CIA hit squads said to be killing whistleblowers.

Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

View attachment 429680
Do you remember when JFK pissed off the CIA
This shill is a waste of breath,trust me.
Conspiracy theorists usually are, although they are good for amusement occasionally.
Whistle blowers like in this whole election mess should have protection squads. Too much at stake to not protect them and too many bullies out there at this point.
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

Kennedy was killed by Oswald who was not in the CIA. Your paranoid theories have long since been debunked
It's not "Trump's CIA." They're part of the "swamp" too.
But, but, but ..."the CIA is just one of those 17 intelligence agencies
under the president's thumb. "

That's what they want you to believe.
It's not "Trump's CIA." They're part of the "swamp" too.
But, but, but ..."the CIA is just one of those 17 intelligence agencies
under the president's thumb. "

That's what they want you to believe.
View attachment 429814
No they do not wantr you to believe anything.

What they want is for you to try annd post some evidence for the various idiotic conspiracy theories you talk about.

All you do is post long boring Youtube videos which repeat your assertions but present no evidence
Your obviously trolling my thread trying to get a reaction out of me.not going to take the bait and get into a pissing contest your trying to start,anybody else that had posted this you would not have said that as we both know. Go troll somewhere else,you don’t even contribute anything to the discussion
For the record, I don't troll, but thanks for noticing me, Root Beer.
post some evidence for the various idiotic conspiracy theories
Actually I only have 3 personal issues ( conspiracy theories- you call them) .
9/11 was controlled demolition ( all 3 towers), McVeigh was paid to do Ok City, and the JFK murder. I won't get into the history like Operation Paperclip, but you get the picture. You're smart.

All the other Pizzagate, Sandy Hooks type stuff is put out there as distractions....but you knew that, agent soupy.

Didn't ya ?
post some evidence for the various idiotic conspiracy theories
Actually I only have 3 personal issues ( conspiracy theories- you call them) .
9/11 was controlled demolition ( all 3 towers), McVeigh was paid to do Ok City, and the JFK murder. I won't get into the history like Operation Paperclip, but you get the picture. You're smart.

All the other Pizzagate, Sandy Hooks type stuff is put out there as distractions....but you knew that, agent soupy.

Didn't ya ?View attachment 429816

That's like saying "Don't lump me in with all those dumb drug users, I only use heroine and crack."
Anybody that thinks otherwise is a fucking idiot,they are the most criminal organization in the world right up with the mossad. They have been killing Americans forever. Thats why I am not the huge trump fan that many are.

we keep hearing he will drain the swamp,well every other action of his seems pointless if he is not going to get rid of them as our last great president Kennedy tried to do and paid the deadly price for it.Carter as well tried to. The fact he has not even lifted a finger on this,I wonder how sincere he really is about making America great. That he is just more concerned about being reelected.He had four years to get something done on this and did not even lift a fucking finger.

If anything the CIA is a deep swamp operation in opposition to Trump. Besides the FBI is far more corrupt than the CIA and always has been.
Sorry, I don't have a tinfoil hat handy. A tinfoil hat is required to get the full extent of those videos.
So, here's a neat and tidy little partial transcript for you, in case
you ever suddenly get curious or by some act of God, grow a conscience.

post some evidence for the various idiotic conspiracy theories
Actually I only have 3 personal issues ( conspiracy theories- you call them) .
9/11 was controlled demolition ( all 3 towers), McVeigh was paid to do Ok City, and the JFK murder. I won't get into the history like Operation Paperclip, but you get the picture. You're smart.

All the other Pizzagate, Sandy Hooks type stuff is put out there as distractions....but you knew that, agent soupy.

Didn't ya ?View attachment 429816
Like I said you have no evidence for any of those three claims.

Just long boring videos which repeat the claims but offer no evidence.

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