Class War Illustrated

It's responses like this that really show how stupid liberals really are. We are redistributing wealth to the rich by taxing them at higher rates then everyone else but not high enough rates for you Marxists. All the money is the people's money, comrade, got it.

There's a lot more than income taxes in this country dickweed. And the rich can hide much of their money from taxes which the average guy can't.

You cut the pay of middle class jobs like teachers and others yet when it comes come to the top jobs in the country are getting more and more everyday.

The Koch Bros just made 8 billion in one year, 5 times the budget shortfall in Wisconsin as you guys like to put it. they have been able to obtain 44BILLION dollars off the Wisconsin people and you want me to feel sorry for the rich, NICE FUCKING TRY DICKWEED, they have it so bad here in the good old USA.

Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

But I can say with a great deal of confidence that the rich are far less likely to 'hide' their income than are folks further down the ladder. I'm guessing that in some industries around here, a good third of transactions are conducted under the table.

And it really doesn't matter where the tax money comes from. Every dollar confiscated in taxes is a dollar that is not available for others to borrow, is a dollar not invested to expand the economy or grow businesses or acquire new tools and equipment, is a dollar not used to pay wages and benefits to Americans, is a dollar not spent to boost economic activity.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?
It's responses like this that really show how stupid liberals really are. We are redistributing wealth to the rich by taxing them at higher rates then everyone else but not high enough rates for you Marxists. All the money is the people's money, comrade, got it.

There's a lot more than income taxes in this country dickweed. And the rich can hide much of their money from taxes which the average guy can't.

You cut the pay of middle class jobs like teachers and others yet when it comes come to the top jobs in the country are getting more and more everyday.

The Koch Bros just made 8 billion in one year, 5 times the budget shortfall in Wisconsin as you guys like to put it. they have been able to obtain 44BILLION dollars off the Wisconsin people and you want me to feel sorry for the rich, NICE FUCKING TRY DICKWEED, they have it so bad here in the good old USA.

Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

But I can say with a great deal of confidence that the rich are far less likely to 'hide' their income than are folks further down the ladder. I'm guessing that in some industries around here, a good third of transactions are conducted under the table.

And it really doesn't matter where the tax money comes from. Every dollar confiscated in taxes is a dollar that is not available for others to borrow, is a dollar not invested to expand the economy or grow businesses or acquire new tools and equipment, is a dollar not used to pay wages and benefits to Americans, is a dollar not spent to boost economic activity.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Save it. Youre dealing with a KID. A mere child... Ignore him.
your problem is you really don't know anything but what you have read on other boards or listening to the far right dingbats. Throw it out there and see what sticks and keep doing it till some people will say of course thats true I've heard it many times.

All the rich are is a large corp that uses everything it has at its disposal to create profits. But unlike the rich corp are held to creating profits off of what they make or do as a service. The rich want to make money off their money and expect the average guy to pay for overhead.
I'm sorry but john living next door to me making 40,000 a year and supporting his family in no way should be asked to pay for the system of govt as those making several 100,000's of dollars up to multi million/billions.
your problem is you really don't know anything but what you have read on other boards or listening to the far right dingbats. Throw it out there and see what sticks and keep doing it till some people will say of course thats true I've heard it many times.

All the rich are is a large corp that uses everything it has at its disposal to create profits. But unlike the rich corp are held to creating profits off of what they make or do as a service. The rich want to make money off their money and expect the average guy to pay for overhead.
I'm sorry but john living next door to me making 40,000 a year and supporting his family in no way should be asked to pay for the system of govt as those making several 100,000's of dollars up to multi million/billions.

You're a KID. Give back the keyboard to your mommy. You can't handle this place.
Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

Most of the people in our society don't have the money to hide it from taxes. They have to use every penny running their homes, feeding their kids and saving for college for their kids. Only the rich have that ability for the most part.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Not much as they use it to help the rich out. all the way from wars to building things, the rich get the benefits. The truth is also the common guy pays so much for the things they need that in all reality is just a price we pay so the rich can have a workforce.

