Clearly a cover up

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
So you're a 'quasi sado-masochist' - you like being taken advantage of and making deals that give the US the 'short end of the stick'? Copy...

Some people like being the world's bitch.
Trump smiled at Comey hugged him shook his hand praised him AND THEN STABBED HIM in the back like repub swine are so good at

Little Eddie
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Another phony, lol!

It is ok, keep spinning.....for now. Wait till you see who gets the FBI directors job, and who/whom they go after, hehehehehehehehehehehe. You are going to be crying, and oh by the way, it won't be Hillary-)
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Another phony, lol!

It is ok, keep spinning.....for now. Wait till you see who gets the FBI directors job, and who/whom they go after, hehehehehehehehehehehe. You are going to be crying, and oh by the way, it won't be Hillary-)
you gonna keep it a secret?
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Another phony, lol!

It is ok, keep spinning.....for now. Wait till you see who gets the FBI directors job, and who/whom they go after, hehehehehehehehehehehe. You are going to be crying, and oh by the way, it won't be Hillary-)
I am appalled at the way this whole magilla was handled. I have never seen anything so bottom-slimey low-class in all my years, and my dislike for Trump (and Sessions) is getting intense.

PS: It's a cover-up!
Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat
wow another butt-hurt rant

How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
How about him paying 15 million fine for money laundering at one of his hotels or his BS college where he stuck students with his bs and then paid off the AJ ,,,,for starters
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
How about him paying 15 million fine for money laundering at one of his hotels or his BS college where he stuck students with his bs and then paid off the AJ ,,,,for starters
how's that make him corrupt exactly? He paid it out.

When was the first time you've seen someone corrupt pay money out? dude all you're doing is,


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
How about him paying 15 million fine for money laundering at one of his hotels or his BS college where he stuck students with his bs and then paid off the AJ ,,,,for starters
how's that make him corrupt exactly? He paid it out.

When was the first time you've seen someone corrupt pay money out? dude all you're doing is,

The slimebag tried to get away with screwing people He got caught just like he'll get caught now playing ball with the russians But repubs won't care Most of you are traitors
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

He isn't firing him for attacking Hillary, you retard.
He's firing him for failing to do his own job, while at the same time going to the press with his *opinions* which were not warranted, nor appropriate to share. He got fired for not doing his job, and for doing his job improperly.

Most of the dem minions are going to go down. You might need a hankie.
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
How about him paying 15 million fine for money laundering at one of his hotels or his BS college where he stuck students with his bs and then paid off the AJ ,,,,for starters
how's that make him corrupt exactly? He paid it out.

When was the first time you've seen someone corrupt pay money out? dude all you're doing is,

The slimebag tried to get away with screwing people He got caught just like he'll get caught now playing ball with the russians But repubs won't care Most of you are traitors

Gads do you need a tampon?

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

He isn't firing him for attacking Hillary, you retard.
He's firing him for failing to do his own job, while at the same time going to the press with his *opinions* which were not warranted, nor appropriate to share. He got fired for not doing his job, and for doing his job improperly.

Most of the dem minions are going to go down. You might need a hankie.
Trump Entertainment Resorts, Inc. is a gaming and hospitality company that owns and operated the now shuttered Trump Taj Mahal hotel and casino as well as the now shuttered Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino, both in Atlantic City, New Jersey, United States. Formerly known as Trump Hotels & Casino Resorts, it was founded in 1995 by now 45th President of the United States Donald Trump, who has not had any formal role in the company since 2011 if not earlier.[1]

No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
How about him paying 15 million fine for money laundering at one of his hotels or his BS college where he stuck students with his bs and then paid off the AJ ,,,,for starters
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

He isn't firing him for attacking Hillary, you retard.
He's firing him for failing to do his own job, while at the same time going to the press with his *opinions* which were not warranted, nor appropriate to share. He got fired for not doing his job, and for doing his job improperly.

Most of the dem minions are going to go down. You might need a hankie.
Kosher girl loves russia meddling in our elections What a patriot
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
so you couldn't post one. hmmmmm says something about you eh?
How about him paying 15 million fine for money laundering at one of his hotels or his BS college where he stuck students with his bs and then paid off the AJ ,,,,for starters
how's that make him corrupt exactly? He paid it out.

When was the first time you've seen someone corrupt pay money out? dude all you're doing is,

The slimebag tried to get away with screwing people He got caught just like he'll get caught now playing ball with the russians But repubs won't care Most of you are traitors
dude I don't think we can help you. you are truly butt-hurt. a discussion with you only leads to posts that include:
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

He isn't firing him for attacking Hillary, you retard.
He's firing him for failing to do his own job, while at the same time going to the press with his *opinions* which were not warranted, nor appropriate to share. He got fired for not doing his job, and for doing his job improperly.

Most of the dem minions are going to go down. You might need a hankie.
Kosher girl loves russia meddling in our elections What a patriot
Don't worry, the real criminals are going down.

Comey is just the first.
Well, not the first if you think of the EPA jackasses that have been dismissed.
Well, not the first if you think of the EPA jackasses that have been dismissed.
they still don't get that they lost the election. The winner gets to make the decisions on peoples careers. Who'd have fking thought that would be so hard to fking understand. Notice that the losers can't rationalize this at all.

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