Citizens United

What is your proposal for removing the incentive?

You missed the forest for the trees. I stated quite plainly what the incentive is: federal power.

Take away federal power, and you take away the incentive to buy it.

Then do not support the far left or vote far left..
I don't, dumbass.

I caught what you said G, I have to agree, lets start to usurp some of this over grown governments power and heavy handed tactics against business and capitalism.

Your assertion is that the underlying, driving force is pure lust for power by proxy of office. If you begin to limit the influence of that office then it becomes less and less coveted.
No your implications were quite clear, you thought it was earth shattering news, the timing of which played a very critical part ...................

At least till I pointed the hard facts out and called you on your BS .....................

Do you claim that Moore had any intent other than affecting the 2004 election?

But again, your rant is irrelevant, I did not oppose Moore having the right to voice a political opinion. The party attempted to silence opponents - no one tried to silence Moore.
What is your proposal for removing the incentive?

You missed the forest for the trees. I stated quite plainly what the incentive is: federal power.

Take away federal power, and you take away the incentive to buy it.

Then do not support the far left or vote far left..
I don't, dumbass.

I caught what you said G, I have to agree, lets start to usurp some of this over grown governments power and heavy handed tactics against business and capitalism.

Your assertion is that the underlying, driving force is pure lust for power by proxy of office. If you begin to limit the influence of that office then it becomes less and less coveted.

A Congressman has the power to put carve-outs in the tax code. If you take that power away from him, then there is no incentive to give him campaign cash for doing so.

A Senator has the power to federally pre-empt state laws. If you take that power away from him, then there is no incentive to give him campaign cash for doing so.

And so forth.
Do you claim that Moore had any intent other than affecting the 2004 election?

But again, your rant is irrelevant, I did not oppose Moore having the right to voice a political opinion. The party attempted to silence opponents - no one tried to silence Moore.

Actually, it was worse than that.

Disney attempted to silence Moore by preventing its Miramax Films from distributing his movie.

This caused a Democratic Senator to have a hissy fit over Disney's attempts to stop the film. So in this case, we saw the Democrats getting upset that someone was trying to stop a political film.
Campaign donations are bribery - it's that simple. So are promises to elected officials for a job well done by those who provide the bribe - be it money, toys, jobs, prostitutes or booze. Anyone wonder how well financially Eric Cantor is doing in his new job? And what is he doing behind the curtain?

There is no such thing as clean political donations. Anyone who listens to the political ads on TV or radio knows this, of course most poliitical ads are written to garner the vote of the lazy and dumb; thoughtful people listen, read, analyze, question and then decide. Simple people abound, especially on the right as anyone who reads and critically examines their posts on this forum knows.
Actually, it was worse than that.

Disney attempted to silence Moore by preventing its Miramax Films from distributing his movie.

Apples and Hand Grenades.

Disney is not government - they can carry or not carry anything they like.

This caused a Democratic Senator to have a hissy fit over Disney's attempts to stop the film. So in this case, we saw the Democrats getting upset that someone was trying to stop a political film.

I see your point, but big difference when it is government stopping the freedom of expression.
Campaign donations are bribery - it's that simple. So are promises to elected officials for a job well done by those who provide the bribe - be it money, toys, jobs, prostitutes or booze. Anyone wonder how well financially Eric Cantor is doing in his new job? And what is he doing behind the curtain?

There is no such thing as clean political donations. Anyone who listens to the political ads on TV or radio knows this, of course most poliitical ads are written to garner the vote of the lazy and dumb; thoughtful people listen, read, analyze, question and then decide. Simple people abound, especially on the right as anyone who reads and critically examines their posts on this forum knows.

What about advocacy sites such as MoveOn and ThinkProgress? Are they any less bribery?

What about the press? The NY Times is virtually a branch of the democratic party. When they print stories and editorials to further the aim of the party, are the engaged in bribery?
What about advocacy sites such as MoveOn and ThinkProgress? Are they any less bribery?

What about the press? The NY Times is virtually a branch of the democratic party. When they print stories and editorials to further the aim of the party, are the engaged in bribery?

You don't like what they have to say, then don't read / listen to them.
You are no better than your opposition that you are arguing with for trying to silence some other individual /' groups free speech.

Why do people not understand the phrase "Shit storm of hypocrisy" ??
There was no GOP primary scheduled within the next 30 after the release of Fahrenheit 911. And the General election was well over 60 days away.

What sort of individual thinks that any attempt to control political speech 30 or 60 days from an election was a smart if that wasn't a clear infringement of 1st Amendment rights to free speech....

democrats think funny...
You don't like what they have to say, then don't read / listen to them.

That has nothing to do with his point - he claimed that PAC advocacy is "bribery," assuming his thesis correct, how would advocacy sites such as the Soros sites differ?

You are no better than your opposition that you are arguing with for trying to silence some other individual /' groups free speech.

Why do people not understand the phrase "Shit storm of hypocrisy" ??

You are not good at erecting straw men, though I understand why you insist on trying.
What sort of individual thinks that any attempt to control political speech 30 or 60 days from an election was a smart if that wasn't a clear infringement of 1st Amendment rights to free speech....

democrats think funny...

democrats believe that liberty is too important to be left to the masses, that it must be tightly regulated so that not just anyone can have it.

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