Clarence Thomas Signals Willingness to Overturn Obergefell v. Hodges

Disagree…this has cut through precedent. Roe was upheld many times. Even the Trump SCOTUS justices, when they lied to Congress indicated it was settled law.
No such thing as "settled law". How many times does it have to be repeated. Just because Whoopi, Joy, Rachel Maddow and Chris O'donnell keep saying it, doesn't make it so.
The only thing more stupid than having gone through all the useless noise of changing the meaning of the word "marriage" would be to go back and undo it. Having the same rights as men and women marrying would logically have been enough. The insistence upon the term being the same was obviously an attempt to control language itself. Still, words mean what people using the language agree they mean, so if the word "marriage" means something new now, so be it. Are there people foolish enough to want to go through the process again to put things back as they were?
Same sex couples should most definitely have the same material rights as anyone else, all the relationship whatever you will.
Marriage has been defined as a union between a male and female since the dawn of civilization. Now everyone is supposed to submit to a new definition or else you're a homophobic bigoted hateful big fat poopy pants. Fuck you.
Marriage has been defined as a union between a male and female since the dawn of civilization. Now everyone is supposed to submit to a new definition or else you're a homophobic bigoted hateful big fat poopy pants. Fuck you.

Polygamy was prevalent in many civilizations

Todays society recognizes the right of the individual to legally marry the person they love
Polygamy was prevalent in many civilizations

Todays society recognizes the right of the individual to legally marry the person they love
Wrong. SOME people in society recognize queer marriage. The majority in California didn't recognize it when it was put up for a vote.
In law marriage is a contract.
Exactly and contracts need are the ability to contract. It's civil law and courts should only enforce the terms of the contract per normal contract law. Get your morals put of my chattels!🤪
Wrong. SOME people in society recognize queer marriage. The majority in California didn't recognize it when it was put up for a vote.
That was 15 years ago
Today, same sex marriage is overwhelmingly accepted in our society
Marriage has been defined as a union between a male and female since the dawn of civilization. Now everyone is supposed to submit to a new definition or else you're a homophobic bigoted hateful big fat poopy pants. Fuck you.
Nope much of the world has it as a husband and multiple wives.
Part of the grooming procedure, as they use as an excuse, is to normalize same sex families to young children.
Families headed by two people of the same gender have indeed been normalized. It is only a few, hysterical pearl clutching bigots who are even still talking about it. And those gay people are parents. The only grooming that takes place is to groom them to become decent and responsible adults who can be whoever they come to be without shame, and who accept others for who they are. You could use some grooming.
Polygamy was a cultural custom. Just because something is in the Bible, it doesn't mean it is God's will. Jesus said marriage is a male and female.
ALL marriage is a cultural custom.

What you are saying is that the bible gives conflicting accounts of what is "biblical marriage" and you are choosing your own interpretation to suit your own beliefs.

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