Clearly a cover up

The emails exist.

You really have no grasp on the difference between reality and fantasy?
You mean you do?

I'm not the one pimping moronic conspiracy theories.
How? Because those he fired were getting warm Trump is scared shitless they'll find out about him and russian ties
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months.

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

I agree how it was done was unprofessional and clearly a "Fuck You" by trump and his guys, but the fact remain, Comey sucked at his job and needed to be sacked years ago.

so why did Trump wait 4 months to fire Comey, praise Comey for his job after the Hillary investigation, and then conveniently fire him when the kitchen got red hot?

sorry but sorry, lame excuses won't do

ya got nuttin

Then you should stop posting lame posts......

The new guy at Justice wrote the report on what a hack comey is....blame him.....and now we need to fire the deputy director, the minion of the clinton crime family.
What happened to all the anti-Comey rhetoric by the left? They even blamed Comey for Hillary's loss. Democrats should be congratulating President Trump for having the guts to fire the incompetent a-hole but the hypocrites continue to be incoherent. .
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Rubbish. Covers up nothing. Comey can still testify. And Comey wasn't DOING the investigation, the people who were DOING any investigations are still in there and they will finish their investigations.
Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Wait, wait, guys hated Comey and wanted him fired for "losing" the election for Hillary. Trump fires him for how he handled the whole fiasco and now its part of the fairy tale Russian conspiracy. Talk about your derangement syndromes. ROFLMAO
hilary, huma, lois lerner, and obama.....the spying and russian collusion they actually engaged in may now get the investigation they deserve...
How? Because those he fired were getting warm Trump is scared shitless they'll find out about him and russian ties
People here have repeatedly asked you, "What Russian ties?". You have carefully avoided all such questions, and have provided no facts at all... a trend that has continued among hysterical Democrats for months.

Oh the investigations will take at least another 12 mos. Just in time for the 2018 elections.
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

If only Hillary hadn't mishandled secure info in an illegal manner and brought all this investigation into her on herself and putting Comey in a hard spot, huh Ballsack? Hey, I know. Trump and the Russians contacted Hillary and told her it was AOK to use an unsecured email account thru a personal server at her house and to retain the government owned records after leaving office. I bet they told her to have Huma email the secure info to Weiner so she could print them out for Hillary's convenience. Damn, you deranged, delusional conspiracy nuts might be onto something. Do you think they used some sort of mind ray on Hillary to get her to screw herself over and get investigated? I mean, that fits right in with the whole Trump/Russia collusion fantasy. Yeah, I bet that's it. Diabolical!!!
What a mess, every one running around like chickens with there heads cut off, no one seems to be in charge, who ever tells the best lie gets to be the winner for the day.

Justice Department: Report that Comey asked for more money for Russia probe is 'totally false'
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Rubbish. Covers up nothing. Comey can still testify. And Comey wasn't DOING the investigation, the people who were DOING any investigations are still in there and they will finish their investigations.
Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

I agree how it was done was unprofessional and clearly a "Fuck You" by trump and his guys, but the fact remain, Comey sucked at his job and needed to be sacked years ago.

so why did Trump wait 4 months to fire Comey, praise Comey for his job after the Hillary investigation, and then conveniently fire him when the kitchen got red hot?

sorry but sorry, lame excuses won't do

ya got nuttin

Because Comey perjured himself before the Senate.

{Washington (CNN)The Federal Bureau of Investigations sent a letter Tuesday evening aiming to clear up false statements said by Director James Comey to Congress last week that former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin "forwarded hundreds and thousands" of emails to her husband's laptop.}

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

This is why he was fired, and why he SHOULD have been fired.

oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Rubbish. Covers up nothing. Comey can still testify. And Comey wasn't DOING the investigation, the people who were DOING any investigations are still in there and they will finish their investigations.
Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him

Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him

From the WEB: The FBI employs approximately 35,000 people, Don't worry they can find another one to wear a suit and smile for the camera for $150K +++ lifetime gold-plated open-ended COLA bottomless retirement.

