Civil Disobedience and Terry Schaivo

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Avatar4321 said:
Ted Kennedy is neither popular or right.
I'm betting he's pretty popular in massachussets, otherwise he wouldn't get re-elected, or is he right?
Jon Stewart has more credibility than Fox News. You have Stewart who thinks people should be treated equal and no political spin vs Oreily, a man who hates anyone not white (likes phones sex with women working on his show, I hear) and has a show with No spin zone as it slogan which is a JOKE. though trying to argue with people who think Fox is fair and balanced seems like a waste of time.

My Sources, are the doctors who are terating terri who have said she is isnt going to recover and brain dead. If you need sources turn on your TV and see why court after court has ruled in the hunsbands favor. It's funny that whne a judge supports you guys he following the law, yet when court after court agrees with the husband theres something wrong. Just an FYI the Flordia Supreme court had 2 judges appointed by Jeb Bush that alos agreed with the removal of the Tube. I dont think this issue is Left vs right, I think it's common sense vs ignorance. Whats even sicker is you right wing people making this husband who is following his wives wishes into a monster, even giving him death threats. I guess Human life isnt so important to you is it? Also, I realize Im fighting a losing battle here, I have some nut job who thinks Liberals are Nazis (I suggest you seek counsling). On a closing note I site a MSNBC pole showing 62% of Americans belive the tube should stay out, so you people in the minoirty on this issue. Also, your republicans have just failed to pass the law so things are looking as they should.
Sorry, man - my eyes began to glaze over the minute I saw "Jon Stewart" and "credibility" in the same sentence. Please - by all means - carry on.
musicman said:
Sorry, man - my eyes began to glaze over the minute I saw "Jon Stewart" and "credibility" in the same sentence. Please - by all means - carry on.

Totally agree! I can't wait to hear about Stewart's chances of the Pulitzer, and Time,"Man Of The Year". :teeth:
Eightball said:
Totally agree! I can't wait to hear about Stewart's chances of the Pulitzer, and Time,"Man Of The Year". :teeth:

I don't know, Eightball - the way they hand out these awards anymore, I wouldn't bet the ranch against it.
Whats funny is the joke your making out of our legal system. Any time a case doesnt go your way your going to pass a law? I also find it funny that while President Bush was Govener of Texas he signed a law which allowed a hospital to allow a person to pass away even over the family members objections. How do you explain this, President Bush says what is happening to Terri is wrong yet he signed a bill as governer saying the opposite (I really would like an answer to this issue from you right wingers.) Also, Terri is in a Permant state of vegitation, why is it called that, because not one person EVER has come out of her current state EVER. No treatment can bring her back.
SmarterThanYou said:
the courts beg to differ with you. are you trying to say you know better than those on the bench with years of experience?

Who says the courts are always right???????
Bonnie said:
Who says the courts are always right???????
lots of people do, but its not about the people, its about the law...which was followed in this case.
Bosox 21..Jon Stewart has more credibility than Fox News. You have Stewart who thinks people should be treated equal and no political spin vs Oreily, a man who hates anyone not white (likes phones sex with women working on his show, I hear) and has a show with No spin zone as it slogan which is a JOKE. though trying to argue with people who think Fox is fair and balanced seems like a waste of time.

:rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: :rotflmao: Thank you I needed to laugh tonight!!!!!!
SmarterThanYou said:
lots of people do, but its not about the people, its about the law...which was followed in this case.

Says who??

I understand you have a step daughter, so I really do now understand why and where you are coming from in this. I had a step daughter in the past and I know the feelings that go with that.......
SmarterThanYou said:
I'm betting he's pretty popular in massachussets, otherwise he wouldn't get re-elected, or is he right?

Nah he just runs unopposed for some stupid freakin reason.
SmarterThanYou said:
lots of people do, but its not about the people, its about the law...which was followed in this case.

Amazing---it would be terrible to have laws that have anything to do with people, now wouldn't it!
No wonder so many people are pissed
Bosox21 said:
Whats funny is the joke your making out of our legal system. Any time a case doesnt go your way your going to pass a law?

That is kind of the point for the legislative branch of the government. They pass laws when they feel the courts dont rule in the proper way to correct future rulings. It acts as a check to the court system so they dont start thinking they are gods.

I also find it funny that while President Bush was Govener of Texas he signed a law which allowed a hospital to allow a person to pass away even over the family members objections. How do you explain this, President Bush says what is happening to Terri is wrong yet he signed a bill as governer saying the opposite (I really would like an answer to this issue from you right wingers.)

Well as im unfamilar with the language of the law I can't really answer that. Perhaps youd like to post some sort of link or quote the law maybe give the legislative history of why the legislature passed the specific law and what purposes they were trying to accomplish doing so. or atleast give us a bill number so we can look it up ourselves.

Just answering from the way you explained it just doesnt make sense. People are going to die whether the family members object or not. the hospital doesn't always have control over that. how can a hospital allow someone to die anyway? usually they dont have much choice when it happens.

Also, Terri is in a Permant state of vegitation, why is it called that, because not one person EVER has come out of her current state EVER. No treatment can bring her back.

She isnt in a vegetative state. those in a vegetative state cant respond to outside Stimuli. Terri can. Even if we were to accept the fact that no one has ever come out of her current condition doesnt mean she should be killed. She is the perfect opportunity to help doctors develop ways to bring her out of such a state or conditions. Rather than simply killing the patient maybe they should be studying her so that even if they cant help her they might help some future patient. What the heck happened to the desire of doctors to save lives?
Avatar4321 said:
She isnt in a vegetative state. those in a vegetative state cant respond to outside Stimuli. Terri can. Even if we were to accept the fact that no one has ever come out of her current condition doesnt mean she should be killed. She is the perfect opportunity to help doctors develop ways to bring her out of such a state or conditions. Rather than simply killing the patient maybe they should be studying her so that even if they cant help her they might help some future patient. What the heck happened to the desire of doctors to save lives?

So now you want to keep her body alive so experiments can be run on her? That's amazingly compassionate. I hope you have your volunteer card in your wallet.
MissileMan said:
So now you want to keep her body alive so experiments can be run on her? That's amazingly compassionate. I hope you have your volunteer card in your wallet.

How are you going to get her or anyone out if you arent willing to try some rehabilitation?
Those of you who are all for pulling her feeding tube... Do any one of you have the guts to look someone in the eye who acknowledges your presence, (beit by blinking, or anything else) and tell them to their face "I'm going to pull your feeding tube. You're going to die soon, but I think it's the best thing for you, and I'm sure you'd want it that way."??

This woman is a complete stranger.. Now put yourself in the same position with one of your own loved ones...

Still all for pulling it?
Bosox21 said:
Whats funny is the joke your making out of our legal system. Any time a case doesnt go your way your going to pass a law? I also find it funny that while President Bush was Govener of Texas he signed a law which allowed a hospital to allow a person to pass away even over the family members objections. How do you explain this, President Bush says what is happening to Terri is wrong yet he signed a bill as governer saying the opposite (I really would like an answer to this issue from you right wingers.) Also, Terri is in a Permant state of vegitation, why is it called that, because not one person EVER has come out of her current state EVER. No treatment can bring her back.

That's not quite accurate. That bill he signed while Governor of Texas pertained to people in a persistive vegetative state with no hope of recovery with all medical avenues taken. Terri is NOT in a persistive vegetative state, but does need the feeding tube just the same as you or I need food and water to live.
Bosox Wrote:
Also, Terri is in a Permant state of vegitation, why is it called that, because not one person EVER has come out of her current state EVER. No treatment can bring her back.

Bosox, just a quick word of advice: If you want to post and sound like an intelligent person worthy of debate you really have to make sure you know what you are talking about before you post nonsense like what you have written here.

The condition you are referring to, PVS, is NOT a Permanent Vegetative State, but rather a PERSISTIVE Vegetative State. The fact that you do not know the term suggest that you do not know enough about the case to be discussing the medical issues surrounding it.

You are, of course, entitled to an opinion that Terri Shiavo's feeding tube should remain do not need any factual evidence of any kind to feel that way. However, when you post statements about how you know what her state is and how she is never going to improve and get vital, basic, and readily available information do nothing to support your point...and show greatly that you have not done enough reading on this matter to support your opinion with fact.

Do a bit more reading if you want to be an informed poster...or keep ranting nonsense and continue to not be taken seriously. Your choice.
Bosox21 said:
I think it's fine you guys think Fox is fair and balanced, thats why I get my news from my fair and balanced source, Jon Stewart. get your news from Comedy Central, and the admittedly fake and satirical news show? Suddenly so much is explained....
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