Citizen's Arrests of Capitalist Pigs and CEO's Who Roam Free

Procrustes Stretched

Dante's Manifesto
Dec 1, 2008
Citizen's Arrests of Capitalist Pigs and CEO's Who Roam Free

Why are so many of these Big Wigs allowed to roam free while most agree that what they did was illegal, regardless of the deals they made with government attorneys and regulators to pay fines and admit no wrong doing?

Even a private citizen can?t arrest a bank CEO - MarketWatch

Even a private citizen can’t arrest a bank CEO
Commentary: Activists try to put the cuffs on Wells Fargo chief
April 26, 2013 | Al Lewis

“Too-big-to-jail is an outrage,” Willis told me in a telephone interview after the attempt.

Willis had just interrupted the annual shareholders meeting of Wells Fargo (US:WFC) in Salt Lake City where he told CEO John Stumpf that he was under citizen’s arrest


“The only thing John Stumpf has is a lot of money,” Willis said. “Otherwise, he’s just a person like any of us. If we did what he did ... we would all be locked up.”

Last month, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder went before the Senate Judiciary Committee and confirmed what activists like Willis have been saying.

“I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy,” he said “And I think that is a function of the fact that some of these institutions have become too large.”

Since that remark, activist groups have been flooding Washington with petition signatures demanding justice. A petition by demands “immediate steps to break up the big banks and prosecute the criminals who used them to destroy our economy.”
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Look at this a call for vigilantism from the biggest of the big government sheep.

You must be an anarchist why don't you move to Somalia.
I sincerely hope that liberals start arresting everyone they think should be arrested. Do it, ASAP. Go into the banks and corporate offices and start dragging people out for "prosecution" before street juries and punishment.

Ohhh PLEASE do it.
Citizens' arrests.

Now there's a myth we'd all like to see become reality, no?

And them, AFTER all the cops and POLS are in jail?

Well who knows? Maybe society wouldn't become a freaking nightmare.

I have my doubts about that, of course.
Eric Dickholder's democrats in action.

[ame=]Citizens arrest... Citizens arrest! - YouTube[/ame]
Let me see if I've got this right. John Stumpf should be arrested because his bank was essentially forced to issue mortgages to people without the means to make the payments, refused to issue mortgages to other people who didn't qualify even under ridiculously relaxed guidelines and foreclosed on people that didn't pay their obligations.
Yeah. OK Dainty. Whatever you say.
Let me see if I've got this right. John Stumpf should be arrested because his bank was essentially forced to issue mortgages to people without the means to make the payments, refused to issue mortgages to other people who didn't qualify even under ridiculously relaxed guidelines and foreclosed on people that didn't pay their obligations.
Yeah. OK Dainty. Whatever you say.

The bank was forced to?

:rof: :rofl: :rofl:
It's like being wealthy and planting a bomb at a marathon and then making a deal to pay out an Adelson Amount ($100 million or two) and walk away claiming no guilt or wrong doing.

More people's lives were ruined by this shit than a single bombing at a single marathon
Let me see if I've got this right. John Stumpf should be arrested because his bank was essentially forced to issue mortgages to people without the means to make the payments, refused to issue mortgages to other people who didn't qualify even under ridiculously relaxed guidelines and foreclosed on people that didn't pay their obligations.
Yeah. OK Dainty. Whatever you say.

The bank was forced to?

:rof: :rofl: :rofl:

Blackmailed, perhaps would be a better word.
Here's an article from 2000 during the Clinton Admin. READ IT.
If you need more evidence, check out who the government assigned the job of tracking CRA compliance.
Do some research on your own, Dainty, and get back to me.

