Clearly a cover up

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump.
It's a clear sign of desperation from the left. Nothing else is working. There's nothing stopping Comey from talking to anybody, he's freer than ever now. That's not much of a cover up.

Comey is as restricted today as he ever was.

Bull shit. He is subject to all the laws dealing with government employment and classified info, but he is american and he can speak when and where he pleases.
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

How is it a cover up if everyone knows about it 5 minutes later?
How? Because those he fired were getting warm Trump is scared shitless they'll find out about him and russian ties scared shitless as Obama worrying about them finding his "real" birth certificate. LOL

Damn man, log off, put the Cheetos and Mountain Dew down and crawl out of your mom's basement and get some fresh air and sunlight.
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump.
It's a clear sign of desperation from the left. Nothing else is working. There's nothing stopping Comey from talking to anybody, he's freer than ever now. That's not much of a cover up.

Comey is as restricted today as he ever was.

Uh huh, like Hillary was restricted? She's living proof that restrictions and consequences only apply to the little people.
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

How is it a cover up if everyone knows about it 5 minutes later?
How? Because those he fired were getting warm Trump is scared shitless they'll find out about him and russian ties scared shitless as Obama worrying about them finding his "real" birth certificate. LOL

Damn man, log off, put the Cheetos and Mountain Dew down and crawl out of your mom's basement and get some fresh air and sunlight.

And you accuse others of being basement dwellers? LOL
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

How is it a cover up if everyone knows about it 5 minutes later?
How? Because those he fired were getting warm Trump is scared shitless they'll find out about him and russian ties scared shitless as Obama worrying about them finding his "real" birth certificate. LOL

Damn man, log off, put the Cheetos and Mountain Dew down and crawl out of your mom's basement and get some fresh air and sunlight.

And you accuse others of being basement dwellers? LOL

I'm not the one sitting up all night in a darkened room reading conspiracy theories on the interwebs and believing them to be true because it comports to my personal bias. Look, we know its a fact that the Obama admin's request to the FISA court increased during the lection and that they were unmasking Americans names fishing for some kind of dirt on Team Trump colluding with Russia. They were looking for a bombshell that would take the heat off of Hillary's mishandling of classified material. Had they found anything, it would have been leaked to a complicit media who would have made it headline breaking news. It didn't happen and ever since then, the "investigation" continues and still not a shred of evidence, All the left has is rumor, innuendo and wishful thinking. They need to crawl out of their mom's basements and rejoin reality.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?
Is it me? Does it seem "funny" that Comey was canned after flying all the way out to LA to speak about DIVERSITY at his stupid over-staffed Politically-Correct Department? WTH? There are real crimes out there.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.
Look, first off, let's cool down a bit. I see that you're passionate about this and that's cool. Love the enthusiasm. Second, everyone hated comey and wanted him fired from both sides. This is America! People like comey should be deported.
Is it me? Does it seem "funny" that Comey was canned after flying all the way out to LA to speak about DIVERSITY at his stupid over-staffed Politically-Correct Department? WTH? There are real crimes out there.
The FBI is redundantly redundant. But intentionally so to create checks on everything so it does not become a political tool for abuse.

btw, on Medicaid dollars and trumpcare, I did not mean to imply that putting people on mediciad just because they lack insurance is necessarily the best way to deliver HC to healthy people. But cutting the total amount of dollars we have to get people without coverage treatment doesn't make sense. Unless you aim to curtail the money we have.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?
He was fired because he didn't suck enough at the job. LOL
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?

I think the pressure was too much for him.

This is why the FBI needs to stay above politics. Comey tried to please everyone, instead of just letting the chips fall where they might.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?
He was fired because he didn't suck enough at the job. LOL

I don't know, the dude was pretty flaky. He was of little use to democrats so I figure this will peter out in a week or two when the next conspiracy pops up or Anderson Cooper gets pregnant with Rachael Maddow's child or something.
oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein was embarrassed that the FBI had to walk back perjured statements by Comey, and asked the President to get rid of him due to the damage he was doing to the agency.

You fascists are allergic to facts, aren't you?

So then he was fired because he was bad at his job?

I think the pressure was too much for him.

This is why the FBI needs to stay above politics. Comey tried to please everyone, instead of just letting the chips fall where they might.
Let the investigations continue
I doubt any on this board know the facts yet about Russian collusion. Appearances don't look good for the President though, in my humble opinion.

The comparisons to Watergate are flowing. If, and that's a very big if, there was collusion, then Watergate I think might pale in comparison. A cover up of a third rate burglary involving politicians.... or ... a cover up of collusion with our historically arch enemy's government to influence our presidential election.

One sounds much worse than the other and Nixon resigned. Let the investigations continue.

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