CIA lied, even to Bush, torture was used and outsourced, McCain: "shameful", un-American

Didn't work much either...Bush too busy fighting gay marriage, allowing doctors and family to allow a dignified end for Terry Sciavo to concentrate on muslim terrorists getting flying lessons etc according to his terrorism Czar.
Sending suspects to Afghan black houses, etc, to avoid responsibility, is a disgrace.
stupid thing about all this obama releasing the report so his terrorist buddy's will have a reason to kill more Americans.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?

Because transparency and acknowledgment of our mistakes is 1) the law, and 2) what makes us better than the authoritarian governments we oppose. Who lack such transparency.

The CIA tortured people. And then lied about it. We should know about it.
I have no problem with what the CIA wasn't torture and the fact that the interrogators who did the work weren't interviewed for this smear job makes it simply that...a democrat smear job because they just don't care about what damage it does to our ability to get information from hardened head choppers who will not respond to law enforcement interrogation techniques....but hey....we will pay for this democrat smear job with American lives.....hope you silly people will be happy....
congress knew everything....they approved it...if you think otherwise you are a fool...the very people who okayed these techniques are now,lying about what they knew and approved.....
I have no problem with what the CIA wasn't torture and the fact that the interrogators who did the work weren't interviewed for this smear job makes it simply that...a democrat smear job because they just don't care about what damage it does to our ability to get information from hardened head choppers who will not respond to law enforcement interrogation techniques....but hey....we will pay for this democrat smear job with American lives.....hope you silly people will be happy....

Yeah, apparently that 'democratic smear job' goes back to the war tribunals after WW2;

Here's the testimony of two Americans imprisoned by the Japanese:

They would lash me to a stretcher then prop me up against a table with my head down. They would then pour about two gallons of water from a pitcher into my nose and mouth until I lost consciousness.

And from the second prisoner: They laid me out on a stretcher and strapped me on. The stretcher was then stood on end with my head almost touching the floor and my feet in the air. . . . They then began pouring water over my face and at times it was almost impossible for me to breathe without sucking in water.

As a result of such accounts, a number of Japanese prison-camp officers and guards were convicted of torture that clearly violated the laws of war. They were not the only defendants convicted in such cases. As far back as the U.S. occupation of the Philippines after the 1898 Spanish-American War, U.S. soldiers were court-martialed for using the "water cure" to question Filipino guerrillas.

Waterboarding Used to Be a Crime

So that's two wars were water boarding was considered a crime under US laws and one where it was recognized as torture by the US government.

But now its okay?
You don't know the difference between types of water boarding....what the communists, Japanese and Cambodians did and how we did it...if you did you would know how silly your post is...and no Republicans participated in this democrat smear job and that is what it is a last smear job by a real witch...sadly, no one water boarded her so she didn't melt.....
You don't know the difference between types of water boarding....what the communists, Japanese and Cambodians did and how we did it...if you did you would know how silly your post is...and no Republicans participated in this democrat smear job and that is what it is a last smear job by a real witch...sadly, no one water boarded her so she didn't melt.....

Then by all means explain how the waterboarding we did differed significantly from what we recognized as a war crime and torture after WW2...and court martialed our own people for doing. Because apparently neither I nor Senator McCain note any relevant difference:

"There should be little doubt from American history that we consider that as torture otherwise we wouldn't have tried and convicted Japanese for doing that same thing to Americans," McCain said during a news conference.

He said he forgot to mention that piece of history during Wednesday night's Republican debate, during which he criticized former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney after Romney declined to publicly say what interrogation techniques he would rule out.

"I would also hope that he would not want to be associated with a technique which was invented in the Spanish Inquisition, was used by Pol Pot in one of the great eras of genocide in history and is being used on Burmese monks as we speak," the Arizona senator said. "America is a better nation than that."

McCain Japanese Hanged For Waterboarding - CBS News

But you know better than McCain, a man who endured years of torture....on what constitutes torture, huh?

And McCain's right, of course. We are a better nation than that. This report is a step in admitting our mistake and doing better. Rather than keeping the information suppressed and hidden like any dictatorship or authoritarian government we oppose might do. Transparency is one of the ways we're better than they are.
You don't know the difference between types of water boarding....what the communists, Japanese and Cambodians did and how we did it...if you did you would know how silly your post is...and no Republicans participated in this democrat smear job and that is what it is a last smear job by a real witch...sadly, no one water boarded her so she didn't melt.....
This kind of foot-shuffling rationalization is shameful.
Bush was also way too busy letting bin Laden go.

Never never EVER trust one word from McCain.


I'm sorry, but didn't you call me a nutter when I said Obama was purposely arming ISIS (Al Nusra) to fight Assad in Syria?
congress knew everything....they approved it...if you think otherwise you are a fool...the very people who okayed these techniques are now,lying about what they knew and approved.....
80% were sent to foreign black sites and tortured without question, and you're a fascist chump.
Bush was also way too busy letting bin Laden go.

Never never EVER trust one word from McCain.


I'm sorry, but didn't you call me a nutter when I said Obama was purposely arming ISIS (Al Nusra) to fight Assad in Syria?
I will, brainwashed functional moron. In fact, he refused to arm anyone in fear that fanatics would get some, for years. Obama purposely arming ISIL is pure RW idiocy, conspiracy nutjob. Who the hell would go along with that? He isn't Raygun or Rummie or Cheney or some other RW chickenhawk fool.
And McCain never said that, A-hole tool of the new bs, idiot GOP.
And McCain never said that, A-hole tool of the new bs, idiot GOP.

