Clearly a cover up

People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months. Well?
Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
So you have no evidence at all. Got it.
WHO will investigate Trump Russia connections now? The lackey they give Comeys job to?
Guess you didn't see all the clips with trump praising Comey? and all the other top people in gov't praising him too? This pos in our WH thinks this is the apprentice tv show
Right I don't see how we have so many morons in America giving this job to this AH trump
Just another hysterical, butthurt liberal screaming out his rage and hatred over being a loser at everything he tries.

Google it The list is too long You support a slime bag

Google it? What a sad source of info when people think they can actually believe half of what they read on the internet. Instead, why not try actually looking into the facts of Trump's life:

How he championed his workers and was one of the first to promote women into executive positions long before it was popular. How he has more in common with ordinary people and eschews the rich. Look at his family and the fine children he has raised. The man does not smoke or drink. His countless businesses and real estate projects where others said it could not be done.

His chronically not only keeping his word and getting things done, but doing them on time and under budget. His vast community work which he has fought to keep quiet, from completing an Ice Rink project with his own money that languished for years, to giving money privately to worthy causes--- once he heard of a school bus driver who stopped on a bridge to prevent a suicide and donated a generous check to the guy calling him a hero. A few years ago, a marine was captured and held in Mexico for over a year for accidentally crossing the border. When Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi was finally released, Trump donated a generous sum to help the guy get a new start on life. Most of the time, these stories are never reported because Trump does not want publicity from them.

Trump gave up huge sacrifices and spent millions of his own money to be president fearing that, after Romney, that he would have to do it himself if he was to stop what he saw as the destruction of his country, so that others might enjoy the same opportunity he has enjoyed. And has tried to run one of the most open and aboveboard campaigns and administrations ever, even donating his salary to charity and forbidding cabinet members from becoming foreign lobbyists after leaving office! So it is a natural result that the many cockroaches who would be harmed by his draining of the swamp to restore integrity to Washington government should now try everything in their power to stop and destroy him!

So I ask you, if you think Trump is a slime bag, then what, with all of her crimes, investigations and allegations, going all the way back to Whitewater Land Development and the 98 people close to the Clintons all found dead under mysterious circumstances, to their selling of national secrets, trying to steal property from the Whitehouse, money laundering through their Foundation, rape, sexual assault, impeachment, suborning perjury, right up to hiding all of her government activities on a private server then destroying the evidence, what word do you hold for Hillary Rodham Clinton???
IMO half or more of what you wrote about hillary above is BS If she was president and pulled a move like this I'd call for her impeachment too
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
If you are laughing out loud three times in a row, why are you still so angry?
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
So you're a 'quasi sado-masochist' - you like being taken advantage of and making deals that give the US the 'short end of the stick'? Copy...
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months. Well?
Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
So you have no evidence at all. Got it.
Evidence? We know Trump sold 100 million dollars to a oligarch tied to Deutchbank and his idiot sons said eth Ruskies loaned them over a 100 million too
This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
If you are laughing out loud three times in a row, why are you still so angry?
I'm losing money in the market
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months. Well?
Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
So you have no evidence at all. Got it.

I do agree that there should be an investigation. I don't agree what's going on now and has been going on can be called an investigation. Get Chucky Schumer out of there, tell Trump to stop tweeting,oppoint a special prosecutor, a nobody from nowhere, give them the evidence and let him work.
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months. Well?
Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
So you have no evidence at all. Got it.
Evidence? We know Trump sold 100 million dollars to a oligarch tied to Deutchbank and his idiot sons said eth Ruskies loaned them over a 100 million too
And what's coming out now is it enraged trump when Comey asked for more money and men 9 days ago
This is one of the best 'Triggered Butt-hurt' rants I have seen so far!


The Comey Letter Probably Cost Clinton The Election

YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
So you're a 'quasi sado-masochist' - you like being taken advantage of and making deals that give the US the 'short end of the stick'? Copy...

Some people like being the world's bitch.
YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
If you are laughing out loud three times in a row, why are you still so angry?
I'm losing money in the market

Then you're a moron.
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months. Well?
Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
So you have no evidence at all. Got it.

I do agree that there should be an investigation. I don't agree what's going on now and has been going on can be called an investigation. Get Chucky Schumer out of there, tell Trump to stop tweeting,oppoint a special prosecutor, a nobody from nowhere, give them the evidence and let him work.

What evidence?
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months. Well?
Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
So you have no evidence at all. Got it.
Evidence? We know Trump sold 100 million dollars to a oligarch tied to Deutchbank and his idiot sons said eth Ruskies loaned them over a 100 million too
And what's coming out now is it enraged trump when Comey asked for more money and men 9 days ago

Already proven fake news. Do you only react to and not read the posts in the thread.
YES and cost America it's dignity We now have the lowest pos in the repub party running the country and being lowest in the repub party is quite a feat

we lost our dignity when Obama went on an apology tour and started bowing to foreign leaders. It is now being restored.
Restored ??? lol lol lol Like you call what this orange rectum is doing to our neighbors and largest trading partners Canada and Mexico,,,not to mention S Korea, dignity restored?
So you're a 'quasi sado-masochist' - you like being taken advantage of and making deals that give the US the 'short end of the stick'? Copy...

Some people like being the world's bitch.
Trump smiled at Comey hugged him shook his hand praised him AND THEN STABBED HIM in the back like repub swine are so good at

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