Climate activists smear themselves with mud to evoke flooding in Italy

Drop Dead Fred

Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2020
No need to read the text of the Associated Press article.




the reality of the data on Italy...

which is not exactly this

So dump more mud on your heads, MORONS!!!
Flooding linked to climate change from fossil fuels?

Do people really not understand earth has had world wide floods, world wide fires, a reversal of the poles, mass extinctions, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, volcanoes, the ice age, total depletion and regeneration of the ozone, and so on have been happening for billions of years? Hell the antarctic used to be a rainforest. Has everyone suddenly forgotten that earth is not static and is in a constant state of chaos?

This isn't about climate. This is a bunch of easily manipulated and dumb people with no purpose in life that are desperate for attention. Because really, what's the point of doing this topless unless you want people to look at your bodies. The one of the left has a decent body but her boobs are substandard.
Flooding linked to climate change from fossil fuels?

Do people really not understand earth has had world wide floods, world wide fires, a reversal of the poles, mass extinctions, tectonic activity so great it broke apart land masses, volcanoes, the ice age, total depletion and regeneration of the ozone, and so on have been happening for billions of years? Hell the antarctic used to be a rainforest. Has everyone suddenly forgotten that earth is not static and is in a constant state of chaos?

This isn't about climate. This is a bunch of easily manipulated and dumb people with no purpose in life that are desperate for attention. Because really, what's the point of doing this topless unless you want people to look at your bodies. The one of the left has a decent body but her boobs are substandard.
So fuck science, you read something on Facebook that explains everything..
No need to read the text of the Associated Press article.

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Personally I don't think this type of protest creates support for their cause. It actually alienates them...

They are better to be out with a placard which tells us how much of a killing there is in Windpower and Forrestry and they should invest more..

Last year EU governments created a special tax on wind generation companies because of excessive profits...
Yes you got it... Because Energy prices rose so much, wind power and solar was heavily banking money, wind was making a killing...
The governments taxed them so they could subside the energy for consumer, so wind money was used to buy more coal and oil...

Should have shown that...
The second paragraph in my reply was all science. I merely pointed out "climate change" has been happening billions of years before man ever walked the earth.

The self loathing and hubris, to believe that man invented it and must be blamed and do penance.

The second paragraph in my reply was all science. I merely pointed out "climate change" has been happening billions of years before man ever walked the earth.
And what is happening now is very rapid change which a vast majority of scientists and every major scientific organisation has deemed it due to human activity.

Us as humans are very rapidly changing our climate...

So there has been slow change not effected by humans now we have rapid change which looks like it will be catastrophic and economically devastating.

BTW, any one who complains about National Debt and negates what we are doing to the planet is a complete hypocrite...
Climate activists? Get a real job losers, pay some taxes and bath with soap you stinky useless leftards.
Can I remind you that Blue states pay more taxes and are net contributors unlike the Red States who are generally takers...

Red states economics is proven worse that blue states and yet you are still fed the bullshit...

As for hygiene

Looks like the Red states do badly in Dental and hand washing...
Again this is down to investing in proper public health programs..
Can I remind you that Blue states pay more taxes and are net contributors unlike the Red States who are generally takers...

Red states economics is proven worse that blue states and yet you are still fed the bullshit...

As for hygiene

Looks like the Red states do badly in Dental and hand washing...
Again this is down to investing in proper public health programs..

All of which is SOOOOOOOOOO important considering we're talking about climate kooks in a country halfway across the globe.




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