You can always count on Progressives to defend Neocons when their "phony scandals" are revealed.

Can anyone names at least three key differences between Obamacare and Romneycare? Or Obama Wall Street Bailouts and the Bush Wall Street Bailouts?
Sure, dingbat. Romney tried to block many parts of Roneycare, and had no choice but to sign it. A total a-hole. Bush's bailouts were all for his Wall St. cronies who caused the meltdown. Obama's included tax cuts for the non-rich, infrastructure jobs, Auto bailouts, and aid to state and local gov's. Read something.
stupid thing about all this obama releasing the report so his terrorist buddy's will have a reason to kill more Americans.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?
Because it the right and American thing to do, and might stop us from future mistakes and remind the world we're not all a-hole Pubs and fear mongered ugly American chumps.
Right thing to do? Getting more Americans killed because obama released a report that has no affect on you?
More than all they can do already? It's also a lesson in civilized democracy for the ME that a-hole Pubs and hater dupes don't get. Always a disgrace.
Idiot you bitched about a video that wasn't, but this is AOK to release?
Didn't work much either...Bush too busy fighting gay marriage, allowing doctors and family to allow a dignified end for Terry Sciavo to concentrate on muslim terrorists getting flying lessons etc according to his terrorism Czar.
Sending suspects to Afghan black houses, etc, to avoid responsibility, is a disgrace.
stupid thing about all this obama releasing the report so his terrorist buddy's will have a reason to kill more Americans.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?

Because transparency and acknowledgment of our mistakes is 1) the law, and 2) what makes us better than the authoritarian governments we oppose. Who lack such transparency.

The CIA tortured people. And then lied about it. We should know about it.
Getting more Americans killed all that will happen.
Didn't work much either...Bush too busy fighting gay marriage, allowing doctors and family to allow a dignified end for Terry Sciavo to concentrate on muslim terrorists getting flying lessons etc according to his terrorism Czar.
Sending suspects to Afghan black houses, etc, to avoid responsibility, is a disgrace.
stupid thing about all this obama releasing the report so his terrorist buddy's will have a reason to kill more Americans.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?

Because transparency and acknowledgment of our mistakes is 1) the law, and 2) what makes us better than the authoritarian governments we oppose. Who lack such transparency.

The CIA tortured people. And then lied about it. We should know about it.
Getting more Americans killed all that will happen.

It might well prevent similar episodes in the future. And since its our actions that are eliciting the response ......not making the same mistake again will help prevent additional responses.

Plus, it might help rebuild a bit of credibility with our allies. You know, after all the torturing and lying.
stupid thing about all this obama releasing the report so his terrorist buddy's will have a reason to kill more Americans.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?

Because transparency and acknowledgment of our mistakes is 1) the law, and 2) what makes us better than the authoritarian governments we oppose. Who lack such transparency.

The CIA tortured people. And then lied about it. We should know about it.
Getting more Americans killed all that will happen.

It might well prevent similar episodes in the future. And since its our actions that are eliciting the response ......not making the same mistake again will help prevent additional responses.

Plus, it might help rebuild a bit of credibility with our allies. You know, after all the torturing and lying.

I get it
doesn't matter what obama says or does, no matter how stupid arrogant and disrespectful it is, doesn't matter how much his supporters are insulted by being called stupid, some will always support him. You remind me of a battered woman, who keeps loving her abusive husband even until the night he beats her to death.
You think they didn't already know lol? Maybe we should try American values- they seem to impress people, fear mongered hater dupe. Giving up freedom for security makes us unworthy of either. Anyway, the CIA is an incompetent, macho mess as far as I can tell.

McCain might know a thing or 2 about this...
The white house said to expect more attacks because of it. So why release the report?

Because transparency and acknowledgment of our mistakes is 1) the law, and 2) what makes us better than the authoritarian governments we oppose. Who lack such transparency.

The CIA tortured people. And then lied about it. We should know about it.
Getting more Americans killed all that will happen.

It might well prevent similar episodes in the future. And since its our actions that are eliciting the response ......not making the same mistake again will help prevent additional responses.

Plus, it might help rebuild a bit of credibility with our allies. You know, after all the torturing and lying.

I get it
doesn't matter what obama says or does, no matter how stupid arrogant and disrespectful it is, doesn't matter how much his supporters are insulted by being called stupid, some will always support him. You remind me of a battered woman, who keeps loving her abusive husband even until the night he beats her to death.

Clearly you don't get it. We tortured. We lied. Its our actions that will illicit the response from our enemies.

The release of this report will help prevent future torture and lies from the CIA. And prevent more of the same actions that will illicit the response from our enemies.

You don't seem the slightest bit concerned about the torture and the lies. Only getting caught. Which tell us volumes.

And lastly...its not Obama's report. Its from the Senate Committee. Its the Senate's report. And how is telling the truth 'arrogant' or 'disrespectful'? We acted horribly. We violated our own values. We violated our own laws. And we lied about it. This is something we should admit to, and the people have the right to know.
You don't know the difference between types of water boarding....what the communists, Japanese and Cambodians did and how we did it...if you did you would know how silly your post is...and no Republicans participated in this democrat smear job and that is what it is a last smear job by a real witch...sadly, no one water boarded her so she didn't melt.....
This kind of foot-shuffling rationalization is shameful.

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