Clean energy come the blackouts!!

WTF is this ZeroHedge???

Never saw a "climate change modeler" designing power grid systems. Actually, a good number of the leading activists in labcoats for "Earth has a fever" hair on fire fear porn -- have STATED that "renewables are not the answer to Global Warming".

We will get the best energy production that the finest Progressive failures in Congress can design.

:dev3:, and gawd help us --- BATTERIES the TRUE environmental nightmare that dont produce a WATT of grid energy -- are NOT alternatives. They are LIMITED SUPPLEMENTS. And we are ALREADY reaching the tipping point where using SUPPLEMENTS as phony alternatives are gonna kill people and this country.

US Faces Electricity Shortages Heading Into Summer, as Grid Operators Warn of Limits of Green Energy​

Evidence shows America’s power grid is increasingly unreliable and struggling to keep up with energy demand.

Electricity Shortage Warnings Grow Across U.S.​

Power-grid operators caution that electricity supplies aren’t keeping up with demand amid transition to cleaner forms of energy​


US Faces Electricity Shortages Heading Into Summer, as Grid Operators Warn of Limits of Green Energy​

Evidence shows America’s power grid is increasingly unreliable and struggling to keep up with energy demand.

Electricity Shortage Warnings Grow Across U.S.​

Power-grid operators caution that electricity supplies aren’t keeping up with demand amid transition to cleaner forms of energy​

The list of plagues to hit this country in just less than 2 years is becoming biblical.

Especially, the INTENTIONAL ones.. :death:
The list of plagues to hit this country in just less than 2 years is becoming biblical.

Especially, the INTENTIONAL ones.. :death:

11 years ago

Megacities on the move - Planned-opolis​

Megacities on the move - Sprawl-ville​

Megacities on the move - Communi-city​

Megacities on the move - Renew-abad​

All videos here, in case they block them;

THat's why I call these arrogant elitist people the Meme & Dream Team. They couldn't design an egg carton much less our lives.

Covid experience kinda crushed the idea of dense urban "planning" and build-out of massive public transit. Figure the death rates would go by the square of population density and methods of transport.

All those MIGHT be "sustainable" -- but if ya notice - in EVERY SCENARIO -- you COSTS are higher - the CHOICES decrease -- and folks are still BITCHING.

And the thing about energy being TOO expensive is probably true if they are still using wind turbines in dense urban settings in 2040. Energy should never be RARE and expensive. It should be PLENTIFUL and cheap. THAT -- should be the goal. So at least they got the "hydrogen" part right -- but too many bicycles means they haven't seen the road carnage in Indonesia. And it's kinda hard to get your kid or 40 lb dog to a medical appointment or the groceries home.

Republicans have governed Texas wall-to-wall since the 1990's. In your opinion, is there any way in the world the upcoming blackouts down there will be rightly blamed on the Democratic party?

Nope. But they WILL be blamed on the MEGA subsidies for useless wind and only partly sunny solar that WERE installed largely by Dem policies and now ARE -- by themselves - the Dem energy plan going forward.

And by KILLING fossil fuels PREMATURELY which certainly is the TOP priority of those brilliant power engineers in the Progressive caucus -- THE FLAWS of wind and solar NOT BEING "alternatives" will be on display when there's NOTHING to back them up on cloudy, windless, day or week. Hasten the carnage -- I always say. Just get it over with.

It got to the point that the subsidies and "must carry renewables first" policies for "renewables" made it silly NOT to build out this fantasy of wind/solar as primary power. EVEN IF -- it never reaches a production goal by end of life time of the equipment. You build it because COSTS and PROFITS are govt guaranteed, not because it works or is an actual solution to powering a grid.
The "clean energy" transition is a red herring to distract us as they choke off our power supplies & use energy as a point of control. The whole green new deal BS is about forcing an economic change to socialism, not saving the planet
The Plant is pretty secure. It survived a giant Meteor. It survived thousands of Nuclear Tests in the 1950's and 60's.And the Ozone Layer (the Libs cause in the 70's) self corrected.
Nope. But they WILL be blamed on the MEGA subsidies for useless wind and only partly sunny solar that WERE installed largely by Dem policies and now ARE -- by themselves - the Dem energy plan going forward.

