Classical liberalism

Libertarians want nothing to do with the Founders, for the latter recognized a social compact existed that valued community and individual.

The founders were classic liberals. You and RW live in fantasy worlds. That's not the problem, the problem is you don't know the difference.

The founders were 18th century Liberals

Yes, and you are a leftist. You are an entirely different animal. You're authoritarian, they sought liberty. And their policies were almost identical to libertarians today.

No one demagogue the word "liberal" underneath you, leftists subverted it when you tried to apply the word "liberal" to leftists who seek authoritarian government.
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The founders were classic liberals. You and RW live in fantasy worlds. That's not the problem, the problem is you don't know the difference.

The founders were 18th century Liberals

Yes, and you are a leftist. You are an entirely different animal. You're authoritarian, they sought liberty. And their policies were almost identical to libertarians today.

No one demagogue the word "liberal" underneath you, leftists subverted it when you tried to apply the word "liberal" to leftists who seek authoritarian government.

Total nonsense

Todays liberals look for the "right sized" government

Our founders were incapable of visualizing what a modern democracy would look like. That is why they left it up to us
Classical liberalism is a philosophy committed to the ideal of limited government and liberty of individuals including freedom of religion, speech, press, assembly, and free markets.[1]

Classical liberalism

The Left today is NOT "classically" liberal.

True Liberalism is neither left nor right. The bullshit label "classical liberalism" is contrived to establish a Doublethink so that its enemies on the right can paint "liberal" in demonic colors as an enemy by equating "liberal" with "left".

It started with Joe McCarthy and his ilk, who originally conflated "liberal" with "communist" as a back-door guilt-by-association; then perpetuated by Lee Atwater and Jonah Goldberg, and then Lush Rimjob and a host of radio babblonia demagogues. Still bullshit today. Not surprised a sterling intellect like Roo is still lining up to buy it.
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The founders were 18th century Liberals

Yes, and you are a leftist. You are an entirely different animal. You're authoritarian, they sought liberty. And their policies were almost identical to libertarians today.

No one demagogue the word "liberal" underneath you, leftists subverted it when you tried to apply the word "liberal" to leftists who seek authoritarian government.

Total nonsense

Todays liberals look for the "right sized" government
And to authoritarians, the more the better. Which is what you demand every year, that government grow far beyond any economic measure. Inflation, GDP, all of it. "Right" size to you is always "more."

Our founders were incapable of visualizing what a modern democracy would look like. That is why they left it up to us
Yes, and the formula to get there. 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. Not by ignoring the Constitution and supporting that with judicial fiat. The only thing you have in common with the founders is you both wore pants. Their ideas were spot on. 238 years ago and today.

And only a liberal would argue that you get credit for what they did while you oppose what they did and those of us who believe in what they did...
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Why would modern liberals be classical liberals?

Classical liberalism is closer to modern conservatism than it is to modern liberalism.

Yep. "Modern liberalism" has evolved into communism. It bares no resemblance to what the Founding Fathers believed.

That point would have some merit if you believed that all progress should have ended in 1789.

Moving in the direction of communism isn't "progress."
Classical Liberalism is a great philosophy that I respect and I am closely aligned with that ideology. Libertarianism/classical liberalism is arguably the same and I am close with both.

The Left today has stolen the liberal name and converted it from meaning liberal in freedom to liberal in government. Even Hillary Clinton affirmed that she is no liberal, but a progressive.
Yes, and you are a leftist. You are an entirely different animal. You're authoritarian, they sought liberty. And their policies were almost identical to libertarians today.

No one demagogue the word "liberal" underneath you, leftists subverted it when you tried to apply the word "liberal" to leftists who seek authoritarian government.

Total nonsense

Todays liberals look for the "right sized" government
And to authoritarians, the more the better. Which is what you demand every year, that government grow far beyond any economic measure. Inflation, GDP, all of it. "Right" size to you is always "more."

