Clear Media Bias - They Ignore Fast and Furious Investigation


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The news that the House Oversight Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious investigation, was met with silence from the Big Three (ABC, NBC, CBS) network news shows. There was no mention of the Holder hearings on Monday’s evening news shows or Tuesday’s morning shows.

The blackout of the Holder hearings continues a stunning trend. Since December 2010, when the Fast and Furious scandal first broke, there have been zero stories about the gunwalking scandal on NBC Nightly News and Today show. On ABC there was only one brief aired on Good Morning America. Only CBS has truly covered the story, mainly due to the work of one reporter, Sharyl Attkisson. Since Attkisson broke the gunwalking story, there have been a total of 30 full stories and 1 brief aired on CBS’s Evening News and This Morning programs.

Curiously, Attkisson’s stories on the gunwalking scandal have screeched to a halt.

ABC and NBC Ignore Holder Hearings, CBS's Fast and Furious Coverage Slows to a Crawl

Read more: ABC and NBC Ignore Holder Hearings, CBS's Fast and Furious Coverage Slows to a Crawl |

Anything that makes the Obama administration look bad pretty much gets ignored by his buddies in the media. They'll spend way more time reporting that Mitt didn't volountarily turn over more tax returns (although he's not required to do so) and they'll skip over real news that indicates corruption in the Obama administration. Are they willing accomplices or are they too intimidated to report on the chosen one?

More like the horse's ass. :) They may as well admit it since they are so damn obvious. Anyone watching the above media must be okay with not getting an honest account of the daily news. No wonder the left hates Fox. Fox reports on everything, including Repubs.

preaching to the choir bro. Libtards see everything as political, you cant have a serious debate with commies and socialists. I mean they think Cuba is in good shape? My favorite is communism hasnt been tried before. LOLOLOLOL It ranks right up there with blacks cant be racist. Wow, how do you argue with a person so stupid?

More like the horse's ass. :) They may as well admit it since they are so damn obvious. Anyone watching the above media must be okay with not getting an honest account of the daily news. No wonder the left hates Fox. Fox reports on everything, including Repubs.

preaching to the choir bro. Libtards see everything as political, you cant have a serious debate with commies and socialists. I mean they think Cuba is in good shape? My favorite is communism hasnt been tried before. LOLOLOLOL It ranks right up there with blacks cant be racist. Wow, how do you argue with a person so stupid?

You don't. You just defeat them.

I think most Americans still reject communism and socialism, which is why the left cannot be honest about their ideology. They try to make themselves sound centrist while telling us why we need to do what they say. Listen to them or be ridiculed and called racist, greedy and non-caring. They do everything the socialists of the past did, including lying about the real endgame. Redistribute money. Take away guns. Control the media. Slowly transfer power and money from the people to the government and claim it's for the greater good. They are attempting all of the above, but obviously controlling the media was the easiest. Liberals long ago realized that infiltrating the education system and the media were key in controlling public opinion. They've been redistributing wealth for years, but have stepped it up the last few years. They will never give up on gun control, which I am convinced was the reason behind the Fast and Furious scam.

America isn't going down as easy as countries have in the past. It's taken years for them to get this far. They are desperate and have everything to lose now, so they are more vicious than ever.

I know too many people out there could care less about the real agenda. As long as the giverment checks show up in the mail, they are happy.
I Agree, that's what was funny about the whole global warming meltdown. They were off their own calculations by a factor of 10 or 100. It was hilarious, because the BS was finally being seen for what it was. I mean I dont know of many commie/socialist countries that are doing great.
Heads startin' to roll, scapegoat falls on sword for Holder...
Justice Official Questioned About 'Fast and Furious' Is Leaving His Job
June 14, 2012 - Ronald Weich, an assistant attorney general for legislative affairs at the Justice Department who once denied reports of ATF gun-running, is leaving his job, the Justice Department announced Wednesday afternoon.
As reported one year ago, Weich told the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee in June 2011 that he did not know who authorized the Justice Department’s “Operation Fast and Furious,” which deliberately let operatives of Mexican drug cartels purchase guns at licensed U.S. firearms dealers with the intent of tracking them to the criminals. The effort failed, and two of the straw-purchased guns were later found at the place where a U.S. Border Patrol agent was murdered. Pressed repeatedly at the hearing by House Oversight Chairman Darrell Issa (R-Calif.) to say who at the Justice Department authorized the operation, Weich finally responded, “I do not know the answer to that question, and the (Justice Department) inspector-general is reviewing the matter.”