And by KILLING fossil fuels PREMATURELY which certainly is the TOP priority of those brilliant power engineers in the Progressive caucus -- THE FLAWS of wind and solar NOT BEING "alternatives" will be on display when there's NOTHING to back them up on cloudy, windless, day or week. Hasten the carnage -- I always say. Just get it over with.

It got to the point that the subsidies and "must carry renewables first" policies for "renewables" made it silly NOT to build out this fantasy of wind/solar as primary power. EVEN IF -- it never reaches a production goal by end of life time of the equipment. You build it because COSTS and PROFITS are govt guaranteed, not because it works or is an actual solution to powering a grid.
Meanwhile back in reality....


I guess now you're going to argue that somehow we're subsidizing China's wind farms too? I'm sure you'll come up with a creative and hilarious reason why China is going into wind as well. It will involve BLM and Hunter Biden, of course.
I guess now you're going to argue that somehow we're subsidizing China's wind farms too? I'm sure you'll come up with a creative and hilarious reason why China is going into wind as well. It will involve BLM and Hunter Biden, of course.

I'd love to entertain and amuse you but your cackling at serious posts and serious stuff you dont understand is more annoying than your current V.P. So -- educate yourself. Especially the Chinese scientific lit on their wind power set-backs and failures. Start here.. Download the paper there -- study it and get back to me. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ...

Meanwhile -- last time I checked, China has been commissioning about 2 new GIGANTIC coal plants each month for the past decade. And that's not stopping. Because COAL is what powers China NOW and way into your future.

And coal plants do not play well with wind power because they are slow to react to HANDLING the flaky nature of wind being there for an hour and GONE for 15 minutes --=- or wind not being there for 2 days and SUDDENLY OVERWHELMING their transmission and grid with a storm.

It's all that paper -- written IN China -- they are not ashamed to engineer and admit some problems. And you'll find that under PERFECT grid conditions that what THEY call the "rejection rate" of wind power dumped into the ground and NOT put on their grids is about 20 to 25% WHEN IT"S THERE. Because they cant' take it on grid because their coal plants can't coast down production fast enough when wind decides to show up or fire up fast enough when the wind suddenly bugs out.

I expect a thanks for waking up your wokeness, If you actually WANT a conversation I'm always here to entertain you and enlighten you while you cackle.
That paper is actually good reading for it's honesty on the China wind problem. Imagine your BEST wind fields are in Outer Mongolia (they are). Virtually NO electricity is used there ( that's true) and you have to accept or NOT accept on a moments' notice anything coming from those resources.

That's a serious grid stability problem - unless if you're big on quick spin-up nat gas turbines like we are. (they are not because nat gas is largely IMPORTED) You can literally cause a lot of damage to other elements of the grid if 990 huge coal plants are carrying the demand and wind in Mongolia comes alive.

From the paper.

1. Introduction
Although wind turbines are under normal circumstances, the lack of local power grid capacity and
wind power instability and other characteristics lead some of the turbine wind farm to suspend
operation. That is the so-called abandoning wind power.

China's wind power industry in recent years has developed rapidly, but the problem of abandoned wind power rationing is prominent. The issue of abandoning the wind has become more and more serious, the national average rate of abandonment for a long time higher than 10% from 2010.

Abandoning wind power generation in Inner Mongolia caused large economic losses amounting to more than one billion Chinese Yuan (158 million US dollar) in 2011 [1]. It is estimated that from 2010 to 2015, the cumulative amount of wind power reached 99.7 billion KWh, the direct economic losses have been more than 53 billion Yuan. This paper analyzes the problem of abandonment and wind restriction from many angles in 2011 as a typical year.

2. Wind Power Curtailment Condition
2.1 The Situation of Abandoning the Wind in 2011
Many wind turbines were shut down when the excess electricity occurred and as the
coal-dominated energy supply system was rigid, part of the coal-fired power plants had to operate continuously in order to secure the grid stabilization [2]. In 2011, China abandoned wind power capacity more than 10 billion KWh, the northwest and the northeast region abandoned wind reached 20%, some areas of wind power utilization hours down to 1600h (1900h is the breakeven point). It can be roughly estimated that last year there were about 10 billion KWh of wind power in the country due to the loss of electricity generation, which is equivalent to the loss of more than 3 million 300 thousand tons of standard coal.

