Cleveland Preparing For Liberal Thuggery / Rioting, and Terrorism During RNC Convention

No, it will be the milk faced cross groveling crackers that will be fighting each other

You mean like the two BLACK sheet-wearing 'KKK' members out in the parking lot in Vegas pulling for Trump?!

To piss off idiots like you that don't seem to have a problem when riots by thugs take place because someone made a decision they don't like.
They should've captured a bird sanctuary instead. That would've really rocked the boat.

When the riots and thuggery occurs, it will prove exactly what type of people I've said those you support really are.
And when it doesn't occur you'll pretend you were right anyways.

I was right about Ferguson and Baltimore. No pretending there and if you look at those two cities, those rioting had one thing in common.

An entire police department was fired and there is a trial ongoing in Baltimore. When people get pushed to the breaking point they react.

Great!!! I see you have a handle on the ass kicking you are going to receive from pissed off Americans.
Great attitude,it'll help with the pain.
They should've captured a bird sanctuary instead. That would've really rocked the boat.

When the riots and thuggery occurs, it will prove exactly what type of people I've said those you support really are.
And when it doesn't occur you'll pretend you were right anyways.

I was right about Ferguson and Baltimore. No pretending there and if you look at those two cities, those rioting had one thing in common.

An entire police department was fired and there is a trial ongoing in Baltimore. When people get pushed to the breaking point they react.

Great!!! I see you have a handle on the ass kicking you are going to receive from pissed off Americans.
Great attitude,it'll help with the pain.
so the protesters aren't American ? or just not your blinders on version of Americans?
They seem pretty confident it's going to happen.
Which is pretty pathetic when you think about it.

And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Because wanting to enforce the law is sooooo crazy. LOL!!!

When the riots and thuggery occurs, it will prove exactly what type of people I've said those you support really are.
And when it doesn't occur you'll pretend you were right anyways.

I was right about Ferguson and Baltimore. No pretending there and if you look at those two cities, those rioting had one thing in common.

An entire police department was fired and there is a trial ongoing in Baltimore. When people get pushed to the breaking point they react.

Great!!! I see you have a handle on the ass kicking you are going to receive from pissed off Americans.
Great attitude,it'll help with the pain.
so the protesters aren't American ? or just not your blinders on version of Americans?

Go back to sleep little man...we'll wake you up when it's over.:itsok:
They seem pretty confident it's going to happen.
Which is pretty pathetic when you think about it.

And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Unfortunately you're the Yugo stuck on the tracks of Americas revolution.
dreamin' is free.
what revolution?
the side show the right is performing is in no way a revolution .
your really gotta quit believing the propaganda,
They seem pretty confident it's going to happen.
Which is pretty pathetic when you think about it.

And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Unfortunately you're the Yugo stuck on the tracks of Americas revolution.
dreamin' is free.
what revolution?
the side show the right is performing is in no way a revolution .
your really gotta quit believing the propaganda,

You just keep telling yourself that.
They seem pretty confident it's going to happen.
Which is pretty pathetic when you think about it.

And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Because wanting to enforce the law is sooooo crazy. LOL!!!

non sequitur..

And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Unfortunately you're the Yugo stuck on the tracks of Americas revolution.
dreamin' is free.
what revolution?
the side show the right is performing is in no way a revolution .
your really gotta quit believing the propaganda,

You just keep telling yourself that.
unlike yourselves I have no need to fantasize.
the change in this country is not affected by the noise of idiots.
They seem pretty confident it's going to happen.
Which is pretty pathetic when you think about it.

And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Because wanting to enforce the law is sooooo crazy. LOL!!!

non sequitur..

You vaguely referred to Trump as a train wreck.

One of the biggest issues he has been riding and that upsets lefties so much is his plan to actually enforce the laws on immigration.

If that was not what you were referring to, perhaps you should have not made me guess wtf you meant.

Cleveland Preparing For Liberal Thuggery/Rioting, Terrorism During RNC Convention

"Liberal thuggery!" "Rioting!" "TERRORISM!!!" "Ebola!" "Zika!" "Gays and spades and people with different names!!!"

YoW! Hummida hummida booga booga!



CPD knows for reelz that the problem will be the Trumpistas who won't take no if the convention chooses someone else.
So what you're saying is it'll be business as usual.
Why does the GOP always have its conventions in places where they are hated? Why don't they pick a cornfield in the middle of Bumfuck, Mississippi?

I'm sure the nearby town of Bumfuck would set up the cross drenched in gasoline ahead of time as well.

The GOP needs better event planners, you're right.
And yet Trump is the problem.

He keeps on luring leftwing idiots to his rallies so he can humiliate them.
no one needs to be lured to a train wreck.

Because wanting to enforce the law is sooooo crazy. LOL!!!

non sequitur..

You vaguely referred to Trump as a train wreck.

One of the biggest issues he has been riding and that upsets lefties so much is his plan to actually enforce the laws on immigration.

If that was not what you were referring to, perhaps you should have not made me guess wtf you meant.

vaguely ? my ass
his plan and reality will never meet.

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