Citizen United being used to defend Disney over DeSantis attacks.

The NRA is a business. Are you saying that people have a right to address the government to curtail their business but they have no right to counter those arguments?

Planned Parenthood is a business. People have a right to address the government to curtail their business but they have no right to counter those arguments?

(I use these two as they were a part of the lawsuit)
You are entertaining but seldom right on anything.
You can’t reasonably argue that the cessation of special treatment - now being treated like every other business in the state - is retributory discrimination. You’d be arguing that the default is a punishment.

Disney played a stupid game and won its stupid prize.
Attempting to savage the corporation's long-standing legal status because it exercised its constitutionally-guaranteed free speech does not enhance the authoritarian's prospects with pro-business conservatives.
You want someone like DeSantis to be able to try and destroy a business because he disagrees with their point of view?
Is government taking away special privileges granted by the government an attack? If the government stopped giving farmers credits for “ soil banking” part of their land, would that be the government attacking farmers? If the government stopped giving the home mortgage deduction, would the government be attacking homeowners? What Disney has forgotten is what government grants, it can take away. That’s why conservatives want a small, weak central government. Any government with the power to give you stuff, also has the power to take stuff away.
What happens when the Govt decides going to church is a deviate behavior? Will you be ok with the stopping it?
I just used them as an example. If the majority of the voters agree that Hobby Lobby is deviant by pushing their religion, would you be ok with the Govt attacking them based on the desires of the majority of the voters?
Disney does not support or encourage public nudity or public deviate sex acts, or sex with animals, so why are you ok with the Govt attacking them.
The Govt is attacking Disney, and you support it.
1. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
2. You obviously don't know the difference between religious and deviate behavior. However, if a state government, say CA or some other collection of deviates, persecutes any company that lives by religious values, then either the Federal government/courts protects their rights, or they move to a red state.
3. The government is not attacking Disney. If they did they would simply seal off all roads in & out.
4. Disney is pushing the gay agenda, which FL does NOT want pushed, preferring parental rights over LGBTQ rights. If you want that fight bring it on, slap leather.

While the law does not define the terms “classroom instruction,” “sexual orientation” or “gender identity,” some critics have interpreted that particular provision to mean “don’t say gay or trans.”
Is government taking away special privileges granted by the government an attack? If the government stopped giving farmers credits for “ soil banking” part of their land, would that be the government attacking farmers? If the government stopped giving the home mortgage deduction, would the government be attacking homeowners? What Disney has forgotten is what government grants, it can take away. That’s why conservatives want a small, weak central government. Any government with the power to give you stuff, also has the power to take stuff away.

Florida and government in general extends special privileges to business all the time. If we want to address them all, that would be great. That is not what DeSantis is doing.

Ten special-interest tax breaks from Ron DeSantis' first term as Florida governor
The NRA is a business. Are you saying that people have a right to address the government to curtail their business but they have no right to counter those arguments?

Planned Parenthood is a business. People have a right to address the government to curtail their business but they have no right to counter those arguments?

(I use these two as they were a part of the lawsuit)
So you're saying desantis doesn't have the same right as governor? Just checking with you.
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C.U. was overturned on 1st Amendment issues. If the law had stood, those issues no longer exist. You seem to not understand that the law was overturned on the same first amendment issues.

Politicians stating that anyone other than politicians should have no say on the run up to an election is a huge violation of the 1st Amendment.

For the 3rd time. Why do you think the ACLU sided with overturning the law?

Abortion is a major issue right now. Do you believe Planned Parenthood should be shut down from the political process on the lead up to an election?

Citizens United is a campaign finance SC decision which used a first amendment argument. It is not a law.

The Decision stated that Corporations had to same right as individuals to donate to and participate in elections.

This decision would seem to be based on the wording in every corporate charter which says that:

“The corporation shall have the same rights as an individual to buy and own real property and chattels, obtain licenses and conduct business, and in all other matters . . .”

The ACLU opposed this decision Because it gives wealthy individuals, the opportunity to completely bypass donation limits. For example, the largest real estate developer in North America incorporates a new company every time it buys a piece of land. When I worked for their lawyers, they had 200 active corporations. All is subsidiary of the main builder corporation.

If the donation limit is $10,000 per person, The billionaire who owns this development company, would be able to donate $10,000. on his personal, and on behalf of each of 201 corporations he owns. $2,020,000. Or like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and George Soros, their company can set up a PAC for their preferred candidate. And start gladhanding big money around to all their preferred candidates.

You seem to have a problem with George Soros backed candidates for district attorney, but are more than happy to vote for Senate Candidates funded by the Koch Brothers. As my mother would say “What’s sauce, for the goose, is sauce for the gander.”

I can’t help but wonder what kind of shape your nation would be in, if all of the money that is poured into politics and election campaigns were invested instead into education, retraining, infrastructure and healthcare for the American people.

The amount of money being spent in American politics is an obscenity. Running election campaigns for two years it’s ridiculous.
but they violate the

So you're saying desantis doesn't have the same right as governor? Just checking with you.

DeSantis can say whatever he wants. It's when he takes actions on behalf of the government that it becomes a problem.
but they violate the

So you're saying desantis doesn't have the same right as governor? Just checking with you.

The government has no right to punish any corporation or individual which criticizes its policies. It’s called the first amendment.

If you were an American, you would know that
DeSantis isn't "attacking" Disney. Just trying to put the polluting mega corporation on the same level playing field as everybody else in the state.
Citizens United is a campaign finance SC decision which used a first amendment argument. It is not a law.

The Decision stated that Corporations had to same right as individuals to donate to and participate in elections.

This decision would seem to be based on the wording in every corporate charter which says that:

“The corporation shall have the same rights as an individual to buy and own real property and chattels, obtain licenses and conduct business, and in all other matters . . .”

The ACLU opposed this decision Because it gives wealthy individuals, the opportunity to completely bypass donation limits.

The ACLU was a part of the group that brought the lawsuit that overturned the law.
The government has no right to punish any corporation or individual which criticizes its policies. It’s called the first amendment.

If you were an American, you would know that
no it's not. You will find that out. The governor is the overseer and has a duty to ensure practices by business are within the boundaries of the state and federal laws. Drag queens in front of kids is pedophilia plain and simple.

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