Cleveland kidnapper/rapist ..death penalty?

If I were you, I would be embarrassed to post on this thread, nevertheless I shall no longer use anal cavities to address you.

You are going to stop talking out of your ass?

That should improve your diction immensely.

Hell, you started it. I don't often want to out other rational people here, but you were an asshole.

I apologize. I don't suffer fools gladly.


I have always admitted to being an asshole, that does not mean you have to talk out of your ass. :razz:

Apology accepted.
This just gets weirder an' weirder...
'So, so sorry': Woman crushed by news her father allegedly abducted her friend
Sat May 11, 2013 Arlene Castro said she was with Gina DeJesus just before she went missing in 2004; "America's Most Wanted" featured Arlene Castro in 2005 story on DeJesus; Authorities say DeJesus was held captive for years by Arlene's father, Ariel'; "I'm ... embarrassed, mainly devastated," Arlene Castro says now
In the spring of 2005, Arlene Castro appeared on an "America's Most Wanted" segment pleading for help in finding her best friend, Georgina "Gina" DeJesus, who'd mysteriously gone missing along a busy Cleveland avenue one year earlier. Little did she know. At that time, DeJesus was alive but captive in an older man's house about three miles away, authorities said. There, she was chained, threatened and sexually assaulted repeatedly. The man who police say was responsible for the girl's hell? Arlene Castro's own father, Ariel.

Speaking Thursday on ABC's "Good Morning America," Arlene Castro said she had "no idea" her father allegedly was holding DeJesus and two other young women, Michelle Knight and Amanda Berry, as well as Berry's 6-year-old daughter, who was born in captivity. Arlene and her father -- with whom she was not living when her friend went missing, instead being with her mother -- "were never really that close," she said. The last time the father and daughter talked was late last month, and their conversations were typically short and confined to niceties. "'Let me know if you need anything,' and that was it, every time," Arlene Castro recalled.

Now, she would like to talk with her longtime friend, DeJesus, to introduce her to her kids and tell her much, much more. "I would like to say that I'm absolutely so, so sorry," a tearful Arlene Castro told ABC. "... I'm so sorry for everything." According to the FBI, the then 14-year-old DeJesus disappeared on April 2, 2004, as she was walking home from middle school. She was last seen at a pay telephone booth between 2:45 p.m. and 3 p.m. along Cleveland's Lorain Avenue. And with her at that telephone booth was Arlene Castro.

Castro told "America's Most Wanted" -- as seen in archived video posted online, including on Slate's website -- that her friend loaned her 50 cents, so she could use the phone and ask her mother if the two could spend the afternoon together at DeJesus' house. "I told her I couldn't and she said, 'Well OK, I'll talk to you later.' And she walked," the then-teenage Castro said, with the "America's Most Wanted" reporter explaining that DeJesus would have taken the bus but had loaned out the change she'd normally use for bus fare.


See also:

Domestic abuse cases never snared accused Cleveland abductor
Sat May 11, 2013 - The mother of Ariel Castro's children repeatedly went to authorities with accusations he was beating, abusing and threatening her. But her complaints never reached the point where Castro was imprisoned or triggered additional police investigations.
The late Grimilda Figueroa's accusations against Castro began in 1989 and the last came in 2005, three years after he allegedly kidnapped the first of three women and held them in a run-down house in Cleveland. In the first case, he was not sentenced to prison and in the other two Figueroa chose to drop proceedings. Domestic abuse experts said victims in such cases often change their mind because they are afraid, or they lack knowledge of the legal system.

Castro now has been charged with three counts of raping Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight and four counts of kidnapping the three women and his daughter born to Berry while in captivity. An Ohio prosecutor said on Thursday he intends to charge Castro with murder in connection with the starvation and abuse of Knight during pregnancies that led to miscarriages. Figueroa died in April 2012, at the age of 48, from an accidental overdose of painkiller oxycodone, according to an Indiana coroner.


Workers unload materials at Ariel Castro's home in Cleveland, Ohio, May 10, 2013.

Her last complaint against Castro, a 2005 request to the court for an "order of protection," could have been a missed opportunity to expose him, domestic abuse experts said. If he had violated the order he could have been investigated by police and possibly arrested. That could have been an opportunity to find the women he allegedly held captive, or it could have made things worse if they had been abandoned without him and unable to leave the house. Figueroa also filed a police report in 2005 saying Castro had threatened to "beat your ass" in front of their daughter, according to the report.

