Citizen United being used to defend Disney over DeSantis attacks.

The wedding cake was one that came to mind. Curt Schilling a few years back was another though I can understand taking issue with Schilling's language at that time.
Apples and atom bombs.

Neither the baker nor the photographer were demanding any special dispensation from laws that apply to all other businesses.

Disney and the OP are sniveling about such special dispensations being taken away, when they had no right -as "right" is properly defined- to them whatsoever.
I've noted ever since the ruling that it was the correct ruling. That the government has no business going after either individuals or a business because of what they have to say. So tell me, why should a governor be able to attack a business simply because that business has a business model the governor disagrees with?

This is the same thing the lawsuit was brought over in the first place. A group created a movie that showed Hillary in a negative light and some wanted the government to be able to shut them down.

What could be more un-American than that?

When the Supreme Court in 2010 handed down its ruling on Citizens United v. FEC, Democrats were scandalized. Then-President Barack Obama warned it would "open the floodgates" to corporations influencing politics by diminishing restrictions on corporate speech.

But now, as Disney v. DeSantis has become an actual legal battle — with the Walt Disney Corporation suing the Florida governor for retaliating against it after CEO Bob Iger criticized DeSantis' policies — the political roles have reversed. Liberals remain scandalized (albeit for different reasons) but now seek the protections the Citizens United ruling offers.

The Supreme Court's Citizens United decision was a pain in the neck for Democrats. Now, it could be used to their advantage in the Disney v. DeSantis feud.

DeSantis is a picture perfect demonstration of conservatives ACTUAL values. They claim the believe in 'freedom of speech', but when they have power, they gleefully use the power of the state to punish those who say things they don't like.

DeSantis' attacks on Disney are a flagrant violation of 1st amendment protections. With DeSantis already slapped down by the courts for firing Andrew Warren for speaking out against his policies.

Conservatives don't give one tiny shit about free speech. Given the power to do so, they would use the power of the State to silence any criticism, any dissent.

Unequipped to address the actual points made, and are left with the puerile passive-aggressive emoji crap, huh?

Must suck to be such a fucking lightweight.

Unequipped to address the actual points made, and are left with the puerile passive-aggressive emoji crap, huh?

Must suck to be such a fucking lightweight.

When you start making points, I'll address them.
When you start making points, I'll address them.
I made them, and you're too much of a fucking lightweight to address them....Not the least of which is that NOBODY is entitled to special carve-outs from the rules and laws, that every other business is required to adhere to...Therefore the Citizen's United ruling doesn't come close to applying here.

Maybe you should look up, then contrast and compare, the very real differences between the words "rights" and "privileges".
I made them, and you're too much of a fucking lightweight to address them....Not the least of which is that NOBODY is entitled to special carve-outs from the rules and laws, that every other business is required to adhere to...Therefore the Citizen's United ruling doesn't come close to applying here.

Maybe you should look up, then contrast and compare, the very real differences between the words "rights" and "privileges".

I already addressed all your points in the thread. When you come up with something original or want to address what I already said, I will consider your post.
I already addressed all your points in the thread. When you come up with something original or want to address what I already said, I will consider your post.
If you addressed them, then you did so poorly and with specious reasoning..

When you put yourself under the thumb of The State, in getting special dispensations from them, then you surrender your rights for privileges.

The beneficiary is always at the mercy of the benefactor....That's the way it is, has been, and will always be....Don't like it, suck on it.
I made them, and you're too much of a fucking lightweight to address them....Not the least of which is that NOBODY is entitled to special carve-outs from the rules and laws, that every other business is required to adhere to...Therefore the Citizen's United ruling doesn't come close to applying here.

Maybe you should look up, then contrast and compare, the very real differences between the words "rights" and "privileges".

How is DeSantis creating a NEW Board of his own appointees in explicit retaliation of Disney's free speech a 'special carve out' for Disney?

How is DeSantis threatening Disney with special inspections and punitive state construction projects a 'special carve out' for Disney?
It also guarantees the freedom of speech, yet Disney is being attacked by the Govt for using theirs.
I am not saying agree with it, but according to your own words all that is needed for the Govt to act is for a majority of voters to want them to do it.
There are many ways to attack a company.
At least you openly admit that Florida is attacking Disney for political reasons finally.
1. There are limits to free speech, especially when they conflict with parental or religious rights. Who said "I know obsenity when I see it"? Obsenity is not guaranteed free speech is it? You still can't say Carlin's (7) or so words on TV without bleeps can you? Why not? Censorship is NOT "attacking".

2. You're confusing decency with bullshit.

3. Just saying, if FL wanted to attack Disney there are better ways. FL is NOT attacking Disney, FL is protecting children.

4. FL is not attacking Disney. FL is protecting children from obscenity. Stop lying.

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