Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

If I honestly believed that mankind was destroying our planet by our actions those are absolutely the things I would do.

So you're just acting hilariously stupid. You don't see anyone here in the rational community saying everyone has to live in caves. It's only denier mouthbreathers who are saying such bizarre things.

That's how I know you people are full of shit.

That's why we know you're retarded or dishonest.

Most likely, you denier snowflakes aren't as stupid as you sound. You all know you're making crap up. However, you cult commands you to make crap up, so you obey. It's part of your "The ends always justify the means for my own side" life philosophy.

You people have said conclusively that our planet is dying due to our actions, yet you're not willing to give up your car, your cell phone, and most of your modern luxuries to save it. Surely, if we all stopped driving and flying and all of this modern technology that belting out smoke from power plants we'd heal the planet rather quickly, right? If you truly believed the end was inevitable, why aren't you willing to do these things to save the only planet you have? The Amish seem to get along just fine. Why can't you?
There is no way these liberal moochers would be able to cut the mustard in any of the German speaking colonies....because everybody has to free lunch !
I`ve seen Amish just outside Chicago but never been in any of their colonies, but have been in lots of the Hutterite colonies in Manitoba. These colonies use nothing but the biggest,baddest and most up to date technology with everything they do and have TV,Internet, phones etc in every house. Even though they adhere to their traditional values and have absolutely no use for the kind of crap libtards preach.
Their women are women and their men are men not some sort of emasculated wimp as those who got "educated" in libtard universities whining about mother earth dying.
Here are a few impressions of the colonies in Canada:





The Hutterite women`s hockey team is to date undefeated...they beat the crap out every so called female hockey team that faced know, the kind of females that wear pant suits like Hillary and the likes.
There was a time when society at large was much like and as conservative as Hutterite colonies still are. Crime, drug addiction and assorted sexual perversions had no room to breed and it is truly amazing how these colonies survive in the midst of the immoral cesspools liberals created wherever they reigned

Sure. We know all about what happens in Manitoba
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

I can only assume that you don’t believe it because your actions do not at all resemble what one would expect from someone who does believe this sort of thing. With very rare exceptions, you continue living just like the rest of us. Maybe you recycle your plastic bottles, maybe you ordered a salad at Panera Bread today, but for the most part you are just another callous Homo sapien murdering the planet and cannibalizing the future of the human race. Why? How? You think the world is about to end, for God’s sake. What are you doing sitting at Starbucks like the rest of us? Why haven’t you renounced all modern technology? Why haven’t you fled to the mountains before the sea engulfs your family? Why aren’t you doing… anything?

Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

Whataboutism is all the rage. Set a bar to levels that are ridiculous then demand that until that happens THEN you will care about the earth you live on.

Hey, why don't you swim to the middle of the sea then refuse to put on a life vest because "hey, dolphins don't wear them!"
This is a funny thread OP....

Solar, wind, hydro, nuclear and wave will make sure civilization has power! No amish here... ;)

What do the republican loserterians want to do on the other hand? Cut science, cut infrastructure, cut education and push their 2,000 year old myth on everyone...Now that is pretty fucking Amish...Be careful who you call Amish because you're talking about yourself.

Personally, I want several dozen advanced, fourth-generation nuclear power plants to start replacing old coal and oil-fired plants and the many existing nuclear power plants-most being more than thirty years old, and many even older. (The NEWEST nuclear power plant-Seabrook Station in New Hampshire-has been operating for 27 years.)

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