Our founders were incapable of visualizing what a modern democracy would look like. That is why they left it up to us
Yes, and the formula to get there. 2/3, 2/3 and 3/4. Not by ignoring the Constitution and supporting that with judicial fiat. The only thing you have in common with the founders is you both wore pants. Their ideas were spot on. 238 years ago and today.
And only a liberal would argue that you get credit for what they did while you oppose what they did and those of us who believe in what they did...

Our founders supported slavery. They denied women and native americans the vote. They denied non-landowners the vote. They did not support equal rights for all Americans.

They did the best they could for the late 1700s but they did not get it right

Our founders did not understand the concept of a modern democracy. There were none to model themselves after in the 18th century. Our taxation system and monetary system were, at the time, incapable of supporting a modern form of government

Our founders, as the great liberals of their time, were way ahead on current thinking of the rights of man.....but their form of government could not support a modern power like the US
Good to hear that because liberals do not advocate ubiquitous government power and removal of individual choice

We only hear that from fear mongering Libertarians

Stop reading Democratic marketing materials and look at what they actually do.

What have liberals actually done?

Founded this country
Abolished slavery
Womens rights
Worker rights and protections
Food and Drug protections
Civil rights
Environmental Protections
Gay rights

Would even make a Libertarian stand up and cheer

We keep telling you numskulls that the liberals who founded this country have nothing in common with modern day libturds like you.
Our founders, as the great liberals of their time, were way ahead on current thinking of the rights of man.....but their form of government could not support a modern power like the US

What you build into all your assumptions is the idea that

if ... the central government does not do "it" ... then ... "it" will not get done.

Actually, that is crap. The founders wanted government for everything but those things only a central government can do, such as defense, to be local, which is far more effective because it is accountable to the people. That was true, and that is true. The idea of State powers is beyond your comprehension, only a central government is in play. You might want to Google what the word "Federal" government means. That is what they designed, and that is what was and is most effective.

As for liberalism, that is not only not capable of supporting a modern power like the US, that is destroying a modern power like the US. You are bankrupting us and crippling our international businesses with regulation and taxes. You're destroying jobs and fostering dependency. You criticizing the founders as unrealistic for supporting a power like the US is just laughable.
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Libertarians want nothing to do with the Founders, for the latter recognized a social compact existed that valued community and individual.

Can you quote any Founder who mentioned the "social compact?"

. . . .

I didn't think so.
Libertarians want nothing to do with the Founders, for the latter recognized a social compact existed that valued community and individual.

Can you quote any Founder who mentioned the "social compact?"

. . . .

I didn't think so.

Yes, the founders viewed government as a threat to social responsibility and specifically wanted to limit it's size and scope because they saw it as the biggest threat to our liberty. Jake suggesting that they viewed a social contract being performed through government is laughable, like most things Jake says... :lol:
Our founders, as the great liberals of their time, were way ahead on current thinking of the rights of man.....but their form of government could not support a modern power like the US

What you build into all your assumptions is the idea that

if ... the central government does not do "it" ... then ... "it" will not get done.

Actually, that is crap. The founders wanted government for everything but those things only a central government can do, such as defense, to be local, which is far more effective because it is accountable to the people. That was true, and that is true. The idea of State powers is beyond your comprehension, only a central government is in play. You might want to Google what the word "Federal" government means. That is what they designed, and that is what was and is most effective.

As for liberalism, that is not only not capable of supporting a modern power like the US, that is destroying a modern power like the US. You are bankrupting us and crippling our international businesses with regulation and taxes. You're destroying jobs and fostering dependency. You criticizing the founders as unrealistic for supporting a power like the US is just laughable.

The founders had no concept of what a 21st century government was expected to do

That is why they left it to us
Our founders, as the great liberals of their time, were way ahead on current thinking of the rights of man.....but their form of government could not support a modern power like the US

What you build into all your assumptions is the idea that

if ... the central government does not do "it" ... then ... "it" will not get done.

