Cigarette Tax’s Unintended Consequences That EVERYBODY Saw Coming – Except Libs

No medical care system is perfect in spite of what you guys have been telling us for years.

We all have our problems, including Canada, and I have talked with plenty of elderly Canadian drivers throughout the years. You can find article after article on the subject.

All any system can do is try to make it better. That's all. You will never create the perfect system no matter who you try to emulate. For instance we had a great system, it's just that prices got out of control and that left people unable to afford healthcare. Commie Care came along and made things worse.

What system does government run efficiently and economically? None. So why do we turn to government to solve any of our problems?
Government runs what private for profit companies should not. Prisons, Congress, schools, elections, the military, fire and police, our public airwaves, post office, r&d, healthcare, energy, public lands, IRS, epa. Notice a lot of these things the government does is because corporations don't want to do or want to charge too much to do it. For example to deliver a letter to someone who lives on a mountain in Alaska. The USPS does it for fifty cents

Republicans would like to privatize everything. Zero regulations. And a government powerless to defend citizens from extreme wealth.

Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?

Really? I almost never have a problem with the post office. On occasion they have delivered my mail to the wrong address, considering their volume it's not a big deal. FedEx and UPS have both done the same to me as well.

When the post office started going broke, they merged post offices and our local one got moved to the next suburb. Since that time, I've had nothing but problems. The mail I put in the mail box doesn't get to it's destination, and mail I'm supposed to get never gets here.

In that past, I've been able to threaten them by calling the Post Master General. Now it seems that they don't even give a shit. I get credit card bills in the mail with late charges because I didn't pay it the previous month. I never got it the previous month. I've had others send bills here that were due three days before I got the invoice.

I've never had a problem with Fed Ex and had one problem with UPS. Other than that, the items I order get here and get here on time.

You didn't pay a credit card bill because it came late in the mail? That's 100% your fault, take some personal responsibility, fer cryin' out loud

To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.
Government runs what private for profit companies should not. Prisons, Congress, schools, elections, the military, fire and police, our public airwaves, post office, r&d, healthcare, energy, public lands, IRS, epa. Notice a lot of these things the government does is because corporations don't want to do or want to charge too much to do it. For example to deliver a letter to someone who lives on a mountain in Alaska. The USPS does it for fifty cents

Republicans would like to privatize everything. Zero regulations. And a government powerless to defend citizens from extreme wealth.

Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?

Really? I almost never have a problem with the post office. On occasion they have delivered my mail to the wrong address, considering their volume it's not a big deal. FedEx and UPS have both done the same to me as well.

When the post office started going broke, they merged post offices and our local one got moved to the next suburb. Since that time, I've had nothing but problems. The mail I put in the mail box doesn't get to it's destination, and mail I'm supposed to get never gets here.

In that past, I've been able to threaten them by calling the Post Master General. Now it seems that they don't even give a shit. I get credit card bills in the mail with late charges because I didn't pay it the previous month. I never got it the previous month. I've had others send bills here that were due three days before I got the invoice.

I've never had a problem with Fed Ex and had one problem with UPS. Other than that, the items I order get here and get here on time.

You didn't pay a credit card bill because it came late in the mail? That's 100% your fault, take some personal responsibility, fer cryin' out loud

To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.

Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Here's a thought, keep track of your bills. It's also 2015, why are you relying on big government to deliver them to you?
Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?

Really? I almost never have a problem with the post office. On occasion they have delivered my mail to the wrong address, considering their volume it's not a big deal. FedEx and UPS have both done the same to me as well.

When the post office started going broke, they merged post offices and our local one got moved to the next suburb. Since that time, I've had nothing but problems. The mail I put in the mail box doesn't get to it's destination, and mail I'm supposed to get never gets here.

In that past, I've been able to threaten them by calling the Post Master General. Now it seems that they don't even give a shit. I get credit card bills in the mail with late charges because I didn't pay it the previous month. I never got it the previous month. I've had others send bills here that were due three days before I got the invoice.

I've never had a problem with Fed Ex and had one problem with UPS. Other than that, the items I order get here and get here on time.

You didn't pay a credit card bill because it came late in the mail? That's 100% your fault, take some personal responsibility, fer cryin' out loud

To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.

Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.
Really? I almost never have a problem with the post office. On occasion they have delivered my mail to the wrong address, considering their volume it's not a big deal. FedEx and UPS have both done the same to me as well.

