Clearly, the GOP on this board has no idea what the IRS law says. Let me help.



Internal Revenue Manual - 4.76.13 Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Association of Employees - IRC 501(c)(4)

The law says, "civic leagues or organizations not organized for profit but operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare".


exclusive - definition of exclusive by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Under Eisenhower, that word was changed to "primarily".

The law can only be changed by congress. Duh!

None of these right wing groups is interested in the promotion of "social welfare". Because that would be "socialism".
Once again the far left continues to post about things they do not understand, but continue pushing the far left propaganda.

501(c)(4) — Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees

501(c)(4) organizations are generally civic leagues and other corporations operated exclusively for the promotion of "social welfare", such as civics and civics issues, or local associations of employees with membership limited to a designated company or people in a particular municipality or neighborhood, and with net earnings devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purposes.[41] An organization is operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare if it is primarily engaged in promoting the common good and general welfare of the people of the community.[37][42]

501(c)(4) organizations may inform the public on controversial subjects and attempt to influence legislation relevant to its program[43] and, unlike 501(c)(3) organizations, they may also participate in political campaigns and elections, as long as their primary activity is the promotion of social welfare.[44] The tax exemption for 501(c)(4) organizations applies to most of their operations, but contributions may be subject to gift tax, and income spent on political activities – generally the advocacy of a particular candidate in an election – is taxable.[45] An "action" organization generally qualifies as a 501(c)(4) organization.[46] An "action" organization is one whose activities substantially include, or are exclusively,[47] direct lobbying or grass roots lobbying related to advocacy for or against legislation or proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation that is related to its purpose.[48] A 501(c)(4) organization may directly or indirectly support or oppose a candidate for public office as long as such activities are not a substantial amount of its activities.[37][49]

Contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations are usually not deductible as charitable contributions for U.S. federal income tax, with a few exceptions.[50] Dues or contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations may be deductible as a business expense under IRC 162, although amounts paid for intervention or participation in any political campaign, direct lobbying, grass roots lobbying, and contact with certain federal officials are not deductible.[51] If a 501(c)(4) engages in a substantial amount of these activities, then only the amount of dues or contributions that can be attributed to other activities may be deductible as a business expense.[52] The organization should provide a notice to its members containing a reasonable estimate of the amount related to lobbying and political campaign expenditures, or else the organization is subject to a proxy tax on its lobbying and political campaign expenditures.[51] The organization should also provide an express statement that contributions to the organization are not deductible as charitable contributions during fundraising solicitations.[51]

501(c)(4) organizations are not required to disclose their donors publicly.[53] The lack of disclosure has led to extensive use of the 501(c)(4) provisions for organizations that are actively involved in lobbying, and has become controversial.[54][55] Criticized as "dark money", spending from these organizations on political TV ads has exceeded spending from Super PACs.[56][57]

The origins of 501(c)(4) organizations date back to the Revenue Act of 1913, which created a new group of tax-exempt organizations dedicated to social welfare in a precursor to what is now Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(4).[58]

501(c) organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another far left thread fail.
Promoting the general welfare is not socialism. It's having fair laws that are designed to protect people and upholding them. It's not about controlling companies and individuals. A lot of churches help the poor, yet the left despises them. More Republicans than Democrats donate to charity yet the left still claims to be the champions of the poor.

Social welfare, to libs, means welfare without personal responsibility and the term social justice has nothing to do with justice and everything to do with wealth redistribution.

Personally, I believe the tea party does more for the general welfare than ACORN, Planned Parenthood or any other leftwing group combined because the tea party would take our country back to what it's meant to be and that would actually be better. The left sees helping people as giving them something to get by on. The right sees helping people as encouraging them to help themselves and get out of poverty.

A lot of leftist groups get tax exempt status despite their clear involvement in profit and politics. ACORN doesn't do shit for the general welfare and they are all about electing liberals. They take our tax dollars and use it to help elect radicals. It's only those who don't support Obama who are questioned by the IRS. And questions were asked that they had no business asking.

Lois Lerner is taking the 5th (again) because she couldn't get immunity. She's talking to Holder, but not congress. That's because Holder doesn't care about upholding the law when it comes to liberals. He's safe because he won't do the job he was sworn to do.