In an earlier (Feb. 4, 2011) letter to Sen. Charles Grassley, Weich denied that the ATF had ever allowed guns to be sold and taken across the border. Weich said that Grassley's allegation -- "that ATF ‘sanctioned’ or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons to a straw purchaser who then transported them to Mexico – is false. ATF makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico.” In an interview with, Issa characterized Weich's letter as a “lie” and said it pointed to a cover-up.

In its announcement on Wednesday, the Justice Department said Weich is leaving to become the dean of the University of Baltimore Law School. “Ron’s leadership has been instrumental in realizing crucial legislative achievements, and I thank him for his tireless advocacy of department priorities,” said Attorney General Eric Holder in a news release. “I am proud of the work done by the Office of Legislative Affairs under Ron’s watch to advance legislation vital to ensuring justice.” Weich said it's been a "tremendous privilege" to serve at the Justice department: "We have worked effectively with Congress to advance the mission and goals of the Justice Department.”

The Justice Department announcement said that under Weich, the Office of Legislative Affairs has "worked to strengthen the department’s relationship with Congress." The news release mentions "numerous legislative achievements," but says nothing about "Fast and Furious." Weich was appointed by President Obama and confirmed by the Senate in April 2009. Prior to joining the Justice Department, Assistant Attorney General Weich served as chief counsel to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. Judith C. Appelbaum, who has served as a deputy assistant attorney general in the Office of Legislative Affairs (OLA), will serve as acting assistant attorney general following Weich’s departure.

The news that the House Oversight Committee will vote next week on whether to hold Attorney General Eric Holder in contempt of Congress, for refusing to turn over subpoenaed documents in the Fast and Furious investigation, was met with silence from the Big Three (ABC, NBC, CBS) network news shows. There was no mention of the Holder hearings on Monday’s evening news shows or Tuesday’s morning shows.

The blackout of the Holder hearings continues a stunning trend. Since December 2010, when the Fast and Furious scandal first broke, there have been zero stories about the gunwalking scandal on NBC Nightly News and Today show. On ABC there was only one brief aired on Good Morning America. Only CBS has truly covered the story, mainly due to the work of one reporter, Sharyl Attkisson. Since Attkisson broke the gunwalking story, there have been a total of 30 full stories and 1 brief aired on CBS’s Evening News and This Morning programs.

Curiously, Attkisson’s stories on the gunwalking scandal have screeched to a halt.

ABC and NBC Ignore Holder Hearings, CBS's Fast and Furious Coverage Slows to a Crawl

Read more: ABC and NBC Ignore Holder Hearings, CBS's Fast and Furious Coverage Slows to a Crawl |

Anything that makes the Obama administration look bad pretty much gets ignored by his buddies in the media. They'll spend way more time reporting that Mitt didn't volountarily turn over more tax returns (although he's not required to do so) and they'll skip over real news that indicates corruption in the Obama administration. Are they willing accomplices or are they too intimidated to report on the chosen one?

The networks give people news they want to hear and they're obviously not interested in the Republican agenda here.
You don't think a corrupt administration and cover up of a crime is news?
Maybe we just want "happy news" with kitten and unicorns.
I Agree, that's what was funny about the whole global warming meltdown. They were off their own calculations by a factor of 10 or 100. It was hilarious, because the BS was finally being seen for what it was. I mean I dont know of many commie/socialist countries that are doing great.

We had temperatures in the 80's in March in Chicago.

