Cities and towns across American allowing NON-Citizens voting priviledges


Diamond Member
Jun 1, 2013
'Slippery Slope'? Cities across the country allowing non-citizens to vote

Madness. Pure, unadulterated madness. This makes becoming a LEGAL IMMIGRANT even less important and makes being an American citizen less important.

We have been infiltrated by pure Anti_American operatives by the millions and they have worked their way into every aspect of American society, even highly sensitive areas.

So far these are local and state elections and not Federal...but influence starts and the bottom and once you remove the foundation, the entire nation will topple.

This is absolutely a Leftist ideal and push.

This will allow people who have ZERO vested interest in this nation other than their foreign interests to manipulate how our nation is run.

On the other hand, it is probably no worse than allowing the Alt-Left to vote. My opinion is that the nation is exposed to critical risks by all these perversions of our system.

We NEED a civil war....and immediately.
Of course you mean liberal leaders giving illegal aliens from Mexico special rights out side of their parameters as politicians. Human rights is a good thing. I am all about human RIGHTS. I don't see how allowing ONE group (Hispanics) to egregiously violate immigration laws continually over and over and OVER again and them giving their offspring DACA is going to fix illegal immigration? The real humanitarian solution would be just enforce immigration laws all along, no sanctuaries, no amnesties, just enforce the immigration laws across the board period. We won't need border walls or DACA.
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Just think: Every illegal who votes is cancelling out some American's vote. This is not right. It would piss me off to no end knowing that some non-citizen nullified my vote.

The Democrats keep screaming about "voter-suppression" while at the same time, support voter-suppression by allowing non-citizens to vote.
Just think: Every illegal who votes is cancelling out some American's vote. This is not right. It would piss me off to no end knowing that some non-citizen nullified my vote.

The Democrats keep screaming about "voter-suppression" while at the same time, support voter-suppression by allowing non-citizens to vote.
Good point. You know were this is going to all end? We ignore mexican illegals and we forgive them and we give them amnesty 3 times in as many decades and Hispanic kids get daca. My crystal ball tells me Hispanics that refuse to acclimate and change the demographics, they will end up creating a situation were states secede from the American union and "rejoin" Mexico. In 75 or a 100 years, it will happen. California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado. Thanks to assh*les like Hickenlooper or Kucinich because of their short sighted political pandering.
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