Clearly a cover up

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

How is it a cover up if everyone knows about it 5 minutes later?
No one said it was a GOOD coverup. It's Trump. LOL

that's a bit of a stretch, bad dog, no biscuit.
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

How is it a cover up if everyone knows about it 5 minutes later?

who are you attempting to respond to?

How the hell did this happen? Maybe some result of a thread merge?
Let the investigations continue
I doubt any on this board know the facts yet about Russian collusion. Appearances don't look good for the President though, in my humble opinion.

The comparisons to Watergate are flowing. If, and that's a very big if, there was collusion, then Watergate I think might pale in comparison. A cover up of a third rate burglary involving politicians.... or ... a cover up of collusion with our historically arch enemy's government to influence our presidential election.

One sounds much worse than the other and Nixon resigned. Let the investigations continue.

There is nothing to "investigate," there never was. This was a politically driven witch hunt from the start. You and the corrupt DNC press have had 7 months and produced zilch, not a shred of evidence or hint of wrong doing.

Comey tried to keep the fascist dims happy, but it is a waste of money and time. There is nothing there, never was, and we ALL know it. Sure, you fascists want to keep smearing Trump, but that is driven by hatred, not evidence or reality.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?

I think the pressure was too much for him.

This is why the FBI needs to stay above politics. Comey tried to please everyone, instead of just letting the chips fall where they might.
Let the investigations continue
I doubt any on this board know the facts yet about Russian collusion. Appearances don't look good for the President though, in my humble opinion.

The comparisons to Watergate are flowing. If, and that's a very big if, there was collusion, then Watergate I think might pale in comparison. A cover up of a third rate burglary involving politicians.... or ... a cover up of collusion with our historically arch enemy's government to influence our presidential election.

One sounds much worse than the other and Nixon resigned. Let the investigations continue.

Two separate issues and two different things. Trump is not and was not ever being investigated, yet all the retards here think he is. No one has come out and said anything proving Or attempting to prove anyone even lied about their involvement with the Russians other then Flynn. Also loot at the other guys who got let go or stopped trying to be confirmed, so you Know this issue was addressed among trump and his guys, it really is a non-issue and it's only kept alive because when it comes to controlling the pace and tempo of the politics and drama that he is losing the optics battle. In my opinion if I were Trump I would be the strength shooter I claimed to be for a bit over a year and use my bully pulpit to encourage the American people to have their elected reps either put up or shut up
so we can get on with running the country instead of being stuck in the 24 hour reality TV cycle.
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.
of what? what is the crime?
Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
what's hilarious is they wanted him fired for interfering in the election. right there on the fking spot. Now they're whining he's fired. really, if it wasn't for double standards the libturds would have no standards.
Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

The same reason for the other firings.

Obviously trump wants people to stop asking questions but that's not going to happen

Something like 110 days in and it's been nothing but lies and conflicts of interest and Pay For Play and literally stealing money. Amazing that after almost two years of trump chanting "lock her up" (without trial and conviction, with is unconstitutional, we are supposed to believe that he fired Comey to protect Secy Clinton.

Obviously, trump believes Americans are very very stupid.

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Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

The same reason for the other firings.

Obviously trump wants people to stop asking questions but that's not going to happen

Something like 110 days in and it's been nothing but lies and conflicts of interest and Pay For Play and literally stealing money. Amazing that after almost two years of trump chanting "lock her up" (without trial and conviction, with is unconstitutional, we are supposed to believe that he fired Comey to protect Secy Clinton.

Obviously, trump believes Americans are very very stupid.

Sent from my iPad using
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.

Justice Department: Report that Comey asked for more money for Russia probe is 'totally false'
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Rubbish. Covers up nothing. Comey can still testify. And Comey wasn't DOING the investigation, the people who were DOING any investigations are still in there and they will finish their investigations.
Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him

If he testifies Tues we can ask him about what he told trump and if he did ask for more men and money
Different story today as there was yesterday into the firing ...WH are nothing but a pack of lying snakes
Just like keeping him was obviously a coverup. Lol.
If only you all could listen to yourselves from the outside looking in since last July.
How clear does it have to be..
the only motive to fire Comey was to put boulders in the road of the investigation of the Trumpovitch administration? The motive was certainly not that Comey done Clinton wrong. The FBI investigation was overwhelmingly more effective than the investigations by Congress in which there are so few staffers.

No...comey put boulders in the way of the hilary investigation, the huma abedin investigation, the lois lerner investigation and the obama spying on Trump investigation.......


The right has been hounding the Clintons et al for more than 25 years. You're very desperate if you believe that suddenly there's a there there.

OTOH, we KNOW that trump is crooked and corrupt, and we KNOW he and his minions have lied and lied and lied about their involvement with Russia.