While I think there is a lot of alarmism in the global warming movement, it doesn't mean that we don't have a huge problem.
I Agree, that's what was funny about the whole global warming meltdown. They were off their own calculations by a factor of 10 or 100. It was hilarious, because the BS was finally being seen for what it was. I mean I dont know of many commie/socialist countries that are doing great.

We had temperatures in the 80's in March in Chicago.

While I think there is a lot of alarmism in the global warming movement, it doesn't mean that we don't have a huge problem.

What kind of problem is created by 80s in Chicago in March? Sounds like a solution to me.
The bias beat goes on, and it's getting more obvious as outrage against Obama and his mandate spreads to every corner of America.

The three television broadcast networks completely ignored tens of thousands of Americans who participated in more than 160 coordinated noontime rallies in support of religious freedom across the United States this past Friday.

The networks didn’t commit a single second of coverage on either their morning or evening broadcasts to the widespread dissent against the anti-religious freedom Health and Human Services mandate.

By comparison, CBS News dedicated four separate on-air segments between May 30 and June 1 to the supporters of a group of left-leaning Catholic nuns. CBS correspondent Wyatt Andrews boasted that, "hundreds of Catholics have rallied behind the sisters," and that "protests in support of the nuns have been held in almost 50 cities,” a fraction of the size and scope of the rallies held in opposition to the Obamacare mandate created to restrict religious liberty.

This disgraceful decision by the networks to deliberately ignore this national demonstration in support of religious freedom comes only weeks after these same networks deliberately and shamefully ignored the largest legal action ever taken against the government by the Catholic Church in the history of this Republic. CBS committed only 19 seconds of a single nightly newscast to those lawsuits while NBC and ABC gave the story ZERO coverage. This is a pointed and deliberate message from the liberal media directed at the millions of Americans who believe in our constitutionally protected freedom of religion.

Let there be no mistake. These so-called 'news' networks only cover stories that are helpful to Barack Obama and will not broadcast anything that hurts his chances of re-election this November. The networks have shown their hand, and they are not on the side of freedom.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012 via email, Media Research Center

Big Three Ignore Religious Freedom Rallies; CBS Played Up Dissenting Catholics' Protests |
I Agree, that's what was funny about the whole global warming meltdown. They were off their own calculations by a factor of 10 or 100. It was hilarious, because the BS was finally being seen for what it was. I mean I dont know of many commie/socialist countries that are doing great.

We had temperatures in the 80's in March in Chicago.

While I think there is a lot of alarmism in the global warming movement, it doesn't mean that we don't have a huge problem.

What kind of problem is created by 80s in Chicago in March? Sounds like a solution to me.

Um, yeah, to you it would, but I suspect you don't know all that much about biology or ecology or the environment.

80's in March means droughts in July...
Fast and Furious is one thing.........but the purposeful oversight of the White House intelligence leaks, while expected, is beyong a disgrace.

With the media though, it is what it is.
We had temperatures in the 80's in March in Chicago.

While I think there is a lot of alarmism in the global warming movement, it doesn't mean that we don't have a huge problem.

What kind of problem is created by 80s in Chicago in March? Sounds like a solution to me.

Um, yeah, to you it would, but I suspect you don't know all that much about biology or ecology or the environment.

80's in March means droughts in July...

nobody cares about global warming anymore...............
so now with all the choices on cable and satelite programming that all the networks should all be the same and tell the same reports everyday that you feel they should report on? Ever hear of freedom to run a business the way you want to?
We had temperatures in the 80's in March in Chicago.

While I think there is a lot of alarmism in the global warming movement, it doesn't mean that we don't have a huge problem.

What kind of problem is created by 80s in Chicago in March? Sounds like a solution to me.

Um, yeah, to you it would, but I suspect you don't know all that much about biology or ecology or the environment.

80's in March means droughts in July...

Chicago is on Lake Michigan.
Tell me about droughts on the lake.
What a maroon.
so now with all the choices on cable and satelite programming that all the networks should all be the same and tell the same reports everyday that you feel they should report on? Ever hear of freedom to run a business the way you want to?

I guess that includes incompetence and malpractice.
This is probably why networks news is losing viewers at an enormous rate.

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