Civil Disobedience and Terry Schaivo

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[QUOTE='ol Perfessor]The whole of this boils down to the judge in the case. Legally he does not have to revue his facts once established to his satisfaction. But morally, ethically, doesn't this woman deserve as much as a review of the case to make sure before the trigger ,so to speak, is pulled? From what I have read he will not even read the filings tossed at him in sheer desperation by her family. That deserves a comtempt of congress charge and maybe it is time to recall and impeach a few of these ticks that inhabit the bench in America.
It may be that she is completely hopeless. Her hubby is laughable as well in that he insists she wouldn't want to live this way. IF HE'S RIGHT SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHE'S ALIVE ANYWAY! So why the grandstanding. He makes no sense. Like Scott Peterson, divorce her you don't have to kill her. He obviously knows of no authority other than his own wants. This is what the erosion of right, wrong and God does to society.[/QUOTE]

Professor...........your dead-on (excuse the terminology) in my humble opinion!
MissileMan said:
Trying to equate a broken bone with an almost totally dead brain is like comparing an apple to a 747. Terry is actually missing significant portions of her brain that have been replaced by spinal fluid. So let's suppose that Seabiscuit's injury had been one where 2 of his legs had been severed completely off, do you think they would have tried to keep him alive, or would they have put him down?

You folks just don't understand how your logic is approaching Third Reich Logic.

"It's for her own good" "We end her life while doing it in good faith". "We mean well" Look at yourselves........You're playing God with this lady's life..........via the courts, and Spockian logic.
mom4 said:
but what's being done to her is a travesty and against God (The Supreme Judge)'s will.
you have some proof of this mary magdelene? :rolleyes:
MissileMan said:
Trying to equate a broken bone with an almost totally dead brain is like comparing an apple to a 747. Terry is actually missing significant portions of her brain that have been replaced by spinal fluid. So let's suppose that Seabiscuit's injury had been one where 2 of his legs had been severed completely off, do you think they would have tried to keep him alive, or would they have put him down?

If you go back to Gem's thread in general usa ,a neirologist in that article states that they would not be able to determine what they have about this spinal fluid in her brain/stem,because a CT cannot properly show that kind of thing. It's a blurry picture according to that Neurologist.
MissileMan said:
How exactly did God pass on this information to you? Allowing her to die is not the same thing as killing her and unless someone snuck a new one in, I know of no commandment that says "You shall not let someone die".

And since you opened the can of worms, if you believe in heaven and a hereafter, what's the problem? Don't you believe that she'll be way better off after she has passed?

God passed this info to me through the Bible and through getting to know Him as a person.

If a mother refused to feed her baby, would that be allowing her to die or killing her? We have a moral obligation to help the helpless. "Whatsoever you do to the least of these, that you do unto me."

I most certainly believe in Heaven, and it seems like Terri would get there; being a devout Catholic, she would believe in Jesus, and hopefully have accepted His lordship. If she died and went to Heaven, she would be better off. However, the whole point is.... (drumroll).... This is not our decision to make. We are not the authors of life. We have no right to make editorial cuts! (I thought that was a good analogy, wasn't it?) :)
ScreamingEagle said:
You say the liberal movement is about "self-determination". So where is Terri's "self-determination" other than in the hearsay of her husband? Why is the judge discounting the hearsay from her parents and family? She lived most of her life with them, not her husband, before the condition (and obviously afterwards as well). Hasn't the rest of the family also historically had a voice?
what is it about the husband/wife relationship that you don't understand?

ScreamingEagle said:
Also with a blind judge ruling on this case I have severe doubts about his judgement. He can't see even Terri and her condition. Who exactly is defending Terri? Obviously her parents can't as the judge has discounted their opinions. If the judge is ruling on the "self-determination" of Terri, then you would think he would allow input from ALL those who knew her before this.
he DID, and after 5 years he discounted it. I bet you'd be praising the judge had he ruled the way you wanted to, wouldnt you?

ScreamingEagle said:
Finally, is it even right to make a life or death decision on hearsay alone?How many others are being kept alive with a feeding tube or an IV of some sort? Should they also die if they can't communicate and a spouse decides to do away with them?
again, you don't seem to understand the husband/wife relationship.
ScreamingEagle said:
The death penalty deals with people who have killed innocent people. Murderers have lost their rights to life according to the law because they took away the rights to life of those they killed. However, the liberals have prevented most murderers from actual death due to extensive battles in the court system and most murderers given the death penalty die in jail. Many murderers are given long sentences and then are back out in the streets at some point. Liberalism actually supports the protection of murdering bastards.

Liberals are against the death penalty. But they aren't against the death of people like Terri Shiavo. Why? Isn't life worth keeping? Aren't liberals for protecting the disabled? Terri Shiavo would have more support for her life by the liberals if she murdered somebody.
LOL, I am NOT against the death penalty.

ScreamingEagle said:
I compare liberals to the Nazis because it was the Nazis who deliberately determined which INNOCENTS should live and which should die. Hitler knocked off tens of thousands of mentally ill and disabled people because supposedly they were "better off dead".
and i call that comparison bullshit.
Eightball said:
You folks just don't understand how your logic is approaching Third Reich Logic.

"It's for her own good" "We end her life while doing it in good faith". "We mean well" Look at yourselves........You're playing God with this lady's life..........via the courts, and Spockian logic.

You could argue that it's been playing God by keeping her body alive without a functioning brain in it. It takes more than a beating heart and functional digestive system to make a person.
[QUOTE='ol Perfessor]The whole of this boils down to the judge in the case. Legally he does not have to revue his facts once established to his satisfaction. But morally, ethically, doesn't this woman deserve as much as a review of the case to make sure before the trigger ,so to speak, is pulled? From what I have read he will not even read the filings tossed at him in sheer desperation by her family. That deserves a comtempt of congress charge and maybe it is time to recall and impeach a few of these ticks that inhabit the bench in America.
It may be that she is completely hopeless. Her hubby is laughable as well in that he insists she wouldn't want to live this way. IF HE'S RIGHT SHE DOESN'T KNOW SHE'S ALIVE ANYWAY! So why the grandstanding. He makes no sense. Like Scott Peterson, divorce her you don't have to kill her. He obviously knows of no authority other than his own wants. This is what the erosion of right, wrong and God does to society.[/QUOTE] :blah2: :blah2: :blah2: :blah2: :blah2: :blah2:
The judge is a CONSERVATIVE picked by Jeb Bush. He ruled with the laws of florida. It's extremely hypocritical of you to denounce the law and those who rule within it when you don't like it yet love how the law works when it does what YOU want it to.
MissileMan said:
You could argue that it's been playing God by keeping her body alive without a functioning brain in it. It takes more than a beating heart and functional digestive system to make a person.

What about the fact that her sister said she tries to talk to her every time she comes in the room? Her mother and father have also said this.
Eightball said:
If you think starving and dehydrating someone to death is allowing them a dignified death.........your the problem, not the solution! "They shoot horses don't they?"

Remember Sea Biscuit.............famous race horse gets a messed up leg injury. The Vet says, "put Sea Biscuit to sleep". The trainer disagrees and rehabilitates Sea Biscuit back into a champion.

Terry, isn't a disabled, horse, dog, cat, etc..............she's a human being................she deserves dignity.......and she appears to have cognitive life in her........but you folks are trying so hard to get her 6 feet under as soon as possible.

Gosh, Death Row inmates get more respect for their pitiful lives than Terry Schiavo. Schiavo isn't a rapest or a serial killer, yet everyones using every legal mumbo-jumbo to get her "offed". Is it that she makes many uncomfortable, about life, disabilities, moral values, ethics, religion and and the quicker solution is to wipe the slate clean, and hopefully forget about her in two weeks?

This reminds me of the Seinfeld Syndrom. Remember the last episode of Seinfeld..........They all got busted for basically being self centered, egoists. Some poor bloak is being rolled and all the Seinfeld bunch can do is watch and smirk at the poor person's situation. It's the old, "don't get involved" in someone's life........There are bonifide people that are willing to commit their lives to caring for Terry. Let them. Terry, is not Karen Ann Quinlin(mispelled)! Quinlin lay in a coma for years...........she was

Actually, I guess we all ought to "off" ourselves, because none of us will have to experience , colds, Flu, scaped knees, divorces, depression, pain........... after death. That's where some of this logic leads...........though the above is extreme.........Remember Soylent Green......Edward G. Robinson....?
how so melo-dramatic. theres no oscar in this for you is there?
Eightball said:
By those pulling and advocating the pulling of the tube...........! Courts say,,,,,,,,,,,no extraordinary care........let her die...............ok pull food, no water............she dies peacefully........NOT!

Do they quit hydrating/feeding a terminally ill patient?
YES!!!!!! THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Eightball said:
You folks just don't understand how your logic is approaching Third Reich Logic.

"It's for her own good" "We end her life while doing it in good faith". "We mean well" Look at yourselves........You're playing God with this lady's life..........via the courts, and Spockian logic.
you just don't understand how stupid that sounds.
krisy said:
What about the fact that her sister said she tries to talk to her every time she comes in the room? Her mother and father have also said this.
the family is obviously biased. Have the court appointed doctors said anything remotely close to this?
SmarterThanYou said:
how so melo-dramatic. theres no oscar in this for you is there?

Is this melodramatic?

Krissy's Question.

"What about the fact that her sister said she tries to talk to her every time she comes in the room? Her mother and father have also said this."

You want to personally pull the tube on a "human vegetable" that tries to talk to her mother and sister?

And for that matter what's wrong with the libs have been using it for years......except in Schiavo's it's the law says, the law says.......thus sayeth the law.......thus sayeth the law.......all of it's

"Don't question Authority".........the total opposite mantra of the left...........
SmarterThanYou said:
YES!!!!!! THEY DO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I don't believe that for a minute.

There are many people that are terminally ill, yet are very cognitive............your saying that they do not receive food, or water...........?

My mother was very terminally ill. Doctors knew that no extraordinary means would be attempted to keep her alive.........never the less she was fed and hydrated.

She passed on with a hydration I.V. still in her arm.
Eightball said:
Is this melodramatic?

Krissy's Question.

"What about the fact that her sister said she tries to talk to her every time she comes in the room? Her mother and father have also said this."

You want to personally pull the tube on a "human vegetable" that tries to talk to her mother and sister?[?QUOTE]again, is there an unbiased medical source that is saying the same thing? didn't think so.

Eightball said:
And for that matter what's wrong with the libs have been using it for years......except in Schiavo's it's the law says, the law says.......thus sayeth the law.......thus sayeth the law.......all of it's

"Don't question Authority".........the total opposite mantra of the left...........
you have me so confused with the standard liberal.
Eightball said:
Is this melodramatic?

Krissy's Question.

"What about the fact that her sister said she tries to talk to her every time she comes in the room? Her mother and father have also said this."

You want to personally pull the tube on a "human vegetable" that tries to talk to her mother and sister?

If there were any REAL evidence that Terry is even the slightest bit cognizant, then Mom and Sis would have presented it to the courts. All it would take is a video camera if it were true.
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