CIA lied, even to Bush, torture was used and outsourced, McCain: "shameful", un-American

Bush was also way too busy letting bin Laden go.

Never never EVER trust one word from McCain.

i have to agree with your ASSessment of McCain !!

that shit stain McCain asserted that torture doesn't work,
McCain, who was tortured during the Vietnam War, has been a pretty steadfast opponent of torture, and today, he added his voice, torture doesn't work.


when he was running for prez, in one of his speeches he said this:

"I always liked to strut a little after I'd been roughed up to show the other guys I was tough enough to take it. But after I turned down their offer, they worked me over harder than they ever had before. For a long time. And they broke me."

go fuck yourself mccain, you are a total shit stain on my great state of ARIZONA, go to Commiefornia where they will shower you with liberliar praise.

McCain, :fu: ....................................... :asshole:
Of course torture works! can you even question it? I mean, look at all those women that confessed to being witches!
the CIA is much worse than that.the are no different than the gestapo.they brought nazi war criminals over to work for them here after the war was over,they are the reason the world is in the mess it is with wars all the time.
the DEMOSCUM regime at the time (1945-1948) brought nazi war criminals over to work for them here after the war was over, the DEMOSCUM are the reason the world is in the mess it is with wars all the time.
^.......^...........^ ^.....^.....^......^.....^......
i like my version much better.., don't you ?
Plus, it might help rebuild a bit of credibility with our allies. You know, after all the torturing and lying.

our allies ???

if you think those "ALLIES" do not torture, you need a good hard dose of REALITY !! :up:
Didn't work much either...Bush too busy fighting gay marriage, allowing doctors and family to allow a dignified end for Terry Sciavo to concentrate on muslim terrorists getting flying lessons etc according to his terrorism Czar.
Sending suspects to Afghan black houses, etc, to avoid responsibility, is a disgrace.

The day the terrorist deliver proper treatment to American prisoners and stop attacking civilians is the day I give a rats ass if they get tortured.
At this point fuck em,feel free to ram a cattle prod up their ass and light em up.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?
Because it the right and American thing to do, and might stop us from future mistakes and remind the world we're not all a-hole Pubs and fear mongered ugly American chumps.
Right thing to do? Getting more Americans killed because obama released a report that has no affect on you?
More than all they can do already? It's also a lesson in civilized democracy for the ME that a-hole Pubs and hater dupes don't get. Always a disgrace.
Idiot you bitched about a video that wasn't, but this is AOK to release?
You mean the idiotic, insulting RW video that the NSA and CIA believe was probably the trigger for the Bengazi attack, and definitely the reason for protests/attacks at many embassies around the ME earlier that day?
Feinstien had to say the CIA lied. She was on the Senate committee that oversaw the practice. This is the last of a Democratic senate for years to come.
You numbskulls think the muslim radicals didn't ALREADY know about the torture? lol

22 GOP senators are up in 2016, when Dems and indies vote. Cruz/ Palin 2016.
You numbskulls think the muslim radicals didn't ALREADY know about the torture? lol

22 GOP senators are up in 2016, when Dems and indies vote. Cruz/ Palin 2016.
the white house has admitted with the release of the information they expect increased attacks
Because Pubs are mega rich a-holes and don't have to worry about the law, hater dupes...Speaking of which, I blame, more than pleasant dork W, CHENEY!!!
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Interrogations that lasted for days on end. Detainees forced to stand on broken legs, or go 180 hours in a row without sleep. A prison so cold, one suspect essentially froze to death. The Senate Intelligence Committee is finally releasing its review of the CIA’s detention and interrogation programs. And it is brutal.

Here are some of the most gruesome moments of detainee abuse from a summary of the report, obtained by The Daily Beast:

Well Worn’ Waterboards

The CIA has previously said that only three detainees were ever waterboarded: Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, Abu Zubaydah, and Abd Al Rahim al-Nashiri. But records uncovered by the Senate Intelligence Committee suggest there may have been more than three subjects. The Senate report describes a photograph of a “well worn” waterboard, surrounded by buckets of water, at a detention site where the CIA has claimed it never subjected a detainee to this procedure. In a meeting with the CIA in 2013, the agency was not able to explain the presence of this waterboard.

