Climate alarmist declares that, 'There's no way to solve the climate crisis without ending capitalism'

You're willfully ignorant.
If you want to have a conversation with someone, you need to share languages and cultural references. I suspect you and I do not as I see no relation between what I posted and your response. So, unless you want to explain your terms, this debate is at an end.
If you want to have a conversation with someone, you need to share languages and cultural references. I suspect you and I do not as I see no relation between what I posted and your response. So, unless you want to explain your terms, this debate is at an end.
Your concession is accepted, as usual.

You CAGW doomsday cult members never have a logical argument. It's a fucking cult, dumbass.
Your admission - that you have not a leg to stand upon else you might try communicating in comprehensible English - is accepted.
We have learned two things from the AGW scammers

1. They don't know jackshit about atmospheric CO2 chemistry.

2. You can buy a scientist the same as you can buy a politician.
You are right
We have learned two things from the AGW scammers

1. They don't know jackshit about atmospheric CO2 chemistry.

2. You can buy a scientist the same as you can buy a politician.

LOL. That's hilarious.

So scientists are all liars when they disagree with the anonymous rando who probably never made it past intro chemistry? Wow.
LOL. That's hilarious.

So scientists are all liars when they disagree with the anonymous rando who probably never made it past intro chemistry? Wow.
Actually I have an advanced degree in Environmental Engineering, a PE and have taught Environmental Science on the college level. I am not an expert in Climate Science but I do know enough to ask the right questions and to know a scam when I see it. I am very well read on the subject.

After having a 30 career in Environmental Engineering I have cleaned up more pollution than a hundred thousand Environmental Wackos will ever see in their lives. Environmental Wackos that don't know jackshit about atmospheric chemistry or anything else.

If this AGW bullshit was not a scam there would be no reason for these Principle Scientists to fabricate false data, which they have been caught doing many times and even admit they do it. In addition their dire predictions would come true and none of it ever has.

All we ever get out of these AGW spouting morons are lies, false data, stupid correlations that don't pass the snicker test, ignoring conflicting data and shit in shit out computer models. However, they do make good money in research grants. Just follow the money and you will see how they get paid for the scam.

There is climate change. It in natural to earth. Been going on for billions of years. However, this AGW is total bullshit and only idiots fall for the scam.
What part of CO2 chemistry do they not understand, exactly?
Exactly, tough guy are you. I bet you think you got me, hahahaha. I should not be such a dick, afterall, you are asking me to educate you, so I will.

What don't climate scientists understand about CO2?

1. CO2 is not a pollutant
2. CO2, what concentration in the atmosphere is adequate.
3. CO2 is required by plants, as food.
4. CO2 is dry ice
5. CO2 tyndall stated has no effect on
Exactly, tough guy are you. I bet you think you got me, hahahaha. I should not be such a dick, afterall, you are asking me to educate you, so I will.

What don't climate scientists understand about CO2?

1. CO2 is not a pollutant
2. CO2, what concentration in the atmosphere is adequate.
3. CO2 is required by plants, as food.
4. CO2 is dry ice
5. CO2 tyndall stated has no effect on
HAHAHAHAAAaaaa... what a doof.

1) No one arguing the mainstream science of AGW classifies CO2 as a pollutant, per se. Obviously, excess CO2 is harmful but your contention here does absolutlely nothing to advance the conversation.
2) For long standing historical reasons, 280 ppm would do fine
3) No shit sherlock. Do you actually think someone out there didn't know that?
4) Completely irrelevant
5) A quote from John Tyndall, who lived 200 years ago: "Thus the atmosphere admits of the entrance of the solar heat; but checks its exit, and the result is a tendency to accumulate heat at the surface of the planet.” John Tyndall: the forgotten co-founder of climate science

So, errors, lies and irrelevancies. An impressive education you off Mr Cardinal. Forgive him should he choose to demur.
Exactly, tough guy are you. I bet you think you got me, hahahaha. I should not be such a dick, afterall, you are asking me to educate you, so I will.

What don't climate scientists understand about CO2?

1. CO2 is not a pollutant
2. CO2, what concentration in the atmosphere is adequate.
3. CO2 is required by plants, as food.
4. CO2 is dry ice
5. CO2 tyndall stated has no effect on

Tyndall was working in the 19th century. The science has advanced well beyond that now.

I note that you didn't say ANYTHING about the C=O bonds which are responsible for IR absorption. I'm not sure how you understand the First Law of thermo but once absorbed that energy has to go somewhere...doesn't just disappear. You didn't say anything about CO2 being cycled through the carbon cycle and the attendant impact on lifespan of excess CO2 in the atmosphere. You didn't say anything how CO2 is a KNOWN greenhouse gas that is in part responsible for the earth's surface temperature being warmer than the blackbody radiation temperature it would be without greenhouse gases like CO2 and H2O.

