Citizen United being used to defend Disney over DeSantis attacks.

no it's not. You will find that out. The governor is the overseer and has a duty to ensure practices by business are within the boundaries of the state and federal laws. Drag queens in front of kids is pedophilia plain and simple.

We would sit in front of the television as Uncle Miltie dressed in drag. The family would sit around and laugh and laugh.
We would sit in front of the television as Uncle Miltie dressed in drag. The family would sit around and laugh and laugh.
many others at that. Parents had a right to not watch or allow their children to watch. So what?
you stupid fks still don't understand the business exemption taxes. Want more money, get more people hired to pay individual taxes. It's actually very simple technique and it's done across the board.

Yes, that seems to be the Republican understanding of how things work, but it has no basis in the reality or finance.

Corporations are the largest consumers of government services. They require an educated workforce, efficient, transportation and communications systems, infrastructure, and utilities.

Building the Amazon campus campus in New York City, would have required $9 billion in infrastructure improvements and transportation requirements for the facility. Neither Jeff Bezos snore, Amazon, pay federal or state income taxes. They wanted the people of New York City and New York State to pay for all of the work required to house their campus.

McDonald’s was the American people to subsidize wages for the kids to make their hamburgers while McDonald’s book some of the highest profits in their history. Why should the American people pay for social benefits for the underpaid workers in corporate America? Make the corporations pay for their own damn workers.

The real “takers” in the American economy, are the corporate welfare bums, who pay no federal income taxes, and expect the American people to pay their workers and build their factories.
1. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.

It also guarantees the freedom of speech, yet Disney is being attacked by the Govt for using theirs.

2. You obviously don't know the difference between religious and deviate behavior. However, if a state government, say CA or some other collection of deviates, persecutes any company that lives by religious values, then either the Federal government/courts protects their rights, or they move to a red state.

I am not saying agree with it, but according to your own words all that is needed for the Govt to act is for a majority of voters to want them to do it.

3. The government is not attacking Disney. If they did they would simply seal off all roads in & out.

There are many ways to attack a company.

4. Disney is pushing the gay agenda, which FL does NOT want pushed, preferring parental rights over LGBTQ rights. If you want that fight bring it on, slap leather.

At least you openly admit that Florida is attacking Disney for political reasons finally.
If you think that a Republican politician contriving a petty, vindictive feud against corporate America when it exercises its constitutionally-guaranteed free speech serves that politician's ambitions, that is your prerogative.
After Disney spoke out against the "Don't say gay" law, DeSantis said the company had “crossed the line” and pledged to “fight back” — comments cited by Disney in its lawsuit to back up its argument that the governor and his allies were seeking to retaliate against the company for exercising its constitutionally protected speech.

Still does nothing to support your claim. Fail again.
Perhaps. We tried to make it the law of the land though with the "Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act". And make no mistake, it was not about reforming campaigns. It was about shutting the people out of the process.

Look at how bad Disney has made DeSantis look because legally they can speak up and fight back. Without overturning the law it would have been legal for DeSantis to shut them down.

And you support that in general? Only when the target is your candidate?
ex post facto
Still does nothing to support your claim. Fail again.
Whatever you fancy my "claims" are, I enjoy seeing authoritarians being manhandled by American democracy.

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many others at that. Parents had a right to not watch or allow their children to watch. So what?

Parents have a right to take their children to drag, shows or not. Under Ron DeSantis’s law, the movie “Tootsie” would be banned.

1. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
2. You obviously don't know the difference between religious and deviate behavior. However, if a state government, say CA or some other collection of deviates, persecutes any company that lives by religious values, then either the Federal government/courts protects their rights, or they move to a red state.
3. The government is not attacking Disney. If they did they would simply seal off all roads in & out.
4. Disney is pushing the gay agenda, which FL does NOT want pushed, preferring parental rights over LGBTQ rights. If you want that fight bring it on, slap leather.

While the law does not define the terms “classroom instruction,” “sexual orientation” or “gender identity,” some critics have interpreted that particular provision to mean “don’t say gay or trans.”

Given that homosexual behaviour has existed in every culture in every nation in at every point in history, since the dawn of time, and across the animal world as well, the overwhelming body of scientific evidence is that homosexuality is not “deviant behaviour” at all, but rather the normal behaviour of a small but persistent subset of all populations, human and animal.