You RWNJ traitors should be ashamed for you support of Russia over your own country.

Sent from my iPad using
you know that trump is corrupt? name a corruption.
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat
YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat
'Lost America it's dignity'?

Comey and Obama protected Hillary from prosecution because she had been deemed the 'Chosen One' for the DNC in 2016 -it was 'her turn'.
-- Comey testified several days ago that Hillary DID break laws in her e-mail scandal but was not charged with her crimes because she was / is TOO STUPID to realize she broke laws and endangered or national security

The exposed racist, sexist, homophobic, anti-Semitic DNC rugged their primaries, engaged in election fraud during their primaries, and helped Hillary cheat in debates in order to defeat Sanders - who she obviously could not have beaten without the DNC's help - in order to GIVE the DNC nomination to Hillary.

As a result of all of this, the Democratic Party ran the WORST CANDIDATE in US History...and LOST the election.

And the funny thing is, as bad as you say Trump is, he beat a MUCH WORSE candidate.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?

I think the pressure was too much for him.

This is why the FBI needs to stay above politics. Comey tried to please everyone, instead of just letting the chips fall where they might.
Let the investigations continue
I doubt any on this board know the facts yet about Russian collusion. Appearances don't look good for the President though, in my humble opinion.

The comparisons to Watergate are flowing. If, and that's a very big if, there was collusion, then Watergate I think might pale in comparison. A cover up of a third rate burglary involving politicians.... or ... a cover up of collusion with our historically arch enemy's government to influence our presidential election.

One sounds much worse than the other and Nixon resigned. Let the investigations continue.

Come on dude, don't hold out. Show the rest of us what you have on this investigation. You seem to be privy to some juicy intel that is going to sink Trump's battleship. Quit teasing us and let us see what you have. Or wait! Is that it? Are you just teasing us and pulling a prank by claiming there is really something there when there isn't? You sly fox you!
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?

I think the pressure was too much for him.

This is why the FBI needs to stay above politics. Comey tried to please everyone, instead of just letting the chips fall where they might.
Let the investigations continue
I doubt any on this board know the facts yet about Russian collusion. Appearances don't look good for the President though, in my humble opinion.

The comparisons to Watergate are flowing. If, and that's a very big if, there was collusion, then Watergate I think might pale in comparison. A cover up of a third rate burglary involving politicians.... or ... a cover up of collusion with our historically arch enemy's government to influence our presidential election.

One sounds much worse than the other and Nixon resigned. Let the investigations continue.

Come on dude, don't hold out. Show the rest of us what you have on this investigation. You seem to be privy to some juicy intel that is going to sink Trump's battleship. Quit teasing us and let us see what you have. Or wait! Is that it? Are you just teasing us and pulling a prank by claiming there is really something there when there isn't? You sly fox you!

It's called political hackery. A willing suspension of disbelief? Who the hell said that?
Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag

Google it? What a sad source of info when people think they can actually believe half of what they read on the internet. Instead, why not try actually looking into the facts of Trump's life:

How he championed his workers and was one of the first to promote women into executive positions long before it was popular. How he has more in common with ordinary people and eschews the rich. Look at his family and the fine children he has raised. The man does not smoke or drink. His countless businesses and real estate projects where others said it could not be done.

His chronically not only keeping his word and getting things done, but doing them on time and under budget. His vast community work which he has fought to keep quiet, from completing an Ice Rink project with his own money that languished for years, to giving money privately to worthy causes--- once he heard of a school bus driver who stopped on a bridge to prevent a suicide and donated a generous check to the guy calling him a hero. A few years ago, a marine was captured and held in Mexico for over a year for accidentally crossing the border. When Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was finally released, Trump donated a generous sum to help the guy get a new start on life. Most of the time, these stories are never reported because Trump does not want publicity from them.

Trump gave up huge sacrifices and spent millions of his own money to be president fearing that, after Romney, that he would have to do it himself if he was to stop what he saw as the destruction of his country, so that others might enjoy the same opportunity he has enjoyed. And has tried to run one of the most open and aboveboard campaigns and administrations ever, even donating his salary to charity and forbidding cabinet members from becoming foreign lobbyists after leaving office! So it is a natural result that the many cockroaches who would be harmed by his draining of the swamp to restore integrity to Washington government should now try everything in their power to stop and destroy him!

So I ask you, if you think Trump is a slime bag, then what, with all of her crimes, investigations and allegations, going all the way back to Whitewater Land Development and the 98 people close to the Clintons all found dead under mysterious circumstances, to their selling of national secrets, trying to steal property from the Whitehouse, money laundering through their Foundation, rape, sexual assault, impeachment, suborning perjury, right up to hiding all of her government activities on a private server then destroying the evidence, what word do you hold for Hillary Rodham Clinton???
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.

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