But you knew it was dry ice. Kudos for that. Is that because you saw it in your junior high science class?
Actually I have an advanced degree in Environmental Engineering, a PE and have taught Environmental Science on the college level. I am not an expert in Climate Science but I do know enough to ask the right questions and to know a scam when I see it. I am very well read on the subject.

I haven't seen enough of your posts on the technical aspect of the topic. But when someone claims that the science is corrupted by money that's usually a big red flag that they don't have any technical expertise.

Usually if someone has the education you have they know that the science isn't perfect but it isn't really a "scam" either. It is the lowest common denominator of a scientific illiterate to claim AGW is nothing but scientists lying for money. You should know better than that.

If this AGW bullshit was not a scam there would be no reason for these Principle Scientists to fabricate false data,

Then you will have no problem showing that giant block of systematically fraudulent fake data.

which they have been caught doing many times and even admit they do it.

If you are going to trot out the climategate e-mails I will have even less reason to believe your claims of education in the sciences.

All we ever get out of these AGW spouting morons are lies, false data, stupid correlations that don't pass the snicker test, ignoring conflicting data and shit in shit out computer models.

Ahhh, the old "models canard". Again, for someone who is a PE you know as well as I do that models are integral to science. You should know better than ANYONE.

However, they do make good money in research grants.

The old "$$$ canard". Again, if you actually had degrees in the sciences you'd know that it is rare to live the high life on research grants.

There is climate change. It in natural to earth. Been going on for billions of years. However, this AGW is total bullshit and only idiots fall for the scam.

ANd here's the coup de grace: you have a simplistic view of the earth's climate and paleoclimatology. If, again, you actually DID work in environmental then you probably had at least one or two or three geology classes (I know, I taught folks like you when I was a TA) and that's where you learn about the earth's climate history. The fact that the earth's climate has changed in the past before humans tells the paleoclimatologists how natural forcings work. Right now natural forcings cannot be used to explain the majority of the warming we've been seeing the last 60 years or so.

I've worked with a lot of engineers over my career. Usually they are far more knowledgeable about the core science and don't fall for the usual canards the non-educated "skeptics" go for. I've also spent most of my life living with a woman who was an environmental geologist, so I also know what kind of stuff they are familiar with in the sciences.

If you wish to stick with this story then perhaps you can actually discuss the technical details (sans references to classic denialist blogs or long-debunked climategate e-mails).
Right now natural forcings cannot be used to explain the majority of the warming we've been seeing the last 60 years or so.
The problem is that the data used to explain the scam has been proven many times to be fabricated and cherry pricked and has no real scientific basis. If AGW was real there would be no reason to lie about the data, that has been done many many times. The AGW scientists have lost their credibility a long time ago.

AGW is simply bad science. Scientists can be bought the same as politicians.

Humans will have to deal with climate change. We have been doing that thousands of years and survived. However, the contribution humans have made to climate change is negligible when you look at the real indisputable data.

Man made climate change is a scam and only idiots fall for it..

For several years I debated AGW on various forums. It always boils down to the proponents of the scam referencing fabricated and cherry picked data and not understanding how their basic data base is flawed.

Nowadays I don't really bother to debate it anymore. If you want to believe in the silly AGW religion then go for it Sport. I don't really give a shit.

However, occasionally I do teach a university class in Environmental Science and have a section on climate change. If you really want to pull your head out of your Environmental Wacko ass then you should sign up for the course. You will learn about it being a scam and you will learn real climate science.

By the way, the thing about Engineers is that learn to separate reality from bullshit. AGW is bullshit.
The problem is that the data used to explain the scam has been proven many times to be fabricated and cherry pricked and has no real scientific basis.

No it hasn't. Please cite your source.
AGW is simply bad science.

Speaking scientist to scientist I don't see it that way. In fact I see it rather differently. I see it as reasonable science (the basic stuff is solid, predicated on nothing controversial) and the more advanced stuff doesn't seem to be problematic.

Scientists can be bought the same as politicians.

Is that how it is in environmental field? I know you guys are often paid a lot of money to go out and just drill holes until the attorneys can find a way to get the company off the hook, but I don't honestly think you are all just out there marking time for a buck knowing you aren't doing anything meaningful.

But if you tell me that your field is loaded with people who will lie for $$$ then I guess I have to believe you.

However, occasionally I do teach a university class in Environmental Science and have a section on climate change. If you really want to pull your head out of your Environmental Wacko ass then you should sign up for the course.

Sorry, bub, I've taught that course too.

You will learn about it being a scam and you will learn real climate science.

So are you supporting your claims to your students or are you just telling them your opinion? On here you come across as someone I wouldn't want to see teaching anyone. But I also realize this isn't real life.

By the way, the thing about Engineers is that learn to separate reality from bullshit. AGW is bullshit.