A spokeswoman for Cleveland Mayor Frank Jackson said that police told Figueroa that year to go to the county prosecutor's office and file a criminal complaint but she did not. Instead, Figueroa sought a civil order of protection in county court. In Ohio, a victim can get a civil order without criminal charges because they believe this will be less upsetting to the offender, said Anne Murray, director of the domestic violence and stalking unit for the city of Columbus, which is 140 miles from Cleveland. Figueroa eventually dropped even that request for a protection order and so the court case was dismissed. "That breaks my heart," Murray said.

God bless us every one...
Women rescued in Cleveland happy to be home
May 12,`13 -- The three women allegedly imprisoned and sexually abused for years inside a padlocked Cleveland house asked for privacy Sunday, saying through an attorney that while they are grateful for overwhelming support, they also need time to heal.
Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight remain in seclusion, releasing their first statements since they were found May 6 when Berry escaped and told a 911 dispatcher, "I'm free now." They thanked law enforcement and said they were grateful for the support of family and the community. "I am so happy to be home, and I want to thank everybody for all your prayers," DeJesus said in a statement read by an attorney. "I just want time now to be with my family." The women, now in their 20s and 30s, vanished separately between 2002 and 2004. At the time, they were 14, 16 and 20 years old.

Investigators say they spent the last nine years or more inside the home of Ariel Castro where they were repeatedly raped and only allowed outside a handful of times. Castro, 52, is being held on $8 million bond. The former school bus driver was charged with four counts of kidnapping and three counts of rape. Prosecutors said last week they may seek aggravated murder charges - punishable by death - for allegedly impregnating one of his captives at least five times and forcing her miscarry by starving her and punching her in the belly.

The allegations were contained in a police report that also said Berry was forced to give birth in a plastic kiddie pool inside the home. A DNA test confirmed that Castro fathered the 6-year-old girl, who escaped the house with Berry. After nearly a decade of being away, the three women need time to reconnect with their families, said attorney Jim Wooley. Knight, who was the first to disappear and the last of the three released from the hospital, thanked everyone for their support and good wishes in her statement. "I am healthy, happy and safe and will reach out to family, friends and supporters in good time." Berry added: "Thank you so much for everything you're doing and continue to do. I am so happy to be home with my family."

The attorney said none of the women will do any media interviews until the criminal case against Castro is over. He also asked that they be given privacy. "Give them the time, the space, and the privacy so that they can continue to get stronger," Wooley said. The Associated Press does not usually identify people who say they are victims of sexual assault, but the women's names were widely circulated by their families, friends and law enforcement authorities for years during their disappearances and after they were found. Donations are pouring into funds set up for the women. City Councilman Brian Cummins said $50,000 has been raised with the goal of creating a trust fund for each in hopes of making them financially independent.

It seems that the the Cleveland kidnapper who held three women for ten years might face the death penalty if testimony from the women implicates him in the deaths of several unborn children. Allegedly the monster punched and kicked his pregnant captives and starved them in order to cause a "natural" abortion.

How old were they when he kidnapped them? In my state, forcible rape of anyone under 12 is punishable by death. I'm opposed to the death penalty in general - but so long as we have it, I'd like to see it fairly applied to those who deserve it.
It seems that the the Cleveland kidnapper who held three women for ten years might face the death penalty if testimony from the women implicates him in the deaths of several unborn children. Allegedly the monster punched and kicked his pregnant captives and starved them in order to cause a "natural" abortion.

How old were they when he kidnapped them? In my state, forcible rape of anyone under 12 is punishable by death. I'm opposed to the death penalty in general - but so long as we have it, I'd like to see it fairly applied to those who deserve it.

The youngest one was 14 at the time she was abducted.
It seems that the the Cleveland kidnapper who held three women for ten years might face the death penalty if testimony from the women implicates him in the deaths of several unborn children. Allegedly the monster punched and kicked his pregnant captives and starved them in order to cause a "natural" abortion.

How old were they when he kidnapped them? In my state, forcible rape of anyone under 12 is punishable by death. I'm opposed to the death penalty in general - but so long as we have it, I'd like to see it fairly applied to those who deserve it.

The youngest one was 14 at the time she was abducted.

