CIA director- not enough information


Diamond Member
Dec 28, 2010
Western Va.
How the hell did Leon Panetta ever qualify as CIA director? It just proves the fact that the so-called "intelligence agency" is a home for political hacks. The CIA with it's secret budget hasn't been on top of any incident since WW2. Everything seems to come as a surprise to the CIA including the Korean War, the Berlin Wall, Lee Oswald's whereabouts, and 9-11. If George Bush made any mistakes regarding 9-11 the biggest was not throwing out every political hack Clinton appointed. Anyway it seems that the left wing bureaucracy, the CIA, has joined the fray and defended O-blame-a and Hillary. We saw the vehicles burning in the brief video of the assault on The Libyian Embassy and we heard the gunshots but the CIA chief said he didn't have enough information to make a decision. We really, really need to throw those bums out.
You dupes seem to have no ideas when these videos became available, but you can be sure Rush and Beck will mislead you. They seem to think Facebook is an organ of the CIA.

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