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Civil War II?

I like a good old-fashioned civil war 2.0 thread. It separates the conservatives who would like to see one happen from the conservatives who would like to see one happen but say otherwise.
Bullshit- you, just like that other fucking idiot I replied to, like to hear your empty fucking, godvernment acolyte head, rattle through your fingers- you're both partisan hacks that have no business other than trying to pretend to be something you ain't- intelligent. Please, stop wasting oxygen.
Seen the insurrectionists in court? None of them are using a "I'm proud to have fought for freedom!" defense. They're all whimpering about how how Trump misled them, how sorry they are, and how they'll never do it again.
Your point? Oh, you don't have one, just more unrelated bullshit pretending it ain't-
Your point?

The one I stated very clearly and directly, that the right only fights when they think there's no consequences for doing so.

And I backed it up with evidence. The violent sedition movement died with a whimper. The lights were turned on, and the cockraoches scurried back into their dark crevices. They'll stick with terrorism from now on.
The one I stated very clearly and directly, that the right only fights when they think there's no consequences for doing so.
Anecdotal evidence is just that- stop being STUPID in public, it isn't flattering.
I like a good old-fashioned civil war 2.0 thread. It separates the conservatives who would like to see one happen from the conservatives who would like to see one happen but say otherwise.
Bullshit- you, just like that other fucking idiot I replied to, like to hear your empty fucking, godvernment acolyte head, rattle through your fingers- you're both partisan hacks that have no business other than trying to pretend to be something you ain't- intelligent. Please, stop wasting oxygen.
After the near silence from conservatives over the capital attack I've once again had to revise my opinion of them downward.
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?

They don't need external forces working here.

Everything you see nowadays is pushing people to self identify ... Masks, social media, activism, community participation.
The government and the media are doing everything thing they can to pollute the atmosphere with hatred for one another.

It is all based in intolerance.
Albeit. they would have better luck starting a Race War than a Civil War.

People with the resources and the wherewithal to actually accomplish something, are thinking Defense and not Offense.
Very few, if any, are drawing up lines talking about what streets/buildings they are going to take and how a war would progress.

Young people (who would be necessary to win), live in the day and really don't care as a whole.
Some think that it just doesn't matter, and the government cannot take what they don't have anyway.

Raised in today's education system, they don't have the wherewithal to understand the government is already taking from them.
They are stealing or destroying the opportunities young people actually have to succeed in their future, in order to make them servants of the State ... :thup:

After the near silence from conservatives over the capital attack I've once again had to revise my opinion of them downward.
And? That proves what? Exactly what I've already stated- your pretentious attitude is a BIG part of a bigger problem in this country- you feel more than you intellectually discuss- Public Education at its finest- brought to you by BOTH sides of the fucking aisle, you knuckle dragging, mouth breathing neanderthal- good-god-almighty you fucking people are STUPID BEYOND HELP.

This is part of an exchange between a couple of well-respected bloggers, and it's well worth reading in full, but the the part below is what I want to show ya'll.
From the link;

"Nobody serious is seriously considering secession. It's like talking about winning the next election. They're considering insurgency, revolution, and overthrow. I don't want a piece of what used to be known as the U.S. of A.

For about the tenth time I've said it and posted it here:

I am so enamored of the republic that was, that I'll not willingly part with a square foot of it to the communists. I want the whole damned thing back. Whether any of them survive the transition is a matter to me ranging from complete indifference, to active revulsion at the thought.

That isn't secession. It's cleansing.

I ask him, though, what is the alternative? Roll over and let the communists rule? Are the big red areas not just as big a problem to them as the blue areas would be to us? It could be something as simply put as "in the absence of orders, find something communist and destroy it."
That would be an insurgency, and an underground. Not a secession. France didn't secede from Nazi Germany. America didn't secede from Britain. And no place is seceding from the U.S. They'll either win their independence, again, or roll over, give it all up, and wind up in the gulags featured in every communist state since ever. There's no third option. And there won't be any safe space unless it's called Everything, because the other side has proven beyond all doubt that the one thing of which they are wholly incapable is to leave everyone else alone. Couldn't do it in Korea. Couldn't do it in Vietnam. And only brinksmanship and the threat of global thermonuclear war stopped it in Germany. Communists, like muslims, are the world's original pugnacious busybodies, and the only successful remedy is removal in toto.

If they could have pulled off minding their own business once in the last 60-100 years, we need never have reached the state we're in now, one which is only going to get worse, day after endless day.

To secede is something one does in their own mind first and foremost. I already have.
Good for you. But the rest of the country doesn't live in your mind, they live in the real world. And if they want their freedom and liberties back, they're going to wrap their minds around the idea that to get it, and keep it, they're going to have to slit throats, and shoot m*****f*****s in the face.

Trying to use some Zen mental visualization technique will come in a distant second to going all stabby and shooty on those who would cheerfully enslave them and kill them as soon as swat a fly.

“Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.”
― C. S. Lewis

One doesn't "secede" from a metastasizing cancer. Ones carves it out wholesale, burns it, poisons it, and literally nukes it, until no trace of it, not one single cell, remains.
The same is true of tyrannies. We didn't do a 70:30 deal with George the III, nor Jeff Davis.

Anything less than the complete eradication of the problem is a recipe for long, agonizing, and unspeakably painful death. I'll pass.

So please, be in no confusion: The only time I'll be facing that on my knees is when I have one of them firmly astride someone's windpipe until his legs stop thrashing, or I feel a satisfying cervical cracking sound underneath.

There's no substitute for victory, and nothing less will suffice nor avail."

I'm getting to an age where thoughts of what I am going to leave to my grandchildren occupy a lot of my time and my efforts, including thoughts of what kind of country I am going to be leaving them.
I think I'd rather not leave this mess for them...... might be time to start cleaning it up.

