Climate alarmist declares that, 'There's no way to solve the climate crisis without ending capitalism'

The scientific community considers the science overwhelming

No they do not.

Plus, real scientists welcome challenges to theories.

It is called the scientific method. Einstein did not admonish other scientists who wanted to test his theories.

Anyone who believes cow methane is causing the seas to rise and the only way to stop it is to take a shitload of taxpayer money away from them is a fool.

When all the global warming liars leave the coast, I will believe them. Untl then, they can fuck off.
No they do not.

Plus, real scientists welcome challenges to theories.

It is called the scientid method. Einstein did not admonish other scientists who wanted to test his theories.

Anyone who believes cow methane is causing the seas to rise and the only way to stop it is to take a shitload of taxpayer money away from them is a fool.

When all the global warming liars leave the coast, I will believe them. Untl then, they can fuck off.
I welcome challenges too

Challenge away! Lol
Let's put it in actual dollars and cents. Accorind to Bjorn Lomborg, the head of the Copenhagen "Consensus" Center:

"We will spend at least one hundred trillion dollars in order to reduce the temperature by the end of the century by a grand total of three tenths of one degree – the equivalent of postponing warming by less than four years."​

:auiqs.jpg:"Concensus" Center.

"Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough. Nobody says the consensus of scientists agrees that E=mc2. Nobody says the consensus is that the sun is 93 million miles away. It would never occur to anyone to speak that way."​
~ Michael Critchton​
That is hilarious
What is hilarious is that you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats believe the AGW scam even after the principle Scientists admitted they were falsifying data and we caught NASA. UN Climate Commission and NOAA red handed using fraudulent data.

If this AGW was real then the idiots wouldn't have to lie about the data, would they?

Climate change is real but this AGW bullshit is nothing more than a scam and only Moon Bats like you are gullible enough to fall for it.
What is hilarious is that you stupid uneducated low information Moon Bats believe the AGW scam even after the principle Scientists admitted they were falsifying data and we caught NASA. UN Climate Commission and NOAA red handed using fraudulent data.

If this AGW was real then the idiots wouldn't have to lie about the data, would they?

Climate change is real but this AGW bullshit is nothing more than a scam and only Moon Bats like you are gullible enough to fall for it.
Moon bats!!!!!!!!!

The failure of the global warming zealots to embrace nuclear power is one of the two clearest indications that they are not serious. The second is that ALL of the "scientists" pushing this are on the political Left.

The third is the failure to confront China and India, whose emissions of greenhouse gases - increasing for another eight years, guaranteed - will dwarf any attempts by the U.S., Western Europe, and other like-minded countries to stabilize or reduce OUR greenhouse gas emissions.

Those who REALLY support science know that any global warming will be gradual, and mankind will devise engineering solutions that will minimize catastrophic impacts. Sea walls will be built, populations will be moved, desalination of sea water will increase dramatically, whole regions of the earth that lie fallow today will be brought into food production, easily and at reasonable cost.

And a personal observation: none of these fukkers have ever had a Real Job.
Now we are getting down to the brass tacks of what this AGW scam is all about. It ain't about science folks.
Democrats can't tell us what a woman is cuz they are not a biologist, but they can tell us in detail how carbon emissions are destroying the earth and why capitalism needs to end for that to happen.
Democrats can't tell us what a woman is cuz they are not a biologist, but they can tell us in detail how carbon emissions are destroying the earth and why capitalism needs to end for that to happen.
We have learned two things from the AGW scammers

1. They don't know jackshit about atmospheric CO2 chemistry.

2. You can buy a scientist the same as you can buy a politician.

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