Crucially, the new CRA regulations also instructed bank examiners to take into account how well banks responded to complaints. The old CRA evaluation process had allowed advocacy groups a chance to express their views on individual banks, and publicly available data on the lending patterns of individual banks allowed activist groups to target institutions considered vulnerable to protest. But for advocacy groups that were in the complaint business, the Clinton administration regulations offered a formal invitation. The National Community Reinvestment Coalition—a foundation-funded umbrella group for community activist groups that profit from the CRA—issued a clarion call to its members in a leaflet entitled "The New CRA Regulations: How Community Groups Can Get Involved." "Timely comments," the NCRC observed with a certain understatement, "can have a strong influence on a bank's CRA rating."
The fact that this linked article starts with a picture of Glen beck and Michelle Bachman will likely cause you to dismiss it, rather than dispute the information, but what the hell, here goes.

“We’ve uncovered data of banks all across the country that made these gifts of money to ACORN — equipment gifts — or partnered with ACORN in order to get a good rating so they’d get out from under the radar screen of the federal government; in other words, so they don’t get their interstate branch banks shut down or so that they could expand.”
The fact that this linked article starts with a picture of Glen beck and Michelle Bachman will likely cause you to dismiss it, rather than dispute the information, but what the hell, here goes.

“We’ve uncovered data of banks all across the country that made these gifts of money to ACORN — equipment gifts — or partnered with ACORN in order to get a good rating so they’d get out from under the radar screen of the federal government; in other words, so they don’t get their interstate branch banks shut down or so that they could expand.”
"CRA allowed activists to blackmail lenders into handing out mortgages to people with little regard for their ability to keep up payments.

"Banks felt the heat from community organizers and CRA examiners and instead of fighting, they made loans they shouldn’t have made, and they paid out millions of dollars in protection money to ACORN and its brethren."

How do you explain "Friends of Angelo" who weren't subject to ACORN or CRA influence?

"In June 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio reported that numerous Washington, DC politicians over recent years had received mortgage financing at noncompetitive rates because the corporation considered the officeholders 'FOA's' — 'Friends of Angelo' (Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo).

"The politicians extended such favorable financing included the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Christopher Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and Kent Conrad. The article also noted Countrywide's political action committee had made large donations to Dodd's campaign.[18]

"Senator Dodd proposed that the federal government buy up to $400 Billion in defaulted mortgages.[19] Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has called for House and Senate to investigate Senators Conrad and Dodd."

The trillions of dollars lost during the most recent speculative bubble to POP wasn't driven by anything but the usual cabal of rich Wall Street parasites and their hired hands in both major US political parties.
ACORN and the CRA were a footnotes, at best.
Citizen's Arrests of Capitalist Pigs and CEO's Who Roam Free

Why are so many of these Big Wigs allowed to roam free while most agree that what they did was illegal, regardless of the deals they made with government attorneys and regulators to pay fines and admit no wrong doing?

Even a private citizen can?t arrest a bank CEO - MarketWatch

Even a private citizen can’t arrest a bank CEO
Commentary: Activists try to put the cuffs on Wells Fargo chief
April 26, 2013 | Al Lewis

“Too-big-to-jail is an outrage,” Willis told me in a telephone interview after the attempt.

Willis had just interrupted the annual shareholders meeting of Wells Fargo (US:WFC) in Salt Lake City where he told CEO John Stumpf that he was under citizen’s arrest


“The only thing John Stumpf has is a lot of money,” Willis said. “Otherwise, he’s just a person like any of us. If we did what he did ... we would all be locked up.”

Last month, U.S. Attorney Eric Holder went before the Senate Judiciary Committee and confirmed what activists like Willis have been saying.

“I am concerned that the size of some of these institutions becomes so large that it does become difficult for us to prosecute them when we are hit with indications that if you do prosecute, if you do bring a criminal charge, it will have a negative impact on the national economy, perhaps even the world economy,” he said “And I think that is a function of the fact that some of these institutions have become too large.”

Since that remark, activist groups have been flooding Washington with petition signatures demanding justice. A petition by demands “immediate steps to break up the big banks and prosecute the criminals who used them to destroy our economy.”

Why are so many of these Big Wigs allowed to roam free while most agree that what they did was illegal


Offenses in their “citizen’s arrest warrant” included illegal foreclosures and unlawful discrimination against black and Hispanic mortgage applicants.

Yes, banks must give more unqualified applicants mortgages they can't afford.
Banks musn't foreclose when they can't pay.
Banks are to blame when the system breaks down.
Can liberals ever follow the "logic" of their demands?
The fact that this linked article starts with a picture of Glen beck and Michelle Bachman will likely cause you to dismiss it, rather than dispute the information, but what the hell, here goes.

“We’ve uncovered data of banks all across the country that made these gifts of money to ACORN — equipment gifts — or partnered with ACORN in order to get a good rating so they’d get out from under the radar screen of the federal government; in other words, so they don’t get their interstate branch banks shut down or so that they could expand.”
"CRA allowed activists to blackmail lenders into handing out mortgages to people with little regard for their ability to keep up payments.

"Banks felt the heat from community organizers and CRA examiners and instead of fighting, they made loans they shouldn’t have made, and they paid out millions of dollars in protection money to ACORN and its brethren."

How do you explain "Friends of Angelo" who weren't subject to ACORN or CRA influence?

"In June 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio reported that numerous Washington, DC politicians over recent years had received mortgage financing at noncompetitive rates because the corporation considered the officeholders 'FOA's' — 'Friends of Angelo' (Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo).

"The politicians extended such favorable financing included the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Christopher Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and Kent Conrad. The article also noted Countrywide's political action committee had made large donations to Dodd's campaign.[18]

"Senator Dodd proposed that the federal government buy up to $400 Billion in defaulted mortgages.[19] Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has called for House and Senate to investigate Senators Conrad and Dodd."

The trillions of dollars lost during the most recent speculative bubble to POP wasn't driven by anything but the usual cabal of rich Wall Street parasites and their hired hands in both major US political parties.
ACORN and the CRA were a footnotes, at best.

How do you explain "Friends of Angelo" who weren't subject to ACORN or CRA influence?

Corrupt politicians? Shocking!
They name Dodd and Conrad, aren't they liberals?
The fact that this linked article starts with a picture of Glen beck and Michelle Bachman will likely cause you to dismiss it, rather than dispute the information, but what the hell, here goes.

“We’ve uncovered data of banks all across the country that made these gifts of money to ACORN — equipment gifts — or partnered with ACORN in order to get a good rating so they’d get out from under the radar screen of the federal government; in other words, so they don’t get their interstate branch banks shut down or so that they could expand.”
"CRA allowed activists to blackmail lenders into handing out mortgages to people with little regard for their ability to keep up payments.

"Banks felt the heat from community organizers and CRA examiners and instead of fighting, they made loans they shouldn’t have made, and they paid out millions of dollars in protection money to ACORN and its brethren."

How do you explain "Friends of Angelo" who weren't subject to ACORN or CRA influence?

"In June 2008 Conde Nast Portfolio reported that numerous Washington, DC politicians over recent years had received mortgage financing at noncompetitive rates because the corporation considered the officeholders 'FOA's' — 'Friends of Angelo' (Countrywide Chief Executive Angelo Mozilo).

"The politicians extended such favorable financing included the chairman of the Senate Banking Committee, Christopher Dodd, the chairman of the Senate Budget Committee and Kent Conrad. The article also noted Countrywide's political action committee had made large donations to Dodd's campaign.[18]

"Senator Dodd proposed that the federal government buy up to $400 Billion in defaulted mortgages.[19] Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) has called for House and Senate to investigate Senators Conrad and Dodd."

The trillions of dollars lost during the most recent speculative bubble to POP wasn't driven by anything but the usual cabal of rich Wall Street parasites and their hired hands in both major US political parties.
ACORN and the CRA were a footnotes, at best.

So Countrywide giving Dodd a sweetheart deal in exchange for hope of being bailed out from undertheir share of trillions in bad loans excuses CRA and ACORN from blackmailing banks to make the bad loans in the first place???
Bullshit! You're excused.

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