Clean energy come the blackouts!!

Oh...your angry snarling posts usually amuse me. This is no exception.

So no serious explanation for why they have giant wind farms.... I didn't think you'd have one.

Your ignorance is off the charts as you show no understanding of the outstanding grid stability problems which used to be very rare now it is the first wave of the coming brown and black outs.
Your ignorance is off the charts as you show no understanding of the outstanding grid stability problems which used to be very rare now it is the first wave of the coming brown and black outs.

Meanwhile back in reality, mod boy attributed the building of wind farms to subsidies and payments which, in no way, explains why China and other nations have wind farms.
Texas has several problems with power production and delivery in traditional means the so called excuses are not due to green energy.

Yet when there was little to no wind and solar power online there was no problems worth mentioning.

Seriously are you leftists that clueless about past history?
Meanwhile back in reality, mod boy attributed the building of wind farms to subsidies and payments which, in no way, explains why China and other nations have wind farms.

China isn't playing word salad games the way our government does, and China is continuing the long-range goals of building more Coal and Nuclear power while America dances to the waves with stable power production being prevented and die slowly.
China isn't playing word salad games the way our government does, and China is continuing the long-range goals of building more Coal and Nuclear power while America dances to the waves with stable power production being prevented and die slowly.
Candy actually has this illusion, that China building a piece of, "green energy," infrastructure, here or there, to give folks jobs, and infuse liquidity into the economy, mean anything at all. . .

Wikipedia tells us that Ordos, China is populated and thriving, but most other independent sources, and photos of the place still show a ghost town.

. . . and that is not the only type of place they do that sort of thing.

Since they built Ordos to take advantage of nearby coal deposits? I would expect Ordos to become more populated and successful, long before China is successful with green tech.
Meanwhile back in reality, mod boy attributed the building of wind farms to subsidies and payments which, in no way, explains why China and other nations have wind farms.

Coal Comfort: Total Collapse in Wind & Solar Output Leaves Freezing Germans Desperate for Coal-Fired Power​


Wind Power Is Collapsing In Germany​


Coal Comfort: Total Collapse in Wind & Solar Output Leaves Freezing Germans Desperate for Coal-Fired Power​


Wind Power Is Collapsing In Germany​

Great stuff right there.... :rock: :rock:

The German people are such suckers....more than any other culture, they embrace all government all the time.
Routinely bamboozled by their own government, always happy to take the big bumpy.
This should go over like a lead balloon with the public. Reality can really suck. :gay: :gay:

Power Grid Operators Warn Of Potential Electricity Shortages Amid Transition To Clean Energy | ZeroHedge

Offuckingcourse shortages are inevitable...the DUMS in charge.

God....November can't come soon enough. I'll be in here election night dropping nukes on the progressives while watching CNN's Don LeMon sitting on a gigantic bumpy cucumber.:deal:
NY decommissioned Indian Point, which provides 25% of baseline electricity for NYC and Westchester before securing new sources, thereby guaranteeing black and brown outs
America wants to be the energizer bunny because they think it just runs and runs.

Boy are they in for a surprise.

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