Citizen ID Card:

I think it's important to recognize the difference between a simple ID card, such as are already in use, and the biometric information card from the OP. There are different issues involved when discussing one or the other.
I think it's important to recognize the difference between a simple ID card, such as are already in use, and the biometric information card from the OP. There are different issues involved when discussing one or the other.

A biometric ID card proves beyond doubt who you are

Once you prove who you are, you can access multiple data bases
I think it's important to recognize the difference between a simple ID card, such as are already in use, and the biometric information card from the OP. There are different issues involved when discussing one or the other.

A biometric ID card proves beyond doubt who you are

Once you prove who you are, you can access multiple data bases

That assumes such a card could not be altered/hacked.

It also leads to questions about the security of the database(s) used to store the information, the accuracy of whatever methods are used to generate and read that information, etc.

I'd hate to think of the damage a group like Anonymous could do were we to rely too heavily on such biometric cards.
I think it's important to recognize the difference between a simple ID card, such as are already in use, and the biometric information card from the OP. There are different issues involved when discussing one or the other.

A biometric ID card proves beyond doubt who you are

Once you prove who you are, you can access multiple data bases
You just answered your last question.
Senators Charles Schumer and Lindsey Graham have proposed implementation of a biometric Citizen ID Card. Today I received an email from Rand Paul asking me to sign a petition opposing this implementation. I will not sign the petition because I believe the biometric Citizen ID card is a very good idea. Here's why:

Fake ID is a major impediment to enforcing our immigration laws. All sorts of phony ID documents, from birth certificates, Social Security cards and driver licenses to passports and membership cards are available for a price. As long as an illegal alien has one or more of these documents on his/her person an employer is protected against legal action by INS for hiring him/her -- regardless of how obvious the deception. The situation is so pervasive that some regular employers of illegals steer newly-arrived "wetbacks" to fake ID peddlers.

For those who don't know what a biometric ID card is, briefly stated it is one which cannot be faked, mainly because the validity of the data it contains may be instantly verified by "swiping" the card in an on-line reader, just like a credit card in a retail store, thus comparing it with information on file at a central government database -- which includes a photograph, fingerprint, and physical description.

The reason given by those who oppose this ID card, which every legitimate U.S. citizen will be required to obtain, is it will enable government to more closely keep track of us.

Now I am normally opposed to intrusive government policies and practices, but in this case I believe the purpose of the Citizen ID Card justifies its implementation. As far as government having the information it will contain, what relevant information is there about us that isn't already available for government to access if it chooses to?

While I personally believe the reason for opposing this ID card borders on paranoia I'll be interested in reading opinions of others.

I think most of your rand paul following buddies probably don't know the difference between biometrics and GPS. Hence the hysteria. They should use the term "fake proof" instead of "biometric"
How about if we make this VOLUNTARY? That way, all of you "Obama can do no wrong" sycophants can get your card and let the government have their way with you, and the rest of us can keep our privacy.
I'm all for it

A single card that proves without a doubt who you are. Use it for identification, voting, a drivers license, a credit card, a health insurance card, social security, passport, on line purchases....

Stops identity theft and you only have to carry one card with you

Until someone hacks it.
A National ID card program would be too burdensome and confusing, as citizens would be required to pursue two types of ID for both their states of residence and the Federal government.

Verifying and documenting citizenship and identify is an example of a process best left to the states to administer.
A National ID card program would be too burdensome and confusing, as citizens would be required to pursue two types of ID for both their states of residence and the Federal government.

Verifying and documenting citizenship and identify is an example of a process best left to the states to administer.

Your ID card is just an ID card

It says C Clayton Jones and provides biometric information on you

It is the database you hook into that has all the information on you. Just like today. It only proves that you are really you

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