Lerner should be held in contempt. The IRS apologized once for their unlawful behavior and now the higher ups are still lying and not cooperating with the investigation.

Spin all you like, but that doesn't change anything.
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Once again the far left continues to post about things they do not understand, but continue pushing the far left propaganda.

501(c)(4) — Civic Leagues, Social Welfare Organizations, and Local Associations of Employees

501(c)(4) organizations are generally civic leagues and other corporations operated exclusively for the promotion of "social welfare", such as civics and civics issues, or local associations of employees with membership limited to a designated company or people in a particular municipality or neighborhood, and with net earnings devoted exclusively to charitable, educational, or recreational purposes.[41] An organization is operated exclusively for the promotion of social welfare if it is primarily engaged in promoting the common good and general welfare of the people of the community.[37][42]

501(c)(4) organizations may inform the public on controversial subjects and attempt to influence legislation relevant to its program[43] and, unlike 501(c)(3) organizations, they may also participate in political campaigns and elections, as long as their primary activity is the promotion of social welfare.[44] The tax exemption for 501(c)(4) organizations applies to most of their operations, but contributions may be subject to gift tax, and income spent on political activities – generally the advocacy of a particular candidate in an election – is taxable.[45] An "action" organization generally qualifies as a 501(c)(4) organization.[46] An "action" organization is one whose activities substantially include, or are exclusively,[47] direct lobbying or grass roots lobbying related to advocacy for or against legislation or proposing, supporting, or opposing legislation that is related to its purpose.[48] A 501(c)(4) organization may directly or indirectly support or oppose a candidate for public office as long as such activities are not a substantial amount of its activities.[37][49]

Contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations are usually not deductible as charitable contributions for U.S. federal income tax, with a few exceptions.[50] Dues or contributions to 501(c)(4) organizations may be deductible as a business expense under IRC 162, although amounts paid for intervention or participation in any political campaign, direct lobbying, grass roots lobbying, and contact with certain federal officials are not deductible.[51] If a 501(c)(4) engages in a substantial amount of these activities, then only the amount of dues or contributions that can be attributed to other activities may be deductible as a business expense.[52] The organization should provide a notice to its members containing a reasonable estimate of the amount related to lobbying and political campaign expenditures, or else the organization is subject to a proxy tax on its lobbying and political campaign expenditures.[51] The organization should also provide an express statement that contributions to the organization are not deductible as charitable contributions during fundraising solicitations.[51]

501(c)(4) organizations are not required to disclose their donors publicly.[53] The lack of disclosure has led to extensive use of the 501(c)(4) provisions for organizations that are actively involved in lobbying, and has become controversial.[54][55] Criticized as "dark money", spending from these organizations on political TV ads has exceeded spending from Super PACs.[56][57]

The origins of 501(c)(4) organizations date back to the Revenue Act of 1913, which created a new group of tax-exempt organizations dedicated to social welfare in a precursor to what is now Internal Revenue Code Section 501(c)(4).[58]

501(c) organization - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Another far left thread fail.

Promotion of social welfare does not include any of the following per Treas. Reg. section 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(ii):

Direct or indirect participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office,

Operating a social club for the pleasure, benefit or recreation of its members,

Carrying on a business with the general public in a manner similar to organizations operated for profit.


Hmmm, yea, let's see. Which one fails? The one directly from the IRS or the one from Wikipedia?
And the far left propaganda continues, even after it has been debunked.
And the far left propaganda continues, even after it has been debunked.

Debunked? By Wikipedia?

They won't touch this.

They are trying their best. But the IRS spells out the law so clear it can't be "gotten around".

Laws are laws and they should be followed, deenie, there is no doubt about that.
Having said that, the IRS was basically after one side of the isle by some ridiculous amount than the other side, and they held up one side much longer than the other side by some ridiculous amount of time.....that is where the rubber meets the road.
Both sides have the same PACs going on, but one side was treated much different than the other.
Please don't insult the conservatives or embarrass yourself (if that is possible) by saying it ain't true.
They won't touch this.

They are trying their best. But the IRS spells out the law so clear it can't be "gotten around".

