CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.

This is an attempt to have at least one thread where discussion remains civil.
No name calling or threats.
Just say I respectfully disagree.
If you can't do that, then just stick with the other threads.

I'll start. BackAgain

2nd Amendment:

A heated discussion topic.

CDZ escapes you?

Typical dumbass!
You're talking a good game, but you vote for politicians who are soft on crime, and enable leftist DAs and judges who release murderers and give slaps on the wrist to terrorists. Walk the talk.
The judges letting people out are trump appointed judges also.
It's easy just to blame the other side.
Did we see a complete stop to releasing criminals under trump?
The answer is clearly NO, No we didn't.
So Why are you blaming Biden and (D)?

I agree we need to abide by the current laws but actually enforce the sentencing.
What am I saying wrong marvin martian
I'm agreeing with you, yet you still attack me.

I didn't vote for trump, is that it?
trump was no tougher on crime, was he? Proof.
Still didn't answer, did the filth?
Why do you continue to repeat this ^^^^^
I have answered, you don't like the answer.

One more try miketx or butchyboy.
Ask me a direct question, and I'll answer the best I can.
Earlier, the pool in Vegas was requiring my time.
Now you got me.........GO.
You get ONE Shot at your question, phrase it correctly.
You don't get to dictate my responses or my behavior. Not even my wife gets to do that. :fu:
Not in this thread.
I just asked you to stay OUT if you can't be Civil.
Go play in a different thread.
The judges letting people out are trump appointed judges also.
It's easy just to blame the other side.
Did we see a complete stop to releasing criminals under trump?
The answer is clearly NO, No we didn't.
So Why are you blaming Biden and (D)?

I agree we need to abide by the current laws but actually enforce the sentencing.
What am I saying wrong marvin martian
I'm agreeing with you, yet you still attack me.

I didn't vote for trump, is that it?
trump was no tougher on crime, was he? Proof.

Why do you continue to repeat this ^^^^^
I have answered, you don't like the answer.

One more try miketx or butchyboy.
Ask me a direct question, and I'll answer the best I can.
Earlier, the pool in Vegas was requiring my time.
Now you got me.........GO.
You get ONE Shot at your question, phrase it correctly.
you're a liar.
I thought this thread was about discussing the 2nd. What happened?
Hey Leo, the thread topic is.......

CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.​

The 2A was just the first topic of discussing.
I'm sure we could discuss the following also........

Public Schools

This is wide open, just discuss and state your topic.
If you'd like to discuss a different topic, just say so.
Hey Leo, the thread topic is.......

CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.​

The 2A was just the first topic of discussing.
I'm sure we could discuss the following also........

Public Schools

This is wide open, just discuss and state your topic.
If you'd like to discuss a different topic, just say so.
Children don't need to be taught about LGBTQ and groomed in public schools. There, I addressed 3.
Classic leftist time waste babble, always the same.
I'm troubled by your confusion.

Was I lying about the Pool?
Was I lying when I said I support Law Abiding Citizens the absolute right to bear arms?
Was I lying when I called trump a Con Man?
Slightly off topic:

Winco has tried to start a thread with a ground rule to make the thread work. I was a bit suspect, since he and I have absolutely crossed swords. However, so far, the portion of the thread I’ve read so far yields a conclusion that Winco is trying pretty hard to honor his word.

So, fair is fair. I feel forever free to call bullshit on bullshitters. I feel similarly free to give some props where they are due. And I am giving props right here and now to Winco. It’s easy to say “let’s make this a real honest and adult discussion.” It’s not so easy to stick to it in the heat of a verbal battle.

At least for now, I’m tipping my imaginary hat to Winco for walking the walk.
I'm troubled by your confusion.

Was I lying about the Pool?
Was I lying when I said I support Law Abiding Citizens the absolute right to bear arms?
Was I lying when I called trump a Con Man?
Well that 'con man' brought us cheap gas and a great economy as well as an effective vaccine in record time. Meanwhile the current con man has us paying through the nose for fuel, goods, food and has the highest inflation rate in decades as well as the highest Covid death counts.
Not in this thread.
I just asked you to stay OUT if you can't be Civil.
Go play in a different thread.

Ain't that just like a dumbass leftard

Refuses to play by the agreed upon rules

Thinks HIS rules are better :p

These lefties can't be trusted. Who knows what rules they're going to play by today.
I'm troubled by your confusion.

Was I lying about the Pool?
Was I lying when I said I support Law Abiding Citizens the absolute right to bear arms?
Was I lying when I called trump a Con Man?
:auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Classic leftist babble speak. Geared to waste time, spin and smoke! You must have graduated from from hate America U with honors!
Just for a recap, here's what these vile filth do daily:

Leftist rules of engagement

1. Demand a link or an explanation of the truth they are objecting to.

2. Promptly reject all explanations as right wing lies. Smoke spin deflect

3. Ignore any facts presented.

3a. Play dumb to keep others wasting their time trying to enlighten you.

4. Ridicule spelling and typos, punctuation.

5. Attack the person as being juvenile, ie: "are you 12 years old", question their education, intelligence, Age

6. Employ misdirection,

6a. smear people

6b. attack religion

6c. attack your rationality.

7. Lie, make false assumptions

8. Play race/gender card/misogynist card

9. Play gay/lesbian card

10. Play the Nazi/Fascist/bigot card

11. Make up stuff/So you got nothing?

12. Deny constantly

13. Reword and repeat

14. Pretending not to understand, playing ignorant/what did I lie about

15. When losing, resort to personal attacks.

16. Russia

17. Fox News/ Alex Jones/ Brietbart/ Infowars/ Stormfront/ Gateway/ Hannity/ Rush

18. You can’t read.

19. Trump Trump Trump Trump Trump!

20. Science denier! But men can menstruate and have babies.

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