City of Anaheim forces private venue to cancel conservative rally

Because the city disagrees with the "values" of those attending and speaking. Maybe the left will one day achieve its ultimate goal wherein only a handful of party elites are permitted to express ideas.

It is best to wait and see if this was one of Gavin Newsom pranks.

The left believes that citizens can gather in public provided the citizens are expressing ideas that are aligned with the beliefs of government officials. Otherwise, citizens must be forbidden from gathering.
I know you believe that, but you are really dumb.
Because the city disagrees with the "values" of those attending and speaking. Maybe the left will one day achieve its ultimate goal wherein only a handful of party elites are permitted to express ideas.

They are lying when they said "we respect free speech". They don't. If it was a BLM rally or whatever they wouldn't stop it for public safety reasons.

Filthy Libtards. Then they wonder why a thousand people a day are leaving Commie California to move elsewhere.

They`re leaving Commie California so they can attend more mask less Klan rallies? That`s brilliant Lysol Larry. Thanks.

You are confused.

They are leaving Commie Kalifornia for less taxation, fewer regulations, less oppression, safer areas, fewer Illegals, fewer queers and less Democrat destruction.

We see the same thing here in Florida with the people leaving the Democrat controlled Northeast to get away from the Democrat destruction and moving to a free state.

The people leaving had better temper their Democrat tendencies towards more regulation so that they don’t make their new state like their old state. Leave the attitude behind.

e harder being a stupid unedcauted Libtard Moon Bat thinking that America would be pachy keen being a Socialist shithole.
That is the problem we have here in Florida.

Florida should be a solid Red state but the filthy ass shitheads from"upnorth" move here to get away from the Democrat destruction but forget the reasons when they get here. Because of that far too many Democrats get elected in Florida. It should be close to zero except in the Negro ghettos.

I heard they are starting to see that same thing in States like Georgia, Texas and South Carolina.

We saw how the California runaways ruined Oregon and Washington State, didn't we?

It must be hard being a diehard racist POS in today's society. When you go to a restaurant and you see folks of all colors being served, when you go to the Doctor and see folks of all colors being taken care of by the Doctor, it must be hard watching black folks drink out of the water fountain that used to be just for you.

It must be much harder for an idiot like you to be an uneducated low IQ hate filled Moon Bat Libtard suffering from TDS and believing that the US would be peachy keen if was a Socialist shithole.
Because the city disagrees with the "values" of those attending and speaking. Maybe the left will one day achieve its ultimate goal wherein only a handful of party elites are permitted to express ideas.

They are lying when they said "we respect free speech". They don't. If it was a BLM rally or whatever they wouldn't stop it for public safety reasons.

Filthy Libtards. Then they wonder why a thousand people a day are leaving Commie California to move elsewhere.

They`re leaving Commie California so they can attend more mask less Klan rallies? That`s brilliant Lysol Larry. Thanks.

You are confused.

They are leaving Commie Kalifornia for less taxation, fewer regulations, less oppression, safer areas, fewer Illegals, fewer queers and less Democrat destruction.

We see the same thing here in Florida with the people leaving the Democrat controlled Northeast to get away from the Democrat destruction and moving to a free state.

The people leaving had better temper their Democrat tendencies towards more regulation so that they don’t make their new state like their old state. Leave the attitude behind.

e harder being a stupid unedcauted Libtard Moon Bat thinking that America would be pachy keen being a Socialist shithole.
That is the problem we have here in Florida.

Florida should be a solid Red state but the filthy ass shitheads from"upnorth" move here to get away from the Democrat destruction but forget the reasons when they get here. Because of that far too many Democrats get elected in Florida. It should be close to zero except in the Negro ghettos.

I heard they are starting to see that same thing in States like Georgia, Texas and South Carolina.

We saw how the California runaways ruined Oregon and Washington State, didn't we?

It must be hard being a diehard racist POS in today's society. When you go to a restaurant and you see folks of all colors being served, when you go to the Doctor and see folks of all colors being taken care of by the Doctor, it must be hard watching black folks drink out of the water fountain that used to be just for you.