The average guy uses little that the govt does, but seems to be called on to pay for a LOT.
Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

Most of the people in our society don't have the money to hide it from taxes. They have to use every penny running their homes, feeding their kids and saving for college for their kids. Only the rich have that ability for the most part.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Not much as they use it to help the rich out. all the way from wars to building things, the rich get the benefits. The truth is also the common guy pays so much for the things they need that in all reality is just a price we pay so the rich can have a workforce.

The average guy uses little that the govt does, but seems to be called on to pay for a LOT.
I bet you're a big hit in your social studies classes. :rolleyes:
Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

Most of the people in our society don't have the money to hide it from taxes. They have to use every penny running their homes, feeding their kids and saving for college for their kids. Only the rich have that ability for the most part.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Not much as they use it to help the rich out. all the way from wars to building things, the rich get the benefits. The truth is also the common guy pays so much for the things they need that in all reality is just a price we pay so the rich can have a workforce.

The average guy uses little that the govt does, but seems to be called on to pay for a LOT.

Then you are ON THE WRONG TEAM the Government is gunning for the RICH...that is unless YOU are on the DOLE and are demanding MORE from the Taxpayer?

It's responses like this that really show how stupid liberals really are. We are redistributing wealth to the rich by taxing them at higher rates then everyone else but not high enough rates for you Marxists. All the money is the people's money, comrade, got it.

There's a lot more than income taxes in this country dickweed. And the rich can hide much of their money from taxes which the average guy can't.

You cut the pay of middle class jobs like teachers and others yet when it comes come to the top jobs in the country are getting more and more everyday.

The Koch Bros just made 8 billion in one year, 5 times the budget shortfall in Wisconsin as you guys like to put it. they have been able to obtain 44BILLION dollars off the Wisconsin people and you want me to feel sorry for the rich, NICE FUCKING TRY DICKWEED, they have it so bad here in the good old USA.

Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

But I can say with a great deal of confidence that the rich are far less likely to 'hide' their income than are folks further down the ladder. I'm guessing that in some industries around here, a good third of transactions are conducted under the table.

And it really doesn't matter where the tax money comes from. Every dollar confiscated in taxes is a dollar that is not available for others to borrow, is a dollar not invested to expand the economy or grow businesses or acquire new tools and equipment, is a dollar not used to pay wages and benefits to Americans, is a dollar not spent to boost economic activity.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Save it. Youre dealing with a KID. A mere child... Ignore him.

Yes it was unnecessarily insulting, but it did make an argument. If we dismiss ever post that contains a personal insult or ad hominem reference, the thread dies. I'm just hoping enough stick it out to produce a decent discussion/debate. :)
Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

Most of the people in our society don't have the money to hide it from taxes. They have to use every penny running their homes, feeding their kids and saving for college for their kids. Only the rich have that ability for the most part.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Not much as they use it to help the rich out. all the way from wars to building things, the rich get the benefits. The truth is also the common guy pays so much for the things they need that in all reality is just a price we pay so the rich can have a workforce.

The average guy uses little that the govt does, but seems to be called on to pay for a LOT.
I bet you're a big hit in your social studies classes. :rolleyes:

No shit. I'll bet he will be voted 'Most likely to garner more Welfare Than Anyone Else'...
Oh baloney. Yes the rich will shelter as much of their income from taxes as the rules will allow. Who doesn't?

But I can say with a great deal of confidence that the rich are far less likely to 'hide' their income than are folks further down the ladder. I'm guessing that in some industries around here, a good third of transactions are conducted under the table.

And it really doesn't matter where the tax money comes from. Every dollar confiscated in taxes is a dollar that is not available for others to borrow, is a dollar not invested to expand the economy or grow businesses or acquire new tools and equipment, is a dollar not used to pay wages and benefits to Americans, is a dollar not spent to boost economic activity.

How much of the money the government tales from you and spends do you really feel you're getting your money's worth from? In many cases, do you really think you could not benefit yourself more spending it yourself?