$20T debt. Stupid Comey wants more $$$? More staff? Good riddance. He is proto-type what wrong with DC. Years wasted and produced NOTHING of Value. Takes maybe a week to dump emails onto a thumb drive and surrender. Or go sieze all devices day one! Instead he allowed "a year" for Beast to have large staff go thru and DELETE any and all. (OK he got Petraus, whoopee. Not even sure that was a good one. As his whore had a clearance too?)

He spins around this RUSSIAN Malarkey for a year now also? WTH? Do something you pile of human Garbage. Get out, your fired. About 4 years too late. Obama should have dumped the giant fool. Go get these MOFO and quit wasting years on nothing.

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

weird how it took Trump 4 months in office to fire Comey for attacking poor Hillary back in October 2016, just after the investigation of his collusion with Russia was getting red hot

naw, nothing to see here folks ~ Sarah Huckabee

just like Nixon Trump has sealed his own fate with a cover-up of historic proportions (and if not the last vestige of our democracy has vanished)

How is it a cover up if everyone knows about it 5 minutes later?

who are you attempting to respond to?
His asking for money and men was a lie, perpetrated by who knows.

Justice Department: Report that Comey asked for more money for Russia probe is 'totally false'
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

Rubbish. Covers up nothing. Comey can still testify. And Comey wasn't DOING the investigation, the people who were DOING any investigations are still in there and they will finish their investigations.
Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him

Comey just a few days ago asked for more men and money He was getting too close to repub POS and they had to get rid of him

From the WEB: The FBI employs approximately 35,000 people, Don't worry they can find another one to wear a suit and smile for the camera for $150K +++ lifetime gold-plated open-ended COLA bottomless retirement.

$20T debt. Stupid Comey wants more $$$? More staff? Good riddance. He is proto-type what wrong with DC. Years wasted and produced NOTHING of Value. Takes maybe a week to dump emails onto a thumb drive and surrender. Or go sieze all devices day one! Instead he allowed "a year" for Beast to have large staff go thru and DELETE any and all. (OK he got Petraus, whoopee. Not even sure that was a good one. As his whore had a clearance too?)

He spins around this RUSSIAN Malarkey for a year now also? WTH? Do something you pile of human Garbage. Get out, your fired. About 4 years too late. Obama should have dumped the giant fool. Go get these MOFO and quit wasting years on nothing.

View attachment 125937
This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

This is so clearly a coverup that it is hard to believe anyone is willing to step up for Trump. I don't see how anyone can avoid seeing the pattern. And much as I had a grudge against Comey for his timing and flubs, the humiliating low class of the event ought to be a crime. The audience Comey was speaking to knew before he knew by watching the TV behind him. I've never seen such a low class public act.

Trump keeps saying that he won the election as though that gives him some kind of super powers. He doesn't need to show his tax returns because he won the election. He can break his promises because he won the election, like a no cost to American wall...the list is very long. I suspect he actually believes that.

I agree how it was done was unprofessional and clearly a "Fuck You" by trump and his guys, but the fact remain, Comey sucked at his job and needed to be sacked years ago.

so why did Trump wait 4 months to fire Comey, praise Comey for his job after the Hillary investigation, and then conveniently fire him when the kitchen got red hot?

sorry but sorry, lame excuses won't do

ya got nuttin

Because Comey perjured himself before the Senate.

{Washington (CNN)The Federal Bureau of Investigations sent a letter Tuesday evening aiming to clear up false statements said by Director James Comey to Congress last week that former Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin "forwarded hundreds and thousands" of emails to her husband's laptop.}

FBI issues 'supplement' to clarify Comey's incorrect congressional statement -

This is why he was fired, and why he SHOULD have been fired.

oh, I see

Trump is madder than hell Comey didn't make Hillary look even worse

it's bullshit and you know it

Hillary took care of looking bad her self by lying to much over stupid shit. Comy obfuscated and muddied the issue and then when Comey injected him self in the matter he made it political. Comy was to stupid to be where he was.

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