Cia director david petraeus submits letter of resignation

Adultery is a violation of the UCMJ.

Article 134.


It only applies to those on active duty, and Commander-in-Chief Bill Clinton was exempted. He really screwed up, but at least the General had the character to resign. BTW, Petraeus was retired from the military and not subject to the UCMJ.
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Petraeus had an affair? Um, no I don't think so. No offense but have you seen Petraeus?
This has nothing to do with Benghazi. It has a lot to do with the investigation about Benghazi. Petraeus put his head on the block the second he said that the order to stand down didn't come from the CIA. That left open the question of where that order DID come from. Patreaus might have answered that question under oath.

This was an affair of convenience, probably dreamed up by Stephanie Cutter and David Axelrod.

I wouldn't doubt that obama has dirt on just about everyone, just waiting for the right moment.

The thing is here, once he's out of government, obama can't claim he's under the umbrella of Executive privilege.
Right before he was to go before a senate committee on Benghazi massacre?

His resignation smells.... but then what's new... that's the modus operandis of this President.... lies and cover ups to the bitter end.

[ame=]Lt. Col. Ralph Peters on Petraeus Resignation: It Smells - YouTube[/ame]
Politicians resign for those reasons all the time. In the military, it's especially frowned upon .

jesus , hes not in the military....
As has already been pointed out, he was. He is still known as General Petraes, and, one more time, it's not uncommon for high profile individuals, like politicians to resign for the same reason.

Resigning when an affair is discovered is fairly common

As in bill clinton?
I'm actually a little surprised it took three whole days after the implosion of the unskewed polls fantasy for the next rightwing conspiracy theory to pop up. C'mon people, are you even trying?
Guess he will soon film a movie called "The Spy Who Loved Me..." oh wait, that's already a James Bond movie.
I dont understand why his resigning would prevent him from testifying...
Me either...Waiting for someone to 'splain that one.

He would be giving testimony in his capacity as CIA director. If he's not CIA director he can't testify in that capacity. Although Dianne Feinstein just said that she was going to find a way to make him testify anyway.
The FBI had been probing this affair. Seems this whole schmeal is a VERY big deal. Very interesting!

Regards from Rosie
Well I find that a good cover story.

Patreaus is a soldier first and foremost.

Wouldn't surprise me a bit that the stand down order in Benghazi stuck in his craw.

He's stepping down just and General Hamm was relieved.

Both pretty much at the same time. Go figure.

Petreaus said there was no stand down order, but don't let that stop you from making that shit up anyway.


uhm yes and no. we discussed this, the way he worded it he said the CIA didn' the context of politics and all of the cya that must be going on I find that statement ambiguous and probably purposely so.
Mebbe he was doin' the hanky-panky inna tanky...
CIA Director Petraeus quits: extramarital affair
November 9, 2012 WASHINGTON (AP) — Officials say revelations about the affair that led to Friday's resignation of CIA Director David Petraeus were discovered in the course of an FBI investigation.
The officials, briefed on what led to the CIA director's sudden resignation, spoke to The Associated Press on condition of anonymity because they were not authorized to publicly discuss the matter.

It was unclear what the FBI was investigating or when it discovered the Petraeus affair.

CIA Director Petraeus quits: extramarital affair |

See also:

CIA director David Petraeus resigns over affair
9 November 2012 - David Petraeus retired from 37 years in the military to become CIA director
CIA director David Petraeus has resigned from his post, admitting he had an extra-marital affair. In a statement, Mr Petraeus said he had submitted his resignation to President Barack Obama, and that he had shown "extremely poor judgement". He described his behaviour as "unacceptable" for the leader of the nation's main intelligence agency. Mr Petraeus became CIA boss in 2011 after heading international forces in Iraq, then in Afghanistan. He was the highest-profile military officer of the post-9/11 years, winning plaudits for his role running the "surge" in Iraq and implementing a counter-insurgency strategy in Afghanistan.

'Great patriot'

Mr Petraeus' resignation came just three days after President Barack Obama's re-election, and prompted a flurry of statements from the White House, intelligence community and Mr Petraeus himself. Announcing his decision to stand down, the former general was full of contrition. "After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extra-marital affair," Mr Petraeus said in a statement. "Such behaviour is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organisation such as ours. This afternoon, the president graciously accepted my resignation."

Mr Obama's statement said Mr Petraeus had "provided extraordinary service to the United States for decades", citing both his time as CIA director and service to the military. "By any measure, through his lifetime of service David Petraeus has made our country safer and stronger." "Going forward, my thoughts and prayers are with Dave and Holly Petraeus, who has done so much to help military families through her own work." James Clapper, director of national intelligence, thanked Mr Petraeus for his decades of service: "Dave's decision to step down represents the loss of one of our nation's most respected public servants," "I have spent more than five decades serving our country - in uniform and out - and of all the exceptional men and women I have worked with over the years, I can honestly say that Dave Petraeus stands out as one of our nation's great patriots."

CIA deputy director Michael Morell will serve as acting director of the agency, the White House confirmed. Eventually Mr Obama must nominate a new director to head the agency, who will then need to be confirmed by the Senate. Mr Morell, who is well respected at both the White House and on Capitol Hill, also served as acting director following the departure of former CIA chief Leon Panetta. The CIA faces a potential period of instability after Mr Petraeus' resignation, as it also deals with a budget plateau and questions over its response to a deadly attack at a US consulate in Benghazi, Libya.

BBC News - CIA director David Petraeus resigns over affair
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I dont understand why his resigning would prevent him from testifying...
Me either...Waiting for someone to 'splain that one.

He would be giving testimony in his capacity as CIA director. If he's not CIA director he can't testify in that capacity. Although Dianne Feinstein just said that she was going to find a way to make him testify anyway.
Betcha dollar to a dog turd someone gets to her pronto.
Still don't see how he can't testify and if he can't testify how it isn't devastating to the administration. Oh wait we have a pathetic group of journalists working to "inform"... it wont matter.
breaking , no links yet.......

Benghazi casualty? :eusa_think:

if anyone has another idea for a more appropriate forum for this sound off, I am not sure were it should go...*shrugs*

no... casualty of his own open zipper...

from his resignation letter:

November 2012
Yesterday afternoon, I went to the White House and asked the President to be allowed, for personal reasons, to resign from my position as D/CIA. After being married for over 37 years, I showed extremely poor judgment by engaging in an extramarital affair. Such behavior is unacceptable, both as a husband and as the leader of an organization such as ours. This afternoon, the President graciously accepted my resignation.

As I depart Langley, I want you to know that it has been the greatest of privileges to have served with you, the officers of our Nation's Silent Service, a work force that is truly exceptional in every regard. Indeed, you did extraordinary work on a host of critical missions during my time as director, and I am deeply grateful to you for that.

CIA Director David Petraeus resigns, cites extramarital affair - U.S. News

i know there will be mourning in rightwingnuthackworld because he didn't resign because of "behghazi".

did bush's CIA director resign because the US got attacked on bush's watch?

he did resign because of benghazi, that letter about "an affair" is just another in a long line of cover ups.

Your fevered imagination is working overtime. Is this going to be another loony right conspiracy?

Do you think petrarus is a liar?

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