Actually, that is crap. The founders wanted government for everything but those things only a central government can do, such as defense, to be local, which is far more effective because it is accountable to the people. That was true, and that is true. The idea of State powers is beyond your comprehension, only a central government is in play. You might want to Google what the word "Federal" government means. That is what they designed, and that is what was and is most effective.

As for liberalism, that is not only not capable of supporting a modern power like the US, that is destroying a modern power like the US. You are bankrupting us and crippling our international businesses with regulation and taxes. You're destroying jobs and fostering dependency. You criticizing the founders as unrealistic for supporting a power like the US is just laughable.

The founders had no concept of what a 21st century government was expected to do
That is why they left it to us

Sure they did. It's written in the constitution that you leftards like to molest, ignore or interpret in ways that make no sense.

Arguing with these types about what government is suppose to do is pointless. To you, they are to provide everything for "free" and there is absolutely no corner of human action that should not be perverted heavily by governance.

Just admit you love authoritarianism and lets call it a day. Clearly you are against individual liberty and the constitution.
The founders were classic liberals. You and RW live in fantasy worlds. That's not the problem, the problem is you don't know the difference.

The founders were 18th century Liberals

Yes, and you are a leftist. You are an entirely different animal. You're authoritarian, they sought liberty. And their policies were almost identical to libertarians today.

No one demagogue the word "liberal" underneath you, leftists subverted it when you tried to apply the word "liberal" to leftists who seek authoritarian government.

You are a far right reactionary with a radical anti-American agenda.

Congress told you what it thought about that last October and November.
Fake loves appeal to popularity and authority. it's the only thing that confirms his suborndinate thinking habits. If congress told you cutting off the legs of children was the new norm, you'd run out and buy a fuckin' saw, Fake. You're mentally deficient like that.
Libertarians want nothing to do with the Founders, for the latter recognized a social compact existed that valued community and individual.

Can you quote any Founder who mentioned the "social compact?"

. . . .

I didn't think so.

Look at the names that signed the Constitution, the states that ratified it, and the men and states that ratified the Bill of Rights. That, my friend, is a social compact.

Anarchism and libertarianism are mere means on intellectual lazy at best and intellectual dishonesty at best.
What you build into all your assumptions is the idea that

if ... the central government does not do "it" ... then ... "it" will not get done.

Actually, that is crap. The founders wanted government for everything but those things only a central government can do, such as defense, to be local, which is far more effective because it is accountable to the people. That was true, and that is true. The idea of State powers is beyond your comprehension, only a central government is in play. You might want to Google what the word "Federal" government means. That is what they designed, and that is what was and is most effective.

As for liberalism, that is not only not capable of supporting a modern power like the US, that is destroying a modern power like the US. You are bankrupting us and crippling our international businesses with regulation and taxes. You're destroying jobs and fostering dependency. You criticizing the founders as unrealistic for supporting a power like the US is just laughable.

The founders had no concept of what a 21st century government was expected to do
That is why they left it to us

Sure they did. It's written in the constitution that you leftards like to molest, ignore or interpret in ways that make no sense.

Arguing with these types about what government is suppose to do is pointless. To you, they are to provide everything for "free" and there is absolutely no corner of human action that should not be perverted heavily by governance.

Just admit you love authoritarianism and lets call it a day. Clearly you are against individual liberty and the constitution.

The did not, you doofus. That is why the Constitution is organic and mutable depending on the times and age. The document is not static.
Our founding fathers had no preference for "limited government"

They built the only sized government they were capable of building. There were no "large governments" in the 18th century and none of the governments gave a shit about the people and their welfare. That is why there were so many revolutions in the 19th century
The document states cleary who has what authority. Only leftist morons like yourself believe it s a "living document".


Otherwise, there wouldn't be a constitution in the first place, your 96th tier subordinate thinker.

Some of you really are dumber than a wet paper bag.

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