Near Drowning

Contrary to CIA’s description to the Department of Justice, the Senate report says that the waterboarding was physically harmful, leading to convulsions and vomiting. During one session, detainee Abu Zubaydah became “completely unresponsive with bubbles rising through his open full mouth.” Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was waterboarded at least 183 times, which the Senate report describes as escalating into a “series of near drownings.”

The Dungeon-Like ‘Salt Pit’

Opened in Sept. 2002, this “poorly managed” detention facility was the second site opened by the CIA after the 9/11 attacks. The Senate report refers to it by the pseudonym Cobalt, but details of what happened there indicate that it’s a notorious “black site” in Afghanistan known as the Salt Pit. Although the facility kept few formal records, the committee concluded that untrained CIA operatives conducted unauthorized, unsupervised interrogation there.

A Senate aide who briefed reporters on the condition that he not be identified said that the Cobalt site was run by a junior officer with no relevant experience, and that this person had “issues” in his background that should have disqualified him from working for the CIA at all. The aide didn’t specify what those issues were, but suggested that the CIA should have flagged them. The committee found that some employees at the site lacked proper training and had “histories of violence and mistreatment of others.”

Standing on Broken Legs

In November 2002, a detainee who had been held partially nude and chained to the floor died, apparently from hypothermia. This case appears similar to the that of Gul Rahman, who died of similarly explained causes at an Afghan site known as the “Salt Pit,” also in November 2002. The site was also called “The Dark Prison” by former captives.

The aide said that the Cobalt site was was dark, like a dungeon, and that experts who visited the site said they’d never seen an American prison where people were kept in such conditions. The facility was so dark in some places that guard had to wear head lamps, while other rooms were flooded with bright lights and white noise to disorient detainees.

At the Cobalt facility, the CIA also forced some detainees who had broken feet or legs to stand in stress-inducing positions, despite having earlier pledged that they wouldn’t subject those wounded individuals to treatment that might exacerbate their injuries.

Non-stop Interrogation,d.cWc
Bush was also way too busy letting bin Laden go.

Never never EVER trust one word from McCain.

Was just wondering - THAT McCain?

Now in a serious tone.
It is unpleasant and troubling yes I agree, but in the our world life ain't black or white so when we find a gray situation - we observe the smaller details to see whether its closer to white or black, the ultimate paradox - the fact its been kept under the radar and wasn't supervised is what worries me, once it is fully supervised, documented, and of course utilized I would know that people for example which are holding valuable information about incoming attack and not willing to share it - won't succeed because the real cruelty is to know you could prevent it - in ANYWAY you could save lives - but you didn't.
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?

Because it's better to have us release it and fess up to it than to have some whistle-blower leak it.
horse shit

Well, you know, what better the government release it than it splashing on the pages of WikiLeaks.

Because you know what, that is what would have happened if they tried to surpress this much longer.,d.aWw

Did the torture begin, and did it get out of hand, because the CIA’s detention and interrogation program devolved into a rogue operation? Or were the program’s managers actually doing the president’s dirty business?

If the former was the case, then heads should roll, grand juries should be assembled, organizational charts should be reshuffled, and mechanisms of oversight should be tightened. If the latter was the case, well, that’s what elections are for. “Enhanced-interrogation techniques” were formally ended by President Obama after the 2008 election, and perhaps future presidents will read the report with an eye toward avoiding the mistakes of the past.

But which was it? Were the CIA’s directorate of operations and its counterterrorism center freelancing after the Sept. 11 attacks, or were they exchanging winks and nods with the commander-in-chief?

The annals of history suggest the latter, and in a few passages, so does the report. A big lesson of the Church Committee—Sen. Frank Church’s mid-1970s probe into black-bag jobs, assassination plots, coup attempts, and other acts of CIA malfeasance since the agency’s origins—is that, in nearly every instance, there was no “rogue elephant” at Langley. Rather, the presidents in office at the time knew what was going on, at least in broad, strategic terms—and their CIA henchmen...
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