Well then the dirtbag would have been in luck in our state

I have a feeling problems like this guy are the kind that solve themselves in prison. Remember what happened to Jeffrey Dahmer? If he someone escapes the death penalty - I give him 3 months max after his initial conviction before some civic minded convict rams a hot poker up his ass or kills him in some similarly gruesome way.
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It seems that the the Cleveland kidnapper who held three women for ten years might face the death penalty if testimony from the women implicates him in the deaths of several unborn children. Allegedly the monster punched and kicked his pregnant captives and starved them in order to cause a "natural" abortion.

How old were they when he kidnapped them? In my state, forcible rape of anyone under 12 is punishable by death. I'm opposed to the death penalty in general - but so long as we have it, I'd like to see it fairly applied to those who deserve it.

I can guarantee you that your state does not have the death penalty for rape.
Put him in a cell by himself, give him a gun with one bullet in it, and say "I trust you know the way out".
It seems that the the Cleveland kidnapper who held three women for ten years might face the death penalty if testimony from the women implicates him in the deaths of several unborn children. Allegedly the monster punched and kicked his pregnant captives and starved them in order to cause a "natural" abortion.

How old were they when he kidnapped them? In my state, forcible rape of anyone under 12 is punishable by death. I'm opposed to the death penalty in general - but so long as we have it, I'd like to see it fairly applied to those who deserve it.

I can guarantee you that your state does not have the death penalty for rape.

Nope, capital punishment for sex crimes went out with sex education...when we learned that all sex is good sex, progressives, in their wisdom, determined that there was no need to actually KILL people for violently raping other people (including children) cuz we're all sex crazed from birth! Plus sometimes the victims might actually like it.
How old were they when he kidnapped them? In my state, forcible rape of anyone under 12 is punishable by death. I'm opposed to the death penalty in general - but so long as we have it, I'd like to see it fairly applied to those who deserve it.

I can guarantee you that your state does not have the death penalty for rape.

Nope, capital punishment for sex crimes went out with sex education...when we learned that all sex is good sex, progressives, in their wisdom, determined that there was no need to actually KILL people for violently raping other people (including children) cuz we're all sex crazed from birth! Plus sometimes the victims might actually like it.

Just out of curiosity, sunshine, what crimes do you think deserve the death penalty that do not already have it? Obviously, rape is one. Any others?
I wonder, am I going to have to re-iterate that every five minutes now? It seems like I end up saying it a lot, but it
I don't support the death penalty, period.

You sure could have fooled me. Consider your post, here;

Nope, capital punishment for sex crimes went out with sex education...when we learned that all sex is good sex, progressives, in their wisdom, determined that there was no need to actually KILL people for violently raping other people (including children) cuz we're all sex crazed from birth! Plus sometimes the victims might actually like it.

I could have SWORN this was/is sarcasm, directed against the "progressives" who obviously made the wrong choice in pushing for elimination of the death penalty for "people violently raping other people (including children)."

Please come back and tell me how this is not sarcasm - how you literally do feel that a move in that direcrtion displayed "wisdon" on the part of the "progressives," and I will then be happy to apologize for implying that you are in favor of the death penalty.
Granny says dey oughta give him a year fer each charge...
Cleveland kidnaps: Ariel Castro faces 329 charges
7 June 2013 > A man accused of imprisoning three women for about a decade in his home in Cleveland, Ohio, has been indicted by a grand jury for rape and kidnapping.
Ariel Castro faces 329 charges, with 139 counts of rape, 177 of kidnapping, seven of gross sexual imposition, three of assault, and owning criminal tools. The 52-year-old also faces two counts of aggravated murder for terminating one of the women's pregnancies. The women were Michelle Knight, 32, Amanda Berry, 27, and Gina DeJesus, 23. Last month, the suspect was charged with three counts of rape and four of kidnapping, which includes a six-year-old girl he fathered with Ms Berry.

'Off suicide watch'

Mr Castro is due to be formally arraigned on the new charges next week, when a trial judge will also be appointed to his case, prosecutors said. He will plead not guilty to any indictment, his legal team has said. The accused is being held on $8m (£5m) bail. Prison officials said this week he had been taken off suicide watch. "Today's indictments represent a first major step in the criminal justice process," Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Timothy McGinty said in a statement. "Our investigation continues, and we will present our findings to the grand jury."


