Clapper Just Stated On Fake News No 17 Agencies Confirming Russian Meddling

The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
How many of the four confirm it?

All four which includes him. Proving Obama did know about the Russians and didn't do a damn thing. I think Obama voted for Trump.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
How many of the four confirm it?

All four which includes him. Proving Obama did know about the Russians and didn't do a damn thing. I think Obama voted for Trump.

That's a lie .

I have a question for the righties .

How many agencies do you need to believe ?
They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

only the top 3?? what else do you nitwit pubs want?? Blood ?? Russia is our enemy Can't you get that thru your thick trump skulls??


Still haven't learned how to post?

YOU seem to be missing the point.

(nothing new)

The discussion is about the number of agencies
Yes it is """will""" And you want to dispute what our 3 TOP AGENCIES say??? Are you so smart or just another republican toddy??
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
You mean that the liberals constantly LIE?????

Say it ain't so.
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

only the top 3?? what else do you nitwit pubs want?? Blood ?? Russia is our enemy Can't you get that thru your thick trump skulls??


Still haven't learned how to post?

YOU seem to be missing the point.

(nothing new)

The discussion is about the number of agencies
Yes it is """will""" And you want to dispute what our 3 TOP AGENCIES say??? Are you so smart or just another republican toddy??
Didn't realize the investigation is over.

what was the result?

(Because until the investigation is over, it's all GUESSWORK!!)
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

only the top 3?? what else do you nitwit pubs want?? Blood ?? Russia is our enemy Can't you get that thru your thick trump skulls??


Still haven't learned how to post?

YOU seem to be missing the point.

(nothing new)

The discussion is about the number of agencies
Yes it is """will""" And you want to dispute what our 3 TOP AGENCIES say??? Are you so smart or just another republican toddy??
Didn't realize the investigation is over.

what was the result?

(Because until the investigation is over, it's all GUESSWORK!!)
true and we'll be finding out soon enough Hopefully you all don't call it fake news
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

only the top 3?? what else do you nitwit pubs want?? Blood ?? Russia is our enemy Can't you get that thru your thick trump skulls??


Still haven't learned how to post?

YOU seem to be missing the point.

(nothing new)

The discussion is about the number of agencies
Yes it is """will""" And you want to dispute what our 3 TOP AGENCIES say??? Are you so smart or just another republican toddy??

So now you want to argue 3 after months of 17 when we kept telling you all that was bogus.
Only four!??? How many do you expect? Is the ATF supposed to be investigating Russian hacking?

Then why did you Nazis lie about it? :dunno:
Then why did you Nazis lie about it?

So now you want to argue 3 after months of 17 when we kept telling you all that was bogus.

Saw footage of the senate intelligence committee asking the heads of 6 intelligence agencies if they agreed, and they all said "yes" one by one.
So that's 5 intelligence agencies plus the DNI.

Last edited:
Another day, another load of Trumpster nonsense.

Meanwhile American intelligence doesn't mince it's words - it was Russians under directive from Putin himself.
It is really pathetic when you see it.

The filthy Liberals can't explain why Crooked Hillary lost. It is inconceivable to these nitwits because they actually think the stupid bitch was "the most qualified person to ever run for President".

This shit about Russia is fake news to cover up the failure of the Moon Bats for nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest piece of shit that nobody really liked.

They are delusional and that is a good thing because as long as they are unwilling to face reality they will continue to be not relevant. They will continue to lose another 1,000 national seats and it will be a cold day in hell before they regain the Congress or the Presidency. The Democrats are a party of despicable assholes. Let them spew their anti Trump hate and fake news. It is not going to get them very far but they are too dumb to know it.

The idoits are too stupid to know that if they would support the repeal of Obamacare they would get millions more votes than harping on this silly Russia bullshit.
It is really pathetic when you see it.

The filthy Liberals can't explain why Crooked Hillary lost. It is inconceivable to these nitwits because they actually think the stupid bitch was "the most qualified person to ever run for President".

This shit about Russia is fake news to cover up the failure of the Moon Bats for nominating a corrupt, incompetent and dishonest piece of shit that nobody really liked.

They are delusional and that is a good thing because as long as they are unwilling to face reality they will continue to be not relevant. They will continue to lose another 1,000 national seats and it will be a cold day in hell before they regain the Congress or the Presidency. The Democrats are a party of despicable assholes. Let them spew their anti Trump hate and fake news. It is not going to get them very far but they are too dumb to know it.

The idoits are too stupid to know that if they would support the repeal of Obamacare they would get millions more votes than harping on this silly Russia bullshit.

Then why haven't the cons repealed Obamacare ?
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
So the claims of no collusion are fake news?

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