Society has progressed to the point where such behaviour is no longer illegal and discrimination on the basis of sexuality is illegal in most states. But in Florida, DeSantis behaves as if being gay is both illegal and dangerous to children, neither of which is true.

All of right wing media are fanning the flames of homophobia and trans hysteria to give cover to the criminal president and his crazy followers.
Perhaps. We tried to make it the law of the land though with the "Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act". And make no mistake, it was not about reforming campaigns. It was about shutting the people out of the process.

Look at how bad Disney has made DeSantis look because legally they can speak up and fight back. Without overturning the law it would have been legal for DeSantis to shut them down.

And you support that in general? Only when the target is your candidate?

That is completely untrue. Citizens United had nothing to do with the first amendment. It was simply the argument that they used to prove their case. Disney still had the right to criticize DeSantis and his policies under the first amendment. Citizens United is simply a precedent to the enforcement of those first amendment rights.
That is completely untrue. Citizens United had nothing to do with the first amendment. It was simply the argument that they used to prove their case. Disney still had the right to criticize DeSantis and his policies under the first amendment. Citizens United is simply a precedent to the enforcement of those first amendment rights.

Sounds like double talk to me.
1. The Constitution guarantees freedom of religion.
2. You obviously don't know the difference between religious and deviate behavior. However, if a state government, say CA or some other collection of deviates, persecutes any company that lives by religious values, then either the Federal government/courts protects their rights, or they move to a red state.
3. The government is not attacking Disney. If they did they would simply seal off all roads in & out.
4. Disney is pushing the gay agenda, which FL does NOT want pushed, preferring parental rights over LGBTQ rights. If you want that fight bring it on, slap leather.

While the law does not define the terms “classroom instruction,” “sexual orientation” or “gender identity,” some critics have interpreted that particular provision to mean “don’t say gay or trans.”
This has nothing to do with freedom of religion.

The doctrine of freedom of religion concerns solely the relationship between government and those governed, not between or among private persons and private entities.

That a private company expresses support for gay and transgender Americans doesn’t ‘violate’ the religious liberty of ignorant, hateful, bigoted conservatives.

Moreover, the state of Florida did in fact attack Disney:

“Disney's lawsuit alleges that a newly formed DeSantis-appointed tourist board violated the company's contract rights, and did so without just compensation or due process. The company is asking the court to declare Florida's legislative action unlawful.”

Last, there is no ‘gay agenda,’ that’s a ridiculous lie.

To defend the rights of gay and transgender Americans from attack by the state and hateful rightwing bigots, as Disney has appropriately done, is not to advance a ‘gay agenda.’
Sounds like double talk to me.

Then, you have no understanding of the constitution or the law. A lot of legal arguments sound like double talk, but if you understand legalese they are very precise and clear
Citizens United is a campaign finance SC decision which used a first amendment argument. It is not a law.

The Decision stated that Corporations had to same right as individuals to donate to and participate in elections.

This decision would seem to be based on the wording in every corporate charter which says that:

“The corporation shall have the same rights as an individual to buy and own real property and chattels, obtain licenses and conduct business, and in all other matters . . .”

The ACLU opposed this decision Because it gives wealthy individuals, the opportunity to completely bypass donation limits. For example, the largest real estate developer in North America incorporates a new company every time it buys a piece of land. When I worked for their lawyers, they had 200 active corporations. All is subsidiary of the main builder corporation.

If the donation limit is $10,000 per person, The billionaire who owns this development company, would be able to donate $10,000. on his personal, and on behalf of each of 201 corporations he owns. $2,020,000. Or like the Koch Brothers, Sheldon Adelson and George Soros, their company can set up a PAC for their preferred candidate. And start gladhanding big money around to all their preferred candidates.

You seem to have a problem with George Soros backed candidates for district attorney, but are more than happy to vote for Senate Candidates funded by the Koch Brothers. As my mother would say “What’s sauce, for the goose, is sauce for the gander.”

I can’t help but wonder what kind of shape your nation would be in, if all of the money that is poured into politics and election campaigns were invested instead into education, retraining, infrastructure and healthcare for the American people.

The amount of money being spent in American politics is an obscenity. Running election campaigns for two years it’s ridiculous.
In essence, Citizens United makes it impossible to pursue campaign finance reform.

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