Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

Dont Taz Me Bro

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Nov 17, 2009
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

I can only assume that you don’t believe it because your actions do not at all resemble what one would expect from someone who does believe this sort of thing. With very rare exceptions, you continue living just like the rest of us. Maybe you recycle your plastic bottles, maybe you ordered a salad at Panera Bread today, but for the most part you are just another callous Homo sapien murdering the planet and cannibalizing the future of the human race. Why? How? You think the world is about to end, for God’s sake. What are you doing sitting at Starbucks like the rest of us? Why haven’t you renounced all modern technology? Why haven’t you fled to the mountains before the sea engulfs your family? Why aren’t you doing… anything?

Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

I can only assume that you don’t believe it because your actions do not at all resemble what one would expect from someone who does believe this sort of thing. With very rare exceptions, you continue living just like the rest of us. Maybe you recycle your plastic bottles, maybe you ordered a salad at Panera Bread today, but for the most part you are just another callous Homo sapien murdering the planet and cannibalizing the future of the human race. Why? How? You think the world is about to end, for God’s sake. What are you doing sitting at Starbucks like the rest of us? Why haven’t you renounced all modern technology? Why haven’t you fled to the mountains before the sea engulfs your family? Why aren’t you doing… anything?

Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish
Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air.

Saw Gore on one of the talk shows this morning.

He had the perfect response. (?)

He doesn't have a private plane

What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why isn't every other country in the world shutting down their power plants and driving horses and buggies again to save our world?
Silly fool!! Only the Plebians need to follow the mandates of the Patricians.....

What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why isn't every other country in the world shutting down their power plants and driving horses and buggies again to save our world?

Liberals wanted to eliminate cows because their farts was hurting the environment......
What is truly alarming is the significant number of excessive egotists who refuse to even consider progress in another direction.
It would be an interesting study to measure the carbon footprint of these climate finger waggers. They have turned hypocrisy into a science.
Seriously, how is someone like Obama, or DiCaprio Supposed to get somewhere? They would likely be mobbed if they traveled like we do. Obama has plenty of people who worship him and I'm certain they would mob around him. Hell, Elvis couldn't ever go buy a hamburger.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why isn't every other country in the world shutting down their power plants and driving horses and buggies again to save our world?

Is that what you think global climate change believers are advocating?
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why isn't every other country in the world shutting down their power plants and driving horses and buggies again to save our world?

Liberals wanted to eliminate cows because their farts was hurting the environment......

I know right wing radio told you that, but it's stupid.
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

I can only assume that you don’t believe it because your actions do not at all resemble what one would expect from someone who does believe this sort of thing. With very rare exceptions, you continue living just like the rest of us. Maybe you recycle your plastic bottles, maybe you ordered a salad at Panera Bread today, but for the most part you are just another callous Homo sapien murdering the planet and cannibalizing the future of the human race. Why? How? You think the world is about to end, for God’s sake. What are you doing sitting at Starbucks like the rest of us? Why haven’t you renounced all modern technology? Why haven’t you fled to the mountains before the sea engulfs your family? Why aren’t you doing… anything?

Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."
Somebody came by my brothers house selling solar panels, asked what his usage was then computed how many he would need, 39......then throw in batteries and what not and you reach never never Land.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

All those political parties in every other country are united in wanting to steal more jobs from the US and see it fall. And you want to join them.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why isn't every other country in the world shutting down their power plants and driving horses and buggies again to save our world?

Is that what you think global climate change believers are advocating?

It should be. If all this impending gloom and doom is coming why aren't your actions speaking louder than your words?
Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."

Then by all means, stop offending Mother Nature. Give up your car. Stop flying. Candles can light your house. Wood can cook your food. Let's start saving the planet instead of just talking about it.

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