Laws are laws and they should be followed, deenie, there is no doubt about that.
Having said that, the IRS was basically after one side of the isle by some ridiculous amount than the other side, and they held up one side much longer than the other side by some ridiculous amount of time.....that is where the rubber meets the road.
Both sides have the same PACs going on, but one side was treated much different than the other.
Please don't insult the conservatives or embarrass yourself (if that is possible) by saying it ain't true.

Cummings releases full IRS interview transcripts | TheHill

Cummings, in turn, accused Issa of selectively releasing partial transcripts to the media in an effort to damage the White House. Releasing the full transcript was justified because Republicans were holding back documents that made clear there was no high-ranking push to scrutinize Tea Party groups, he argued.

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played - Esquire

Ooooo that's gotta hurt!
Yes! As it is the favorite go to for the far left posters on this board (including you).

Check out this website. It's so far left you won't believe it.

And it shows what I posted from wiki.

All you are doing is showing your preprogramed far left propaganda and that is all you are doing.

Are you sure? Cuz read your post again and didn't see this part:

Promotion of social welfare does not include any of the following per Treas. Reg. section 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(ii):

Direct or indirect participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office

I suspect that campaigning for president is considered, "on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office". Don't you agree?
They are trying their best. But the IRS spells out the law so clear it can't be "gotten around".

Laws are laws and they should be followed, deenie, there is no doubt about that.
Having said that, the IRS was basically after one side of the isle by some ridiculous amount than the other side, and they held up one side much longer than the other side by some ridiculous amount of time.....that is where the rubber meets the road.
Both sides have the same PACs going on, but one side was treated much different than the other.
Please don't insult the conservatives or embarrass yourself (if that is possible) by saying it ain't true.

Cummings releases full IRS interview transcripts | TheHill

Cummings, in turn, accused Issa of selectively releasing partial transcripts to the media in an effort to damage the White House. Releasing the full transcript was justified because Republicans were holding back documents that made clear there was no high-ranking push to scrutinize Tea Party groups, he argued.

Elijah Cummings Releases IRS Transcript - Darrell Issa Gets Played - Esquire

Ooooo that's gotta hurt!

Of course the democrats were as innocent as a 3 week old baby....right? You're a fool and did you notice that after long delays (until after the election) the IRS gave them the hall pass?
You have really got to be butthurt, deenie
Check out this website. It's so far left you won't believe it.

And it shows what I posted from wiki.

All you are doing is showing your preprogramed far left propaganda and that is all you are doing.

Are you sure? Cuz read your post again and didn't see this part:

Promotion of social welfare does not include any of the following per Treas. Reg. section 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(ii):

Direct or indirect participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office

I suspect that campaigning for president is considered, "on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office". Don't you agree?

Seriously do you believe the propaganda you post or are like any of the far left posters that is not above the mentality of a two year old and want someone to prove you wrong?
And it shows what I posted from wiki.

All you are doing is showing your preprogramed far left propaganda and that is all you are doing.

Are you sure? Cuz read your post again and didn't see this part:

Promotion of social welfare does not include any of the following per Treas. Reg. section 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(ii):

Direct or indirect participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office

I suspect that campaigning for president is considered, "on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office". Don't you agree?

Seriously do you believe the propaganda you post or are like any of the far left posters that is not above the mentality of a two year old and want someone to prove you wrong?

How can you call the actual law posted directly from the IRS website "propaganda"?

Oh, that's right. Because it's actually part of this reality.
Are you sure? Cuz read your post again and didn't see this part:

Promotion of social welfare does not include any of the following per Treas. Reg. section 1.501(c)(4)-1(a)(2)(ii):

Direct or indirect participation or intervention in a political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office

I suspect that campaigning for president is considered, "on behalf of or in opposition to any candidate for public office". Don't you agree?

Seriously do you believe the propaganda you post or are like any of the far left posters that is not above the mentality of a two year old and want someone to prove you wrong?

How can you call the actual law posted directly from the IRS website "propaganda"?

Oh, that's right. Because it's actually part of this reality.

Just like you claiming the Republicans controlled the Senate 2001 to 2002. Like that?
I read the rules for C 4 and they can do political activities so long as they are predominately non profit for the good of the community. Further if a group is found to be unable to be C 4 they can be 527.

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