When the post office started going broke, they merged post offices and our local one got moved to the next suburb. Since that time, I've had nothing but problems. The mail I put in the mail box doesn't get to it's destination, and mail I'm supposed to get never gets here.

In that past, I've been able to threaten them by calling the Post Master General. Now it seems that they don't even give a shit. I get credit card bills in the mail with late charges because I didn't pay it the previous month. I never got it the previous month. I've had others send bills here that were due three days before I got the invoice.

I've never had a problem with Fed Ex and had one problem with UPS. Other than that, the items I order get here and get here on time.

You didn't pay a credit card bill because it came late in the mail? That's 100% your fault, take some personal responsibility, fer cryin' out loud

To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.

Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.

You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.
When the post office started going broke, they merged post offices and our local one got moved to the next suburb. Since that time, I've had nothing but problems. The mail I put in the mail box doesn't get to it's destination, and mail I'm supposed to get never gets here.

In that past, I've been able to threaten them by calling the Post Master General. Now it seems that they don't even give a shit. I get credit card bills in the mail with late charges because I didn't pay it the previous month. I never got it the previous month. I've had others send bills here that were due three days before I got the invoice.

I've never had a problem with Fed Ex and had one problem with UPS. Other than that, the items I order get here and get here on time.

You didn't pay a credit card bill because it came late in the mail? That's 100% your fault, take some personal responsibility, fer cryin' out loud

To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.

Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.

You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.

I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.
Wouldn't cost us millions if the government would stay the fuck out of our health care

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Every other country in the world loves their socialized medicine and they realize our healthcare system is a joke because of the for profits.

EVERYONE else understands but stupid Americans.

Healthcare went up 900% on Bush's watch. Yea, no problem at all...if you are rich or working for a good company. The rest can fuck off and die, huh?

Maybe you should talk to some Canadians, particularly elder Canadians about how much they love their Socialized healthcare. Especially talk to the Canadians that are in our joke of US hospitals that they crowd into over here about their healthcare system.

Both my British bosses have mums at home who are getting old. They say Brits love not having to worry about their parents or themselves. If you get sick you are covered. And they figured out how to pay for it.

And the rich are still rich!

Okay, so what are they doing so differently? What would we have to change in our system? What kind of money do their healthcare workers make, and would our citizens be willing to work for the same money? Do they have lawsuits and malpractice over there and how much is it? What is their quality of care over there and how does it differ from ours? We have the highest paid doctors in the US. That's why we have so many leave their country and come over here--to make the best money, so we do get the best doctors.
The healthcare providers aren't the problem. It's the profit motive of the insurance provider. We have 100 people in between you and your doctor, all with their hands out.

Then consider they want to max profits, right? So they charge what the market will bare. And their way 25% can't afford it.

I had to pay $350 a month and then I had co pays and deductibles. If you have a good job healthcare is great. If you don't its not good.
You didn't pay a credit card bill because it came late in the mail? That's 100% your fault, take some personal responsibility, fer cryin' out loud

To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.

Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.

You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.

I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.

You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.
Every other country in the world loves their socialized medicine and they realize our healthcare system is a joke because of the for profits.

EVERYONE else understands but stupid Americans.

Healthcare went up 900% on Bush's watch. Yea, no problem at all...if you are rich or working for a good company. The rest can fuck off and die, huh?

Maybe you should talk to some Canadians, particularly elder Canadians about how much they love their Socialized healthcare. Especially talk to the Canadians that are in our joke of US hospitals that they crowd into over here about their healthcare system.

Both my British bosses have mums at home who are getting old. They say Brits love not having to worry about their parents or themselves. If you get sick you are covered. And they figured out how to pay for it.

And the rich are still rich!

Okay, so what are they doing so differently? What would we have to change in our system? What kind of money do their healthcare workers make, and would our citizens be willing to work for the same money? Do they have lawsuits and malpractice over there and how much is it? What is their quality of care over there and how does it differ from ours? We have the highest paid doctors in the US. That's why we have so many leave their country and come over here--to make the best money, so we do get the best doctors.
The healthcare providers aren't the problem. It's the profit motive of the insurance provider. We have 100 people in between you and your doctor, all with their hands out.

Then consider they want to max profits, right? So they charge what the market will bare. And their way 25% can't afford it.