The thing about engineers (and you are probably just a BS degree since that's the working degree and you spent your time sitting rigs out in industrial sites or cleaning up LUSTS at old decomissioned gas stations) is that they usually were pretty solid math-wise but they had a certain degree of haughtiness. Like they were the shiznit. There's more to the earth sciences than what you get from meandering through one or two geology classes.
Tyndall was working in the 19th century. The science has advanced well beyond that now.

I note that you didn't say ANYTHING about the C=O bonds which are responsible for IR absorption. I'm not sure how you understand the First Law of thermo but once absorbed that energy has to go somewhere...doesn't just disappear. You didn't say anything about CO2 being cycled through the carbon cycle and the attendant impact on lifespan of excess CO2 in the atmosphere. You didn't say anything how CO2 is a KNOWN greenhouse gas that is in part responsible for the earth's surface temperature being warmer than the blackbody radiation temperature it would be without greenhouse gases like CO2 and H2O.

But you knew it was dry ice. Kudos for that. Is that because you saw it in your junior high science class?
And you are a scientist, right.

One lousy molecule of co2, and we run into the next one when? Like are they touching, or on a molecular level is that space literally, miles? 400 parts per million. Seems that the million of other stuff has a greater effect than the 400.

Co2. Dry ice, co2 likes to be cold, even when it is hot out. Let co2 leak from a bottle and you end up with frost on the bottle. Strange.
Tyndall was working in the 19th century. The science has advanced well beyond that now.
Who says the science has advanced beyond tyndall? All the science refers to tyndall as the originator of co2 as a green house gas?

I guess the current science says is is now a gas the warms earth?

Tyndall stated that there is not enough co2 in the atmosphere to make any difference in temperature.

Tyndall also experimented with a sample that was pure co2, not parts per million.
Who says the science has advanced beyond tyndall? All the science refers to tyndall as the originator of co2 as a green house gas?

Tyndall discovered the CO2 absorbs IR.

I guess the current science says is is now a gas the warms earth?

By definition it is a greenhouse gas/

Tyndall stated that there is not enough co2 in the atmosphere to make any difference in temperature.

What, exactly, would Tyndall know in 1860 about this?
And you are a scientist, right.

One lousy molecule of co2, and we run into the next one when? Like are they touching, or on a molecular level is that space literally, miles? 400 parts per million. Seems that the million of other stuff has a greater effect than the 400.

Co2. Dry ice, co2 likes to be cold, even when it is hot out. Let co2 leak from a bottle and you end up with frost on the bottle. Strange.

Hilarious. I mean no offense but you are so out of the ballpark on this one you may as well be playing a different game.

Thanks for the morning laugh. I love the dry ice is cold thing as some critique of AGW. That's fuckin' hilarious!
"So weird how the ultimate solution to racism, sexism, homophobia, and climate change always comes down to destroying America.

Almost as if they’re all the same group with the same goal and it’s not the goal they publicize"

now now, we need to re-imagine and re-make capitalism because our world is on fire because of the current system

More proof it has nothing to do with the environment. These are just Marxist wackos that want to end Capitalism.
Tyndall was working in the 19th century. The science has advanced well beyond that now.

I note that you didn't say ANYTHING about the C=O bonds which are responsible for IR absorption. I'm not sure how you understand the First Law of thermo but once absorbed that energy has to go somewhere...doesn't just disappear. You didn't say anything about CO2 being cycled through the carbon cycle and the attendant impact on lifespan of excess CO2 in the atmosphere. You didn't say anything how CO2 is a KNOWN greenhouse gas that is in part responsible for the earth's surface temperature being warmer than the blackbody radiation temperature it would be without greenhouse gases like CO2 and H2O.

But you knew it was dry ice. Kudos for that. Is that because you saw it in your junior high science class?
And, now the claim is, co2 amplifies the temperature, actually makes the radiation that collides with it stronger.

Yet, a pure nuclear reaction does not react how they claim radiation reacts with simple molecules?

Co2, dry ice, warms, amplifies heat? A nice idea that will keep the number people deep in algebra or calculus for years.

You though, know nothing more than me and demonstrably less
And, now the claim is, co2 amplifies the temperature, actually makes the radiation that collides with it stronger.

Nope. You should really study the topic before posting. You look like you aren't even familiar with the topic.

Co2, dry ice, warms, amplifies heat? A nice idea that will keep the number people deep in algebra or calculus for years.

Wow. You don't even have a clue here do you? I'm kind of amazed you have the cojones to show off this astounding lack of education.

So you think that when you compress CO2 and create dry ice that it means CO2 is "cold" by itself? You do realize that liquid N2 is even colder, right? And Nitrogen (N2) makes up most of our atmosphere.

Do you think the atmosphere is 77degrees Kelvin right now?


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