Ariel Castro faces a total of 329 charges

After the indictment is complete, a committee would consider whether to press for the death penalty in this case, the prosecutor's statement said. Ms Berry, who disappeared in 2003 the day before her 17th birthday, escaped from Mr Castro's house on 6 May with the help of a neighbour. The other women were then freed from the house. They were all reportedly abducted after accepting car rides from Mr Castro. After her release, Ms Berry told the authorities she was forced to give birth in a plastic pool in his house, as it was easier to clean up.

Ms Knight said her five pregnancies ended after her captor starved her for at least two weeks and "repeatedly punched her in the stomach until she miscarried", according to the authorities. She also said she was forced to help Ms Berry with the delivery of her daughter and was threatened with death if the infant did not survive. The baby stopped breathing and Ms Knight used mouth-to-mouth resuscitation to save it, authorities said. Ms Knight vanished in 2002 when she was 20. Ms DeJesus was 14 when she went missing in April 2004.

BBC News - Cleveland kidnaps: Ariel Castro faces 329 charges
Charges against Ariel Castro 576 pages long...
Hundreds of new charges filed in US kidnap case
Sun, Jul 14, 2013 - LITANY OF CHARGES: The Ohio man accused of having kept three women captive for a decade faces 977 criminal counts in an indictment 576 pages long
The litany of charges against a Cleveland man outline in numbing detail the crimes his victims allegedly suffered over 10 years of imprisonment: August 2002, kidnapping. September 2004, kidnapping. November 2006, aggravated murder. Christmas Day 2006, rape. A new 977-count indictment filed on Friday provides a painful look at what prosecutors say was a decade of captivity for three women in suspect Ariel Castro’s home in a rough Cleveland, Ohio, neighborhood. Among the most serious charges: that he caused the death of one of his victims’ fetuses by punching and starving her.

Among the most haunting: that he assaulted the women throughout their captivity, causing psychological harm to them and to the daughter he fathered with one of them through assault. And in another newly unveiled accusation, the indictment also alleges that on the same day that the child was born, Christmas of 2006, Castro raped one of the other women, who had helped deliver the baby. “Today’s indictment moves us closer to resolution of this gruesome case,” Cuyahoga County Prosecutor Tim McGinty said in a statement. Castro, 53, is accused of kidnapping the three women and holding them captive — sometimes restrained in chains — along with the six-year-old girl he fathered.

He is charged with two counts of aggravated murder related to one act, saying he purposely caused the unlawful termination of the pregnancy of one of the women. The new, 576-page indictment also charges him with 512 counts of kidnapping, 446 counts of rape, seven counts of gross sexual imposition, six counts of felonious assault, three counts of child endangerment and one count of possessing criminal tools. Authorities say the filing covers the entire period that the women were imprisoned, from 2002 until May of this year, superseding an earlier indictment that listed accusations for only some of the years. The indictment does not include charges that could carry a death sentence, but McGinty said he is still reserving that option. Castro will be arraigned on the new charges on Wednesday. He is scheduled for trial on Aug. 5.

Castro pleaded not guilty to the earlier indictment of 329 counts. A message was left with his attorney on Friday seeking comment on the new charges. His legal team has hinted Castro would plead guilty if the death penalty was off the table. A communications firm representing the women said they would not comment. The women released a three-minute video this week thanking the community for its support. News that the women had been found alive electrified the Cleveland area, where two of the victims were household names after years of searches, publicity and vigils. However, elation soon turned to shock as allegations about their treatment began to emerge.

Castro is accused of repeatedly restraining the women, sometimes chaining them to a pole in a basement — once with a motorcycle helmet over one of the women’s heads — to a bedroom heater or inside a van. It says one of the women tried to escape and he assaulted her with a vacuum cord around her neck. Later, Castro moved them to upstairs rooms where they were kept as virtual prisoners, according to investigators. All the while, Castro continued driving a school bus and playing bass in local bands, with fellow musicians saying they never suspected a thing. He was fired as a bus driver last fall after leaving his bus unattended for several hours.

What he did to those women should be a death penality crime.

Ok - what else should be a death penalty crime?

1st, I don't support the death penalty.

However, I do think certain crimes are so henious that the person deserves an angry mob to chase them down and beat them to death.

Types of rape
Child molestation

I could probably think of a few others but I'm a bit sleepy right now.

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