I had to pay $350 a month and then I had co pays and deductibles. If you have a good job healthcare is great. If you don't its not good.

Oh trust me, I know. When Commie Care went into effect, my employer (like so many others) dropped our coverage. He gave us a small raise and told us to find our own healthcare insurance. It sucks.

But insurance companies are not the problem. The problem is government.

Medicare and Medicaid typically pay 2/3 of the bill for their patients. Clinics, hospitals and doctors need to make up those losses somewhere, and that somewhere is private pay and private insured people. So of course, as we've seen, premiums kept increasing at alarming rates.

Over the years, facilities that had mostly government patients (usually inner-city) closed down because they didn't have enough private insured patients to make up those losses. A trend started growing about ten years ago where doctors and facilities started to refuse new government patients because they could no longer take the loss.

The first step is for government to pay the full bill for their patients. That may mean a tax increase, much higher payroll deductions for Medicare which employers must match, but government has to quit choking the system.
Every other country in the world loves their socialized medicine and they realize our healthcare system is a joke because of the for profits.

EVERYONE else understands but stupid Americans.

Healthcare went up 900% on Bush's watch. Yea, no problem at all...if you are rich or working for a good company. The rest can fuck off and die, huh?

Maybe you should talk to some Canadians, particularly elder Canadians about how much they love their Socialized healthcare. Especially talk to the Canadians that are in our joke of US hospitals that they crowd into over here about their healthcare system.
Sure, Canadians with a lot of money.

My mom had lymphoma and had to wait weeks to get in. She lives in America. I could tell you a lot of nightmare stories about the American healthcare system. You guys have been telling this one story for 40 years.

No medical care system is perfect in spite of what you guys have been telling us for years.

We all have our problems, including Canada, and I have talked with plenty of elderly Canadian drivers throughout the years. You can find article after article on the subject.

All any system can do is try to make it better. That's all. You will never create the perfect system no matter who you try to emulate. For instance we had a great system, it's just that prices got out of control and that left people unable to afford healthcare. Commie Care came along and made things worse.

What system does government run efficiently and economically? None. So why do we turn to government to solve any of our problems?
Government runs what private for profit companies should not. Prisons, Congress, schools, elections, the military, fire and police, our public airwaves, post office, r&d, healthcare, energy, public lands, IRS, epa. Notice a lot of these things the government does is because corporations don't want to do or want to charge too much to do it. For example to deliver a letter to someone who lives on a mountain in Alaska. The USPS does it for fifty cents

Republicans would like to privatize everything. Zero regulations. And a government powerless to defend citizens from extreme wealth.

Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?
The po delivers a letter up a mountain for fifty cents. Of course they protect it with first class mail. How much would it cost Americans in rural places if the post office didn't exist? Why do you think we came up with the po?

All these things are either things private companies can't, won't or shouldn't do. That's what you don't seem to get. Everything for profits do well they should do. If the corporations aren't doing a good job we need to regulate first and if that doesn't do it socialize it.

I could show you private companies have had problems with all those things too. Elections, mail, healthcare, oil spills, schools, prisons, our airwaves

I trust my government more than your unregulated corporations. The gov is the referee.
To some degree you are correct. Never depend on government for anything because they can't do anything right.

Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.

You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.

I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.

You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.

Typical Cradle-to-Graver. Blame individuals for government fuckups.
Apparently you're the one who is not dependable and you blame government for your problems.

Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.

You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.

I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.

You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.

Typical Cradle-to-Graver. Blame individuals for government fuckups.

I pay my bills and don't depend on the government to help me out, why not expect the same from someone who claims they don't need government but obviously can't even do the most simple of things without them?

You are the only one obligated to pay your bills on time, no one else.
Maybe you should talk to some Canadians, particularly elder Canadians about how much they love their Socialized healthcare. Especially talk to the Canadians that are in our joke of US hospitals that they crowd into over here about their healthcare system.
Sure, Canadians with a lot of money.

My mom had lymphoma and had to wait weeks to get in. She lives in America. I could tell you a lot of nightmare stories about the American healthcare system. You guys have been telling this one story for 40 years.

No medical care system is perfect in spite of what you guys have been telling us for years.

We all have our problems, including Canada, and I have talked with plenty of elderly Canadian drivers throughout the years. You can find article after article on the subject.

