CIVIL discussion on Current Issues. If you can't stay CIVIL, then please just stay out of this thread.

Yes I voted for the (D)
I know and understand, regardless of any policies, that trump is a crooked con man.
He has been his entire life and there are 100’s if not 1,000’s of witnesses
You just don’t want to admit trump is a con man

Biden has lied too, but nowhere (IMO) as trump

I just can’t vote for a vile cheat like trump.
So I voted for Biden.
I thought this thread was about discussing the 2nd. What happened?
Why don't gun laws stop criminals from getting guns?
Currently we have weak laws that somehow go easy on criminals.
We need to enforce the laws we already have.
These laws have been in affect for many POTUS’s.
Like marvin martian said.
No negotiation
Fair trial
If you commit a crime involving a gun,
Any crime.
Trial and conviction
No parole
No plea

Either guilty or not

Build a prison 60 miles into the desert
Gun criminals go there

Staff has nice apartment on site
Work schedule of….
2 weeks on, 2 weeks off
12 hour shifts
12x14 = 168 hours in two weeks
2 weeks off
168 hours per 4 weeks
Average 42 hours per week.
Currently we have weak laws that somehow go easy on criminals.
We need to enforce the laws we already have.
These laws have been in affect for many POTUS’s.
Like marvin martian said.
No negotiation
Fair trial
If you commit a crime involving a gun,
Any crime.
Trial and conviction
No parole
No plea

Either guilty or not

Build a prison 60 miles into the desert
Gun criminals go there

Staff has nice apartment on site
Work schedule of….
2 weeks on, 2 weeks off
12 hour shifts
12x14 = 168 hours in two weeks
2 weeks off
168 hours per 4 weeks
Average 42 hours per week.
'Either guilty or not?' WTF?
Gun Grabbers must admit that they are trying to get a complete ban and confiscation before we can have any civil or meaningful discussion.
Ok, but I’m not one of those.
There are very few people that want complete ban and confiscation.

You don't get it.

You're going to get insulted whether you like it or not.

Anyone who voted for THIS administration is a stupid fucking asshole and DESERVES to be insulted.
Oh I get it scruffy.
I feel the same about you voting for an established con man and habitual liar.

Call Biden whatever you want, I don’t care and he better not run again.
Call trump what he is. A lying con man.
'Either guilty or not?' WTF?
Why is that perplexing you?
Fair trial, you know, due process.

In trial you are either guilty or not
Sentencing is understood before trial.
No plea
No judge reducing time

Eithic trial finds you not guilty = no time
Trial finds you guilty = 10 years, no parole

Why does this confuse you?
Currently we have weak laws that somehow go easy on criminals.
We need to enforce the laws we already have.
These laws have been in affect for many POTUS’s.
Like marvin martian said.
No negotiation
Fair trial
If you commit a crime involving a gun,
Any crime.
Trial and conviction
No parole
No plea

Either guilty or not

Build a prison 60 miles into the desert
Gun criminals go there

Staff has nice apartment on site
Work schedule of….
2 weeks on, 2 weeks off
12 hour shifts
12x14 = 168 hours in two weeks
2 weeks off
168 hours per 4 weeks
Average 42 hours per week.
Still no answer, just babbling bullshit.
Why is that perplexing you?
Fair trial, you know, due process.

In trial you are either guilty or not
Sentencing is understood before trial.
No plea
No judge reducing time

Eithic trial finds you not guilty = no time
Trial finds you guilty = 10 years, no parole

Why does this confuse you?
Because you listed all the punishments then wrote 'guilty or not.' So, if one uses a gun, is found innocent of wrong doing, they get punished 'guilty or not?' Didn't make sense to me.
Ok, but I’m not one of those.
There are very few people that want complete ban and confiscation.

Oh I get it scruffy

No, you don't.

I feel the same about you voting for an established con man and habitual liar.

Except I'm not a Trumpster.

You still don't get it

Call Biden whatever you want, I don’t care and he better not run again.

That's up to you. Me, I don't care what the name is next to the (D), as long as this leadership is in place they're ALL on my shit list and I ain't voting for a fucking one of them. I want them GONE. They're a menace.

Call trump what he is. A lying con man.

Hey - YOU are the one who brought these scumbag Democrats to the table.

YOU. Personally. If you voted for these assholes, you're responsible.

Your pathological hatred of someone who's barely a minor crook BROUGHT THESE TERRORIST DEMOCRATS TO POWER.

And now we can all see where these fucktards are coming from, and no one wants any part of it. The Democrats have alienated even traditionally Democratic black families in low income neighborhoods. NO ONE wants what you're selling
Why is that perplexing you?
Fair trial, you know, due process.

In trial you are either guilty or not
Sentencing is understood before trial.
No plea
No judge reducing time

Eithic trial finds you not guilty = no time
Trial finds you guilty = 10 years, no parole

Why does this confuse you?

You're talking a good game, but you vote for politicians who are soft on crime, and enable leftist DAs and judges who release murderers and give slaps on the wrist to terrorists. Walk the talk.
There are very few people that want complete ban and confiscation
There are very few gun grabbers who will admit they want a complete ban and confiscation (buy-back lies also count as confiscation, so you can save it).

But we know they're fucking liars.

The Heller decision even being necessary is more than enough evidence that a majority of gun-grabbing motherfuckers want a complete ban.

There will be no discussion any further on this in a civil manner until that is admitted.
This is an attempt to have at least one thread where discussion remains civil.
No name calling or threats.
Just say I respectfully disagree.
If you can't do that, then just stick with the other threads.

I'll start. BackAgain

2nd Amendment:

A heated discussion topic.

You don't get to dictate my responses or my behavior. Not even my wife gets to do that. :fu:

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