Clapper Just Stated On Fake News No 17 Agencies Confirming Russian Meddling

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

I just listened to his every word. Why did you leave out all the context? Just another dishonest NaziCon thread.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

I just listened to his every word. Why did you leave out all the context? Just another dishonest NaziCon thread.

Is there any other kind?
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

I just listened to his every word. Why did you leave out all the context? Just another dishonest NaziCon thread.

What part of "only 4 agencies can verify the meddling claim", and "there's no evidence of collusion" need to be contextualized? Those are straight forward facts. You know, the only things you can get on CNN when someone shows up and states them.
How is hitlery even "washed up"?

Aren't you supposed to have achieved some great stature due to some effort and finally just kinda hung around and pushed yourself into the spotlight until you became so annoying guards kept you away?

Hitlery has never achieved anything. She was dragged into the limelight. She won an easy democrook senate seat and the media kept pushing her on the public even though she was already so annoying they had to have guards to keep her from the public. She got appointed to the Dept of State and look what success THAT was. She lost the election to a cheeto messiah who is already out performing the meat puppet faggot as far as I'm concerned and has taken down the 4th estate a peg or six.

It's amazing how much better I can see the country already functioning under the administration of the world's richest professional clown. Then again he has actually achieved things. He knows how business works and how it can flourish. Egg head sociopaths who've never done anything but parrot liberal bullshit around campus for decades don't know shit about shit. They can't even fornicate without consent forms for fuck's sake
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The 17 intelligence agencies LIE was debunked months ago, but it didn't stop the fake news lying media from repeating the lie. They run the lie until it does as much damage as it can, then they print a retraction. Of course the new lie of choice is already running by then.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

I just listened to his every word. Why did you leave out all the context? Just another dishonest NaziCon thread.


Only a retarded libtard would of ever thought the US coast guard would of investigated collusion ..

The 17 intelligence agencies LIE was debunked months ago, but it didn't stop the fake news lying media from repeating the lie. They run the lie until it does as much damage as it can, then they print a retraction. Of course the new lie of choice is already running by then.

Of course then these idiot Sherlock's try to run with it and try to make it stick

Like the 97% of scientist myth.

The 17 intelligence agencies LIE was debunked months ago, but it didn't stop the fake news lying media from repeating the lie. They run the lie until it does as much damage as it can, then they print a retraction. Of course the new lie of choice is already running by then.
Give me a valid link that it was debunked. You're a liar.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

I just listened to his every word. Why did you leave out all the context? Just another dishonest NaziCon thread.

Is there any other kind?
Funny, coming from you
Only four!??? How many do you expect? Is the ATF supposed to be investigating Russian hacking?
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.
CNN's Jim Acosta To Trump: "Fake News" To Question "17 Intel Agencies" Claim; NYT Correction Proves Trump Right

"However, the "three or four" figure comes from the correction notes posted by the New York Times and Associated Press this week retracting their claim that all 17 agencies played a part. Acosta must not have read the corrections."
The 17 intelligence agencies LIE was debunked months ago, but it didn't stop the fake news lying media from repeating the lie. They run the lie until it does as much damage as it can, then they print a retraction. Of course the new lie of choice is already running by then.
Give me a valid link that it was debunked. You're a liar.

:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: fool even the New York Times now admits it was false. :itsok:
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

Since Trump has confirmed the meddling you sound like a moron.
The 17 intelligence agencies LIE was debunked months ago, but it didn't stop the fake news lying media from repeating the lie. They run the lie until it does as much damage as it can, then they print a retraction. Of course the new lie of choice is already running by then.
Give me a valid link that it was debunked. You're a liar.

Both the AP and the New York Times both printed a correction for saying that 17 agencies agreed that it was the Russians. Oh and Clappers own testimony before the committee.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.

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