All any system can do is try to make it better. That's all. You will never create the perfect system no matter who you try to emulate. For instance we had a great system, it's just that prices got out of control and that left people unable to afford healthcare. Commie Care came along and made things worse.

What system does government run efficiently and economically? None. So why do we turn to government to solve any of our problems?
Government runs what private for profit companies should not. Prisons, Congress, schools, elections, the military, fire and police, our public airwaves, post office, r&d, healthcare, energy, public lands, IRS, epa. Notice a lot of these things the government does is because corporations don't want to do or want to charge too much to do it. For example to deliver a letter to someone who lives on a mountain in Alaska. The USPS does it for fifty cents

Republicans would like to privatize everything. Zero regulations. And a government powerless to defend citizens from extreme wealth.

Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?
The po delivers a letter up a mountain for fifty cents. Of course they protect it with first class mail. How much would it cost Americans in rural places if the post office didn't exist? Why do you think we came up with the po?

All these things are either things private companies can't, won't or shouldn't do. That's what you don't seem to get. Everything for profits do well they should do. If the corporations aren't doing a good job we need to regulate first and if that doesn't do it socialize it.

I could show you private companies have had problems with all those things too. Elections, mail, healthcare, oil spills, schools, prisons, our airwaves

I trust my government more than your unregulated corporations. The gov is the referee.

Government can do what they want, but I'm all for competition. Let government and private compete and see who wins out.

Can you name me one program government runs that didn't run into major problems or won't in the near future? At least most private market entities run almost flawlessly and if they crash, they simply go out of business. Nobody is forced to deal with them.
Government is to blame for many of my problems. That's why the more government out of my life, the better my life is.

You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.

I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.

You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.

Typical Cradle-to-Graver. Blame individuals for government fuckups.

I pay my bills and don't depend on the government to help me out, why not expect the same from someone who claims they don't need government but obviously can't even do the most simple of things without them?

You are the only one obligated to pay your bills on time, no one else.

I pay all my bills on time......when I get them. But again, if somebody or some people can't do their job, that makes my job even harder. This is why we should allow private industry to enter the postal service. See which one does a better job and allow us to choose.
Sure, Canadians with a lot of money.

My mom had lymphoma and had to wait weeks to get in. She lives in America. I could tell you a lot of nightmare stories about the American healthcare system. You guys have been telling this one story for 40 years.

No medical care system is perfect in spite of what you guys have been telling us for years.

We all have our problems, including Canada, and I have talked with plenty of elderly Canadian drivers throughout the years. You can find article after article on the subject.

All any system can do is try to make it better. That's all. You will never create the perfect system no matter who you try to emulate. For instance we had a great system, it's just that prices got out of control and that left people unable to afford healthcare. Commie Care came along and made things worse.

What system does government run efficiently and economically? None. So why do we turn to government to solve any of our problems?
Government runs what private for profit companies should not. Prisons, Congress, schools, elections, the military, fire and police, our public airwaves, post office, r&d, healthcare, energy, public lands, IRS, epa. Notice a lot of these things the government does is because corporations don't want to do or want to charge too much to do it. For example to deliver a letter to someone who lives on a mountain in Alaska. The USPS does it for fifty cents

Republicans would like to privatize everything. Zero regulations. And a government powerless to defend citizens from extreme wealth.

Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?
The po delivers a letter up a mountain for fifty cents. Of course they protect it with first class mail. How much would it cost Americans in rural places if the post office didn't exist? Why do you think we came up with the po?

All these things are either things private companies can't, won't or shouldn't do. That's what you don't seem to get. Everything for profits do well they should do. If the corporations aren't doing a good job we need to regulate first and if that doesn't do it socialize it.

I could show you private companies have had problems with all those things too. Elections, mail, healthcare, oil spills, schools, prisons, our airwaves

I trust my government more than your unregulated corporations. The gov is the referee.

Government can do what they want, but I'm all for competition. Let government and private compete and see who wins out.

Can you name me one program government runs that didn't run into major problems or won't in the near future? At least most private market entities run almost flawlessly and if they crash, they simply go out of business. Nobody is forced to deal with them.
Except too big to fail private bankers. And under capitalism you have to have crashes. Plus the dollar isn't even backed by anything. It's all funny money. But when they decide to make the debt an issue the crash will begin. Better be ready because you can't have 100 years of boom and no busts now and then.
No medical care system is perfect in spite of what you guys have been telling us for years.

