Civil Rights Leaders to Obama: Amnesty Will Crush Black Employment


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Civil Rights Leaders to Obama: Amnesty Will Crush Black Employment
Two members of the eight-person U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, the independent bipartisan agency tasked with "objective and comprehensive investigation, research, and analysis" of civil rights issues, have warned President Barack Obama that granting illegal immigrants effective amnesty would “harm lower-skilled African-Americans by making it more difficult for them to obtain employment

Research from UC San Diego economics professor Gordon Hanson, for example, found that from 1960 to 2000, immigration was responsible for 40% of the 18% plunge in black employment rates. The letter also refers to a February 2012 Census Bureau report that found that “50.9% of native-born blacks had not continued their education beyond high school,” placing them in stiffer competition with illegal immigrants vying for low-skilled labor jobs.

Kirsanow and Thernstrom’s letter to Obama details the bleak economic plight African-Americans are presently experiencing:
The country’s economic woes have disproportionately harmed African-Americans, especially those with little education. In 2011 24.6 percent of African-Americans without a high school diploma were unemployed, as were 15.5 percent of African-Americans with only a high school diploma. Two and half years into the economic recovery, African-Americans face particular difficulty obtaining employment. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the seasonally adjusted January 2013 unemployment rate for all black Americans – not just those with few skills – was 13.8 percent, nearly twice the white unemployment rate of 7.0 percent. The economy has a glut of low-skilled workers, not a shortage.

The civil rights leaders end the letter by urging the president not to exacerbate the economic struggles facing African-Americans by granting amnesty to illegal immigrants.

Civil Rights Leaders to Obama: Amnesty Will Crush Black Employment

and he don't give a rats ass about his black brothers and sisters that elected him twice and worship the pot he sits on.
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That's the plan. It's called "Balkinization".

Sew Racial Discord and Polarity then foment Rioting amongst racial groups. Declare Martial Law then use the Government and Military to Restore Order.

Then just never come out of Martial Law.
Bob Johnson, the BET guy, just today was moaning that the nation wouldn't tolerate 15% unemployment rates for white folks, but it is ok if it is black folks. He then went on about how more government money must be thrown at the problem, but he never did mention the fact that illegal aliens hold so many of the jobs that young black guys got started into the work world with a generation ago.

Terrified to speak the truth, because to do so would fracture the fragile liberal coalition, so instead the nebulous white guy/ capitalist/ racist bogeyman has to be blamed.
Blacks don't like illegals comin' up here an' takin' their jobs...
BET Founder: ‘This Country Would Never Tolerate White Unemployment at 14 or 15 Percent’
March 29, 2013 - Black Entertainment Television (BET) founder Bob Johnson said Tuesday that the nation would “never tolerate white unemployment at 14 or 15 percent” and yet unemployment for the black community has been double that of white Americans for over 50 years.
“This country would never tolerate white unemployment at 14 and 15 percent. No one would ever stay in office at 14 or 15 percent unemployment in this nation, but we’ve had that double unemployment for over 50 years,” Johnson said while speaking at the National Press Club about the gap between whites and blacks in America. “The national average is 7.7 percent, and African-American unemployment is 13.8 percent. To be honest, it’s probably greater than that when you count the number of African-Americans who have simply given up on finding employment,” said Johnson, who is also founder and chairman of The RLJ Companies. In 1972, the unemployment rate for African-Americans was 11.2 percent in January of that year and as low as 9.4 percent in December of that same year. It dipped as low as seven percent in April 2000. The unemployment rate for blacks in February 2013 was 13.8 percent, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

Johnson said the challenge was to figure out why the unemployment rate for blacks has been so high, “and if that doesn’t change, somebody’s going to have to pay— 34 million African-Americans are not going to leave this country, millions of African-Americans who don’t have jobs.” “Somebody’s going to have to pay for them. Somebody’s going to have to take care of them, and if somebody’s going to have to take care of them, that money’s got to come from somebody. And whoever’s paying for it is going to be upset about it, and they’re going to start looking for somebody to blame,” Johnson said. According to the poll Johnson commissioned, which was conducted by Zogby, 50 percent of African-Americans blame the “failure of the education system for minorities/African-Americans” for high unemployment among blacks, while 48 percent say the “lack of corporate commitment to hiring minorities/African-Americans” is to blame for unemployment in the black community.

Twenty-five percent of respondents blame the lack of government policies for the high rate of black unemployment. Eighteen percent don’t blame anyone or anything, and twelve percent aren’t sure. “We can’t be competitive if we don’t put all our people on the field to work, and African-Americans can’t be consumers if they don’t have jobs. They can’t buy houses, and the reason the wealth gap is so high, we don’t [have] home ownership. We don’t have savings. We don’t have investments, and part of that is because we don’t have capital,” Johnson said. “So a white household can buy a home. Now it’s even more difficult to buy a home. There’s talk about taking the home deduction away as part of a chance to balance the budget, so all of these things, as I said, however the solution comes out, it’s going to impact us,” he said.

So it's no longer "Whitey keeping us down", it's "Brownie keepin us down"
Unemployment for blacks was high before the election
and they voted for Obama anyway...
Karl Rove and Willard missed an opening here. That kind of stupidity is why nutballs rarely prosper and when they do, why prosperity is so short-lived. Recall that it took Junebug less than two years to trash the balanced budget he inherited and return to Reagan era deficit levels.

Black leaders missed a once in a lifetime opportunity in 2012, that's for sure.

The reality is the Latino vote is less monolithic than the Irish vote, most of which is white trash nutball oriented, while LEGAL Latinos are about evenly split between papist traditionalists and more successful Latinos who view themselves as Americans first and have little interest in papism and less interest in the nations their ancestors came from. My points being Black leaders who campaign against Obama destroying blue collar earning power among US citizens' are doing the right thing, and that neither party is going to lose much protecting US citizens from waves of immigrants destroying the value of US citizens' labor.
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I don't think it will have that much of an impact. Most blacks don't want the jobs in the first place, and the ones that do? Well, they're getting what they deserve for putting Obama in office, thinking that he gave a shit about them.
He does not care about black Americans

He don't seem to care about Americans at all. He has the black votes tied up for 2016 so he has to do nothing for them. He has attended town meeting with Hispanics and Hispanic leaders, never in black community and with black leaders taking about the education, unemployment and crime among black men.
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