It must be much harder for an idiot like you to be an uneducated low IQ hate filled Moon Bat Libtard suffering from TDS and believing that the US would be peachy keen if was a Socialist shithole.

I know Flash things were great for you during Jim Crow, weren't they? You could a black man a Nword to his face and didn't have to worry about getting punched in the mouth. You could wear your white sheets and it made you feel like somebody and then comes along your worse nightmare the CRA and VRA and you had to watch all those good privileges you had go down the drain.
but those who are attending this rally should bring a body cam and a dash cam for their vehicles with them at all times.
And make sure to bring your portable toilet and sanitizing wipes with you just in case if they locked all the restrooms in the area while waiting in line. But they will have restrooms available and unlocked. But they all will be on the side with the paid agitators waiting for Pres. Trump's supporters.
But then you can just carry a T-shirt with an anti-Trump slogan on it. And put it on only when you have to go on their side to used the restrooms.

Here’s something I learned this week. As things deteriorate for the Biden administration, and they are, the corrupt media is stepping up attacks on non-liberal cable people and folks associated with Donald Trump.

A very nasty hit piece on Tucker Carlson yesterday in The Washington Post. Also, Politico is trying to denigrate the Trump History Tour. I’ll analyze this tonight on the No Spin News.

What everyone should know is that these attacks are coordinated by progressive organizations which have direct access to left-wing media. I expected this to happen because it diverts attention away from President Biden.

See you beginning at six eastern.

Anaheim is Orange County which is the most conservative county in LA metro. So don't think it has anything to do with free speech or politics.
Kooky Marge and Felon Matt have a tendency to stir things up and they probably didn't need the trouble right with counter protests and such right now particularly with a spike in the COVIDS.
Matty says they'll sue. Go for it - as if a private venue doesn't have a right to monitor content?
I's say that makes you and he anti-business and anti-free speech!
OC is about 50/50........
You are being overly simplistic here my friend. There are other considerations. Will there be clashes between the idiots that want to see Gaetz and Greene, and counter protesters? Is LA metro experiencing a Delta variant spike??

As I said, Orange Country is very conservative. I don't think it had a damn thing to do with politics or "restricting speech". The same thing would have happened to a liberal firebrand such as Malcolm X, Angela Davis or Jane Fonda. Hell, it likely would have happened to a convention of centrists or for that matter, ANY indoor event right now.
Orange County used to be very its about 50/50.....
That is the problem we have here in Florida.

Florida should be a solid Red state but the filthy ass shitheads from"upnorth" move here to get away from the Democrat destruction but forget the reasons when they get here. Because of that far too many Democrats get elected in Florida. It should be close to zero except in the Negro ghettos.

I heard they are starting to see that same thing in States like Georgia, Texas and South Carolina.

We saw how the California runaways ruined Oregon and Washington State, didn't we?
and people moving in from the rest of the country ruined California...
Anaheim is Orange County which is the most conservative county in LA metro. So don't think it has anything to do with free speech or politics.
Kooky Marge and Felon Matt have a tendency to stir things up and they probably didn't need the trouble right with counter protests and such right now particularly with a spike in the COVIDS.
Matty says they'll sue. Go for it - as if a private venue doesn't have a right to monitor content?
I's say that makes you and he anti-business and anti-free speech!
Orange County isn't a conservative bastion anymore. Immigration from Los Angeles and San Diego counties have changed that. Coastal California South of Marin County is almost all liberal. the conservatives only exist in the hinterlands inland and the far north of California.
and people moving in from the rest of the country ruined California...

California was the Golden State back in the 30s-60s. Mostly Conservative elected officials. Governors like Ronald Reagan.

It started to change in the 70s with the Liberals taking over and has gone down hill since then. Now it is a shithole. If it wasn't for Silicon Valley, the Hollywood Limousine Liberals and Asian money that state would be poorer per captia than Mississippi.

Right now it is first in poverty and homeless and last in education. Rents are sky high and taxes are atrocious. Regulations are out of control. Then you have all the goddamn Illegals.

Too bad because it is a beautiful state.

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