We all have our problems, including Canada, and I have talked with plenty of elderly Canadian drivers throughout the years. You can find article after article on the subject.

All any system can do is try to make it better. That's all. You will never create the perfect system no matter who you try to emulate. For instance we had a great system, it's just that prices got out of control and that left people unable to afford healthcare. Commie Care came along and made things worse.

What system does government run efficiently and economically? None. So why do we turn to government to solve any of our problems?
Government runs what private for profit companies should not. Prisons, Congress, schools, elections, the military, fire and police, our public airwaves, post office, r&d, healthcare, energy, public lands, IRS, epa. Notice a lot of these things the government does is because corporations don't want to do or want to charge too much to do it. For example to deliver a letter to someone who lives on a mountain in Alaska. The USPS does it for fifty cents

Republicans would like to privatize everything. Zero regulations. And a government powerless to defend citizens from extreme wealth.

Well I would sure like you to explain that to my post office because I've had a lot of letters come from less than 20 miles that never made it here.

And if the PO does such a good job, why don't we remove the law that states the USPO is the only one allowed to handle first class mail? Why not let the private market try it out and see if they do a better job?

And can you point to me anything on your list that hasn't had major problems of some kind in the past or currently?
The po delivers a letter up a mountain for fifty cents. Of course they protect it with first class mail. How much would it cost Americans in rural places if the post office didn't exist? Why do you think we came up with the po?

All these things are either things private companies can't, won't or shouldn't do. That's what you don't seem to get. Everything for profits do well they should do. If the corporations aren't doing a good job we need to regulate first and if that doesn't do it socialize it.

I could show you private companies have had problems with all those things too. Elections, mail, healthcare, oil spills, schools, prisons, our airwaves

I trust my government more than your unregulated corporations. The gov is the referee.

Government can do what they want, but I'm all for competition. Let government and private compete and see who wins out.

Can you name me one program government runs that didn't run into major problems or won't in the near future? At least most private market entities run almost flawlessly and if they crash, they simply go out of business. Nobody is forced to deal with them.
Except too big to fail private bankers. And under capitalism you have to have crashes. Plus the dollar isn't even backed by anything. It's all funny money. But when they decide to make the debt an issue the crash will begin. Better be ready because you can't have 100 years of boom and no busts now and then.

You are correct. But the federal government should not be bailing anybody out. If a company or industry crashes, then let it crash. They will rebuild only better than they were before. If government bails them out, they continue with the same failed business practices.
You can't even track your bills, so;'s government's fault.

I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.

You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.

Typical Cradle-to-Graver. Blame individuals for government fuckups.

I pay my bills and don't depend on the government to help me out, why not expect the same from someone who claims they don't need government but obviously can't even do the most simple of things without them?

You are the only one obligated to pay your bills on time, no one else.

I pay all my bills on time......when I get them. But again, if somebody or some people can't do their job, that makes my job even harder. This is why we should allow private industry to enter the postal service. See which one does a better job and allow us to choose.

Why? FedEx and UPS is already interdependent on USPS and vice versa.

Why FedEx and UPS Want the Postal Service to Survive

FedEx and UPS make a lot of money in urban areas however to deliver to more rural parts of the US is expensive and they often rely on the postal service. Why? Because whether a company wishes to do business here or there, the people still need their mail.

But, why explain this to you? You don't even bother to use the internet for free to replace the government entity you don't like. You have the power to do this yourself, today...but you can't be bothered to check the balance of your credit online.

From the linked article:

For example, the USPS is charged by governmental decree with providing universal service to all parts of the country, even in areas that may not be profitable. Private companies, on the other hand, can essentially ignore and avoid areas that may not be profitable, areas where they may otherwise be forced to serve if the postal monopolies were lifted and regulations put in place. Furthermore, companies such as UPS and FedEx would likely have no interest in the delivery of "letters," primarily because it is not as profitable as larger parcel and package delivery. In fact, a UPS Spokesman, Norman Black, stated, "We believe that the government plays a role in terms of ensuring that every mailbox is reached every day …. That is not a responsibility that UPS would want."
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If you think the health care is expensive now just wait till it's government controlled - then it will literally cost an arm and a leg.
I have many bills and many transactions through mail because I like to keep a paper trail of all those transactions. I don't have two pages of what I'm supposed to receive through mail if the idiots in the government run post office don't do their job.

You see, in the private market, when people don't do their job, they get fired. In government when people don't do their job, they usually get promoted.

You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.

Typical Cradle-to-Graver. Blame individuals for government fuckups.

I pay my bills and don't depend on the government to help me out, why not expect the same from someone who claims they don't need government but obviously can't even do the most simple of things without them?

You are the only one obligated to pay your bills on time, no one else.

I pay all my bills on time......when I get them. But again, if somebody or some people can't do their job, that makes my job even harder. This is why we should allow private industry to enter the postal service. See which one does a better job and allow us to choose.

Why? FedEx and UPS is already interdependent on USPS and vice versa.

Why FedEx and UPS Want the Postal Service to Survive

FedEx and UPS make a lot of money in urban areas however to deliver to more rural parts of the US is expensive and they often rely on the postal service. Why? Because whether a company wishes to do business here or there, the people still need their mail.

But, why explain this to you? You don't even bother to use the internet for free to replace the government entity you don't like. You have the power to do this yourself, today...but you can't be bothered to check the balance of your credit online.

From the linked article:

For example, the USPS is charged by governmental decree with providing universal service to all parts of the country, even in areas that may not be profitable. Private companies, on the other hand, can essentially ignore and avoid areas that may not be profitable, areas where they may otherwise be forced to serve if the postal monopolies were lifted and regulations put in place. Furthermore, companies such as UPS and FedEx would likely have no interest in the delivery of "letters," primarily because it is not as profitable as larger parcel and package delivery. In fact, a UPS Spokesman, Norman Black, stated, "We believe that the government plays a role in terms of ensuring that every mailbox is reached every day …. That is not a responsibility that UPS would want."

Why should the mail be delivered at all if the customer does not want to pay the actual cost of delivering the letter?

It's not like there are no other means of communication. We have this thing called FREE e-mail. Use that if you don't want to pay for your letters instead of making other people pay for them. I know, paying for your own crap is of course deeply against regressive logic, they prefer theft.
You have a printer, don't you?

Just the same, it's not anyone's responsibility but you to pay your bills on time. It's not like you can't check when they are due online. Do yourself a favor, pick 1 day every month and go through them to see what's due. If you live paycheck to paycheck then do it when it's deposited into your bank account(s).

Typical wingnut, blames other people for their own fuck ups.

Typical Cradle-to-Graver. Blame individuals for government fuckups.

I pay my bills and don't depend on the government to help me out, why not expect the same from someone who claims they don't need government but obviously can't even do the most simple of things without them?

You are the only one obligated to pay your bills on time, no one else.

I pay all my bills on time......when I get them. But again, if somebody or some people can't do their job, that makes my job even harder. This is why we should allow private industry to enter the postal service. See which one does a better job and allow us to choose.

Why? FedEx and UPS is already interdependent on USPS and vice versa.

Why FedEx and UPS Want the Postal Service to Survive

FedEx and UPS make a lot of money in urban areas however to deliver to more rural parts of the US is expensive and they often rely on the postal service. Why? Because whether a company wishes to do business here or there, the people still need their mail.

But, why explain this to you? You don't even bother to use the internet for free to replace the government entity you don't like. You have the power to do this yourself, today...but you can't be bothered to check the balance of your credit online.

From the linked article:

For example, the USPS is charged by governmental decree with providing universal service to all parts of the country, even in areas that may not be profitable. Private companies, on the other hand, can essentially ignore and avoid areas that may not be profitable, areas where they may otherwise be forced to serve if the postal monopolies were lifted and regulations put in place. Furthermore, companies such as UPS and FedEx would likely have no interest in the delivery of "letters," primarily because it is not as profitable as larger parcel and package delivery. In fact, a UPS Spokesman, Norman Black, stated, "We believe that the government plays a role in terms of ensuring that every mailbox is reached every day …. That is not a responsibility that UPS would want."

Why should the mail be delivered at all if the customer does not want to pay the actual cost of delivering the letter?

It's not like there are no other means of communication. We have this thing called FREE e-mail. Use that if you don't want to pay for your letters instead of making other people pay for them. I know, paying for your own crap is of course deeply against regressive logic, they prefer theft.

What are you going on about? What you typed above, has nothing to do with anything I've said.

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