Clapper Just Stated On Fake News No 17 Agencies Confirming Russian Meddling

The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.

Her Thighness has spoken lol

The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

So 4 agencies says there Russians hacked our election and that means that no one did because...?

17 people say you ate a Turd. Wait it was 4 people. So that means you never ate a turd because you didn't reach the above 5 person threshold.

Also, I like how you guys continue to say the news is fake while continuing to believe it.
Look above, even Her Thighness Clinton lied, who would of thunk

That post was from last October.

at that time, it's all anyone knew

What, Clinton was lying stating all 17 agreed


at the time she said it, it was the best information available.

Who knows, maybe she'll wake up sooner than Reasonable

You mean kind of like a video led to Benghazi ?

Why did she speak without facts?

No wonder Mr Trump spanked her royally

The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

So 4 agencies says there Russians hacked our election and that means that no one did because...?

17 people say you ate a Turd. Wait it was 4 people. So that means you never ate a turd because you didn't reach the above 5 person threshold.

Also, I like how you guys continue to say the news is fake while continuing to believe it.

Because the fake news media thought if it was a slam dunk then everyone would believe it. Instead of saying a minority believe it

When pressed in an interview Woolsey has an interesting take. You can see how the bullshit 17 agencies was the media driving an imaginary consensus.

"RADDATZ: Donald Trump keeps saying it could be China or someone in bed. Is that possible?

WOOLSEY: Well, the Chinese are good, and one of the things you do in cyber is try to look like somebody else. So to have your hacking look like somebody else’s hacking.

But there’s -- looks like there’s a building consensus on this.

RADDATZ: Given what you’ve heard, and all that 17 intelligence agencies agree and the president said this, do you believe it was a Russian hack?

WOOLSEY: Well, 17 agencies -- that includes the National Reconnaissance Office that flies satellites and have nothing to do with this, I mean."

Woolsey: The Chinese Are Good At Hacking And Making It Look Like Someone Else
Trump's colon speaks again.
Look above, even Her Thighness Clinton lied, who would of thunk

That post was from last October.

at that time, it's all anyone knew

What, Clinton was lying stating all 17 agreed


at the time she said it, it was the best information available.

Who knows, maybe she'll wake up sooner than Reasonable

You mean kind of like a video led to Benghazi ?

Why did she speak without facts?

No wonder Mr Trump spanked her royally

Hillary won all three debates. The fact she had more command of what it took to be president didn't phase you trump whores one bit.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

So 4 agencies says there Russians hacked our election and that means that no one did because...?

17 people say you ate a Turd. Wait it was 4 people. So that means you never ate a turd because you didn't reach the above 5 person threshold.

Also, I like how you guys continue to say the news is fake while continuing to believe it.

Hey when those four agencies get around to examining the DNC servers and then reach a conclusion AND provide evidence I'll buy in.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking

On Oct. 7, the Department of Homeland Security and Office of the Director of National Intelligence issued a joint statement on behalf of the U.S. Intelligence Community. The USIC is made up of 16 agencies, in addition to the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

"The U.S. Intelligence Community (USIC) is confident that the Russian Government directed the recent compromises of e-mails from US persons and institutions, including from US political organizations. The recent disclosures of alleged hacked e-mails on sites like and WikiLeaks and by the Guccifer 2.0 online persona are consistent with the methods and motivations of Russian-directed efforts. These thefts and disclosures are intended to interfere with the US election process. Such activity is not new to Moscow—the Russians have used similar tactics and techniques across Europe and Eurasia, for example, to influence public opinion there. We believe, based on the scope and sensitivity of these efforts, that only Russia's senior-most officials could have authorized these activities.
Look above, even Her Thighness Clinton lied, who would of thunk

That post was from last October.

at that time, it's all anyone knew

What, Clinton was lying stating all 17 agreed


at the time she said it, it was the best information available.

Who knows, maybe she'll wake up sooner than Reasonable

You mean kind of like a video led to Benghazi ?

Why did she speak without facts?

No wonder Mr Trump spanked her royally

Hillary won all three debates. The fact she had more command of what it took to be president didn't phase you trump whores one bit.

AND don't forget her poll numbers were better.

Then why the hell aren't we saying Madame President gave a fine speech in Poland today?

You are really gullible.
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.
“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.
and yet, new information proves it wrong.
They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.
and yet, new information proves it wrong.
They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

only the top 3?? what else do you nitwit pubs want?? Blood ?? Russia is our enemy Can't you get that thru your thick trump skulls??

and yet, new information proves it wrong.
They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.
Fact check. You got it wrong so keep displaying your silly icons.

Did you ?


FACT CHECK: Did 17 Intel Agencies ‘All Agree’ Russia Influenced The Presidential Election?

Read the declassified report by the intelligence community that came out in early January,” said Clinton. “Seventeen agencies, all in agreement – which I know from my experience as a senator and secretary of state is hard to get – they concluded with ‘high confidence’ that the Russians ran an extensive information war against my campaign to influence voters in the election.”

Verdict: False

While the intelligence report she mentions does express ‘high confidence’ that Russia sought to undermine her campaign, it only represents the views of three agencies – the FBI, CIA and NSA. Clinton incorrectly claims this report shows consensus among 17 intelligence agencies.

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper himself appeared in front of Congress and explicitly pushed back on the idea that “17 intelligence agencies agreed,” stating flatly that it was just three

only the top 3?? what else do you nitwit pubs want?? Blood ?? Russia is our enemy Can't you get that thru your thick trump skulls??


Still haven't learned how to post?

YOU seem to be missing the point.

(nothing new)

The discussion is about the number of agencies
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.

So, uh, since it's "fake news", that means it's not true.




Sent from my iPad using
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
How many of the four confirm it?
The 17 agencies the libtardos claim verified Russian meddling is a total farce. And Clapper just stated there's only 4 agencies who have the ability to confirm such a claim.

And he just stated there's no evidence of any collusion, AGAIN. Just as he stated before the Congressional Committee.

So here we are, once again, with the failed attempt to discredit Trump with no evidence by butthurt libtardos who can't believe America is tired of their bullshit and would rather have Trump than some old washed up dingbat who thinks she was entitled to the Presidency.
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.
and yet, new information proves it wrong.
They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

Here's my impression of the righty rubes . *ahem*. "Until the coast guard finds that the Russians fucked with our election, I will believe nothing !!!!"
No link. Figures.

“We have 17, 17 intelligence agencies, civilian and military who have all concluded that these espionage attacks, these cyber attacks, come from the highest levels of the Kremlin. And they are designed to influence our election. I find that deeply disturbing,” Clinton said during Wednesday's presidential debate in Las Vegas.

Yes, 17 intelligence agencies really did say Russia was behind hacking
Yup.... 17 agencies did confirm the hacking. It was never in doubt. Thanks for the link.... I've used it myself in the past.
and yet, new information proves it wrong.
They are as follows: Air Force Intelligence, Army Intelligence, Central Intelligence Agency, Coast Guard Intelligence, Defense Intelligence Agency, Energy Department, Homeland Security Department, State Department, Treasury Department, Drug Enforcement Administration, Federal Bureau of Investigation, Marine Corps Intelligence, National Geospatial Intelligence Agency, National Reconnaissance Office, National Security Agency, Navy Intelligence and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence.

Some of these are large, independent agencies, like the FBI, CIA and NSA. Others are smaller offices within agencies whose main focus is not intelligence, like the State Department’s Bureau of Intelligence and Research or the Treasury’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis.

Four out of the 17 were involved in the January assessment about Russia: CIA, FBI, NSA and the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, which is an umbrella agency that oversees all 17 organizations.

Here's my impression of the righty rubes . *ahem*. "Until the coast guard finds that the Russians fucked with our election, I will believe nothing !!!!"
I get the impression it's going to take a few days/weeks/months/years before you accept that only 4 organizations are actually involved?

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