Wouldn't be the first time I got someone else's blood all over me.
There have been many references in the USMB and elsewhere about a civil war starting up, but what exactly does that mean? An actual shooting war in the streets with people dying? We've already seen that in a few places, in Austin and Louisville and Portland, or was it Seattle? But is it going escalate into rival groups blasting away at each other with numerous casualties? Will we see neighbors against neighbors, for political reasons? Many places around the country have liberal and conservatives living just down the street from each other, no?

Some say there are external forces at work here, the Russians/Chinese/Others who are trying to stoke the fires of violence and destruction in an effort to reduce the US to anarchy. I don't get how this many riots and rioters can continue with what they're doing without some financial aid. And for the life of me I cannot understand how and why the democrat leaders in our major cities and affected states can stand by and allow this lawlessness to go on unabated. It ain't enough IMHO to shake your finger and denounce the violence, I think the national DNC has to come down HARD on those mayors and governors who are not doing everything they can to stop the nonsense. Do they really want a civil war with however many people getting killed? I can't wrap my brain around that.

People are buying guns and ammo big time, and the violence appears to be heading into residential neighborhoods. Maybe I need an AK47, or one of those things. I ain't got the money though, cuz those things are expensive and probably are also out of stock anyway, you might not be able to buy one in some places even if you wanted to. Truth be told, I don't wanna shoot anybody, but is it coming to the point where I'm going to have to, depending on where I live? Things are getting WAY out of hand. Am I wrong?

They don't need external forces working here.

Everything you see nowadays is pushing people to self identify ... Masks, social media, activism, community participation.
The government and the media are doing everything thing they can to pollute the atmosphere with hatred for one another.

It is all based in intolerance.
Albeit. they would have better luck starting a Race War than a Civil War.

People with the resources and the wherewithal to actually accomplish something, are thinking Defense and not Offense.
Very few, if any, are drawing up lines talking about what streets/buildings they are going to take and how a war would progress.

Young people (who would be necessary to win), live in the day and really don't care as a whole.
Some think that it just doesn't matter, and the government cannot take what they don't have anyway.

Raised in today's education system, they don't have the wherewithal to understand the government is already taking from them.
They are stealing or destroying the opportunities young people actually have to succeed in their future, in order to make them servants of the State ... :thup:

Young people have a very definite set of concerns that just so happen to be at odds with the grand old boomer party. If they feel robbed by anyone it's the old farts who are apparently trying to take it all with them when they die. Your post is just dripping with the conviction that the young people of today do not deserve what you took for granted.
I like a good old-fashioned civil war 2.0 thread. It separates the conservatives who would like to see one happen from the conservatives who would like to see one happen but say otherwise.
Bullshit- you, just like that other fucking idiot I replied to, like to hear your empty fucking, godvernment acolyte head, rattle through your fingers- you're both partisan hacks that have no business other than trying to pretend to be something you ain't- intelligent. Please, stop wasting oxygen.
After the near silence from conservatives over the capital attack I've once again had to revise my opinion of them downward.
Why talk to people that do not, and never have, listened?

There are better ways to spend one's time.
Young people have a very definite set of concerns that just so happen to be at odds with the grand old boomer party. If they feel robbed by anyone it's the old farts who are apparently trying to take it all with them when they die. Your post is just dripping with the conviction that the young people of today do not deserve what you took for granted.

You don't know me and I didn't take anything for granted ... For starters I listen to people (especially young people).
Your post is dripping with the same useless nonsense that suggests someone is owed something they haven't earned.

Nothing in my post said a damn thing about 'party' you ignorant twat ... :thup:

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I have no idea what any of you are talking about. Someone want to post a MSM news piece that makes any of you believe this?

I don't see this around where I am living. What are you talking about?

They are talking about being drama queens on the internet trying to one-up each other on the hysteria scale.
After the near silence from conservatives over the capital attack I've once again had to revise my opinion of them downward.
And? That proves what? Exactly what I've already stated- your pretentious attitude is a BIG part of a bigger problem in this country- you feel more than you intellectually discuss- Public Education at its finest- brought to you by BOTH sides of the fucking aisle, you knuckle dragging, mouth breathing neanderthal- good-god-almighty you fucking people are STUPID BEYOND HELP.
You're the most pretentious asshole on this board. Climb down off your high horse find another rebuttal other than your usual calling everyone idiots.
Young people have a very definite set of concerns that just so happen to be at odds with the grand old boomer party. If they feel robbed by anyone it's the old farts who are apparently trying to take it all with them when they die. Your post is just dripping with the conviction that the young people of today do not deserve what you took for granted.

You don't know me and I didn't take anything for granted ... For starters I listen to people (especially young people).
Your post is dripping with the same useless nonsense that suggests someone is owed something they haven't earned.

Nothing in my post said a damn thing about 'party' you ignorant twat ... :thup:

Every single issue young people are concerned about is treated with open hostility by the republicans. If you really listened to young people you would know that they have all looked at what everyone over 60 was given that they have subsequently been cheated out of. You can blame who you like but they blame the old farts who only shake their heads to any sort of investment in the future.
I like a good old-fashioned civil war 2.0 thread. It separates the conservatives who would like to see one happen from the conservatives who would like to see one happen but say otherwise.
Bullshit- you, just like that other fucking idiot I replied to, like to hear your empty fucking, godvernment acolyte head, rattle through your fingers- you're both partisan hacks that have no business other than trying to pretend to be something you ain't- intelligent. Please, stop wasting oxygen.
After the near silence from conservatives over the capital attack I've once again had to revise my opinion of them downward.

And just who the fuck are you?

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