Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