International Conference on Advances in Materials, Machinery, Electrical Engineering (AMMEE 2017)

2.2 A Brief Description of the Situation from 2010 to 2015
Nearly five years the average rate of abandoned winds reached 13.4%, the loss of electricity fees
accumulated about 51.8 billion yuan. From the statistical point of view, China's cumulative loss of
abandoned wind power reached 95.9 billion kwh from 2011 to 2015. Among them, the most serious winds occurred in 2012, the rate of abandoned wind has reached 17%. After a series of government policy guidance and industry initiative to adjust, the phenomenon of abandoned wind in 2013 has eased, that rate dropped to 11% and in 2014 to 8%. In 2015, by the impact of various economic factors, abandoned wind rate soared to 15% once again. Due to the substantial increase in installed capacity, abandoned wind power also rose sharply in 2015. According to official statistics, China's wind power abandoned in 2011 for the first time over 10 billion KWh and more than doubled in 2012, although the rate of abandoned wind decline in 2013 and 2014, but the capacity of abandoned wind power remains at 10 billion KWh above.
I'd love to entertain and amuse you but your cackling at serious posts and serious stuff you dont understand is more annoying than your current V.P. So -- educate yourself. Especially the Chinese scientific lit on their wind power set-backs and failures. Start here.. Download the paper there -- study it and get back to me. THERE WILL BE A QUIZ...

Meanwhile -- last time I checked, China has been commissioning about 2 new GIGANTIC coal plants each month for the past decade. And that's not stopping. Because COAL is what powers China NOW and way into your future.

And coal plants do not play well with wind power because they are slow to react to HANDLING the flaky nature of wind being there for an hour and GONE for 15 minutes --=- or wind not being there for 2 days and SUDDENLY OVERWHELMING their transmission and grid with a storm.

It's all that paper -- written IN China -- they are not ashamed to engineer and admit some problems. And you'll find that under PERFECT grid conditions that what THEY call the "rejection rate" of wind power dumped into the ground and NOT put on their grids is about 20 to 25% WHEN IT"S THERE. Because they cant' take it on grid because their coal plants can't coast down production fast enough when wind decides to show up or fire up fast enough when the wind suddenly bugs out.

I expect a thanks for waking up your wokeness, If you actually WANT a conversation I'm always here to entertain you and enlighten you while you cackle.
Oh...your angry snarling posts usually amuse me. This is no exception.

So no serious explanation for why they have giant wind farms.... I didn't think you'd have one.
Meanwhile back in reality....

View attachment 643876

I guess now you're going to argue that somehow we're subsidizing China's wind farms too? I'm sure you'll come up with a creative and hilarious reason why China is going into wind as well. It will involve BLM and Hunter Biden, of course.

China "going into wind":gay:

What an idiot.

China opens....ready for this....2-3 new coal plants every month for years now!
And....and...will be doing so all the way to 2030.

Anybody thinking China going big on green is not a serious person.:up:
Texas has several problems with power production and delivery in traditional means the so called excuses are not due to green energy.
China "going into wind":gay:

What an idiot.
I agree. :omg: It takes an idiot to not understand what I wrote. :) You fit the bill nicely.:auiqs.jpg:
China opens....ready for this....2-3 new coal plants every month for years now!
And....and...will be doing so all the way to 2030.

Anybody thinking China going big on green is not a serious person.:up:

Again, Never said such a thing. Have a 4 year old teach you how to read. :abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::abgg2q.jpg:
What the hell is this? Those all seemed like dystopian nightmares
PROOF. . . empirical proof, from as long ago as 11 years, that these psychopaths at our universities, foundations, and places like the UN and WEF, were infiltrating our local governments, our corporations, and everything. . . and now, here we are today, we can see their plans, coming to fruition.

. . . and indeed, you are correct, these do bear an uncanny resemblance to something that Orwell or Huxley wrote.
Oh...your angry snarling posts usually amuse me. This is no exception.

So no serious explanation for why they have giant wind farms.... I didn't think you'd have one.
Globalist ESG's.

Artificial regulations.



What the hell is this? Those all seemed like dystopian nightmares

Thats' the point. These people have "visions" of how we should live and defer to their dreams. And SINCE THEN -- many of the "urban planners" have been TRYING to do just that.

In the USA -- the govt ZONES and PERMITS -- it does not RAZE and "re-imagine" things from political leadership.

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