Save it. Youre dealing with a KID. A mere child... Ignore him.

Yes it was unnecessarily insulting, but it did make an argument. If we dismiss ever post that contains a personal insult or ad hominem reference, the thread dies. I'm just hoping enough stick it out to produce a decent discussion/debate. :)

Some have tried didn't take. Sad. You try to reason, and you get more vitriol.
Save it. Youre dealing with a KID. A mere child... Ignore him.

Yes it was unnecessarily insulting, but it did make an argument. If we dismiss ever post that contains a personal insult or ad hominem reference, the thread dies. I'm just hoping enough stick it out to produce a decent discussion/debate. :)

Some have tried didn't take. Sad. You try to reason, and you get more vitriol.

Reason free of ad hominem and personal insults though produces almost no vitriol They still call you an idiot, but they do it more nicely. :)
Yes it was unnecessarily insulting, but it did make an argument. If we dismiss ever post that contains a personal insult or ad hominem reference, the thread dies. I'm just hoping enough stick it out to produce a decent discussion/debate. :)

Some have tried didn't take. Sad. You try to reason, and you get more vitriol.

Reason free of ad hominem and personal insults though produces almost no vitriol They still call you an idiot, but they do it more nicely. :)

Point taken :)
Yes it was unnecessarily insulting, but it did make an argument. If we dismiss ever post that contains a personal insult or ad hominem reference, the thread dies. I'm just hoping enough stick it out to produce a decent discussion/debate. :)

Some have tried didn't take. Sad. You try to reason, and you get more vitriol.

Reason free of ad hominem and personal insults though produces almost no vitriol They still call you an idiot, but they do it more nicely. :)
Like calling you misinformed or mistaken. Most people hate being taken out of their comfort zones, there are some people that ignore arguments and hate on you simply because they are dogmatically one way or the other, and closed minded to the point its quite sad. But that's life, and you can always roll your eyes and move on, or run over their garden gnomes with your car. ;)
It's responses like this that really show how stupid liberals really are. We are redistributing wealth to the rich by taxing them at higher rates then everyone else but not high enough rates for you Marxists. All the money is the people's money, comrade, got it.
'Liberal' and 'Marxist' are mutually exclusive. it would appear you're not interested in discussing the matter honestly- that or you lack even the most basic grasp of the matter and are incapable of discussing it intelligently.
The class war is over. The rich won.

Through the Reagan and Bush's tax cuts, they transferred $11 trillion dollars of debt from themselves to the middle class taxpayer.

That was the greatest redistribution of wealth in American history.

It was Robin Hood in reverse. They took from the poor and gave to the rich.
This is the question asked a number of times now. I'll leave you gentlemen with it to think about if you're going to be up for awhile. Not that I expect any of you to be able to answer it since you've avoided that for hours now. But hope springs eternal.

Good night all.

The question:

All things being equal, what makes Citizen A who made choices to do what was necessary to become honorably prosperous responsible to support Citizen B who did not make choices to do what was necessary to become honorably prosperous?

It implies they started off even.
It implies they both had choices to do what was necessary to become honorably prosperous.

What makes him responsible?

The moral obligation to help others regardless of their bad choices.

Yeah we know, the so-called safety net. Problem is? too many start using the safety net as a hammock.

Uhmm Chris? It's called responsibility for yourself. Folks as you cry freedom and liberty, but in the same breath you feel that you don't have to be responsible for it, but others should be.


I paid $22,000 in federal taxes just last week.

Half of all Americans including some very wealthy people paid none.

So you have no idea about how I handle responsibility.
No one should have to pay more than half their income in taxes under any circumstances perhaps with the exception of times of war.
There should be no taxes on incomes in any case....This is the cornerstone of class warfare.

Yep. originally? Commerce was taxed, and indirectly.

Sales tax is the way to go... as long as it's tempered with an income tax starting on an amount few of us will see, like $3 million per year.

Buy a 75 foot Yacht - pay Big-boat tax, buy a 15 foot bass troller, pay less.

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