?? LOL
Extramarital affair. Yeah. Sure. He was supposed to testify in the Benghazi hearings next week. He should have KNOWN this was going to happen the second he said that the order to stand down didn't come from the CIA.

Interesting timing. He can still be compelled to testify, but can't hide behind "executive privilege".
Adultery is a violation of the UCMJ.

Article 134.


Hmm...? Does the USCMJ cover retired personnel? As far as I know Gen. Pertaeus (Retired) and was Director of the CIA. Two different positions, not one and the same.

Again, he was and always will be General Petraeus. He cannot be seen getting away with something for which other soldiers under his command had been punished.


People like to bring past events of others into things that has nothing to do with anyone else.

With that said, I take it you would have supported and called for Clinton to resign when he was getting slobbed on his knob, a little stinky for his winky from someone who wasn't his wife?

People don't have to protect Obama any more, he won re-election and there are plenty of fall guys to take the blame. Before the election, a story like this would have hurt Obama, now, not so much. That's why it's going to be news, the media doesn't have to protect Obama any more.

Now maybe we can find out the truth about what happened in Benghazi and Fast and Furious. Maybe now the media will do their jobs.
[ame=]Hillary Disses Patraeus - YouTube[/ame]
Well I find that a good cover story.

Patreaus is a soldier first and foremost.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit that the stand down order in Benghazi stuck in his craw.

He's stepping down just and General Hamm was relieved.

Both pretty much at the same time. Go figure.

Let's not forget that the Admiral that was relieved of duty as well.
Politicians resign for those reasons all the time. In the military, it's especially frowned upon .

jesus , hes not in the military....

But he was.

Just imagine if a Democrat who was a retired officer cheated on his wife and it was discovered other soldiers under his command when he was on active duty were punished for adultery. Can you say with a straight face the rabid pseudo-conservatives would not be foaming all over that?

Petreaus is doing the honorable thing.


So you claim others are making shit up in the information vaccuum in their mind and then turn around and make shit up in the information vaccuum in your mind?

You might want to get that head examined, fella.
Well I find that a good cover story.

Patreaus is a soldier first and foremost.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit that the stand down order in Benghazi stuck in his craw.

He's stepping down just and General Hamm was relieved.

Both pretty much at the same time. Go figure.

Let's not forget that the Admiral that was relieved of duty as well.

Yup but lets see what facts actually come out.
Politicians resign for those reasons all the time. In the military, it's especially frowned upon .

jesus , hes not in the military....

But he was.

Just imagine if a Democrat who was a retired officer cheated on his wife and it was discovered other soldiers under his command when he was on active duty were punished for adultery. Can you say with a straight face the rabid pseudo-conservatives would not be foaming all over that?

Petreaus is doing the honorable thing.


speaking as a former service member it never occurred to me and I doubt it would have at all, unless you mentioned it, I don't see it at all.
jesus , hes not in the military....

But he was.

Just imagine if a Democrat who was a retired officer cheated on his wife and it was discovered other soldiers under his command when he was on active duty were punished for adultery. Can you say with a straight face the rabid pseudo-conservatives would not be foaming all over that?

Petreaus is doing the honorable thing.


So you claim others are making shit up in the information vaccuum in their mind and then turn around and make shit up in the information vaccuum in your mind?

You might want to get that head examined, fella.

An analogy is not making shit up. It's an analogy. I am illustrating the obvious hypocrisy going on here.

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Well I find that a good cover story.

Patreaus is a soldier first and foremost.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit that the stand down order in Benghazi stuck in his craw.

He's stepping down just and General Hamm was relieved.

Both pretty much at the same time. Go figure.

Petreaus said there was no stand down order, but don't let that stop you from making that shit up anyway.

It is scary how many people on this thread are so quick to believe this story. While he might have had an affair, he is NOT resigning because of it. he might have let the mistress have access to information she shouldn't have. There will be much more to this story. If the mistress does have details about Benghazi, she won't be under oath not to tell them. Hmmm
jesus , hes not in the military....

But he was.

Just imagine if a Democrat who was a retired officer cheated on his wife and it was discovered other soldiers under his command when he was on active duty were punished for adultery. Can you say with a straight face the rabid pseudo-conservatives would not be foaming all over that?

Petreaus is doing the honorable thing.


speaking as a former service member it never occurred to me and I doubt it would have at all, unless you mentioned it, I don't see it at all.

I am retired military and it is the first thing that occurred to me since my head was not clouded with conspiracy theories.

This has nothing to do with Benghazi. It has a lot to do with the investigation about Benghazi. Petraeus put his head on the block the second he said that the order to stand down didn't come from the CIA. That left open the question of where that order DID come from. Patreaus might have answered that question under oath.

This was an affair of convenience, probably dreamed up by Stephanie Cutter and David Axelrod.
Surely an ageing, obese, homosexual, eskimo woman is needed as a replacement.............Not because of qualifications, but affirmative action............

But ONLY if she approves of drug usage and the public paying for the execution of the unborn..........

This is most important
It is scary how many people on this thread are so quick to believe this story. While he might have had an affair, he is NOT resigning because of it. he might have let the mistress have access to information she shouldn't have. There will be much more to this story. If the mistress does have details about Benghazi, she won't be under oath not to tell them. Hmmm

Wow. Look at you go. Spinning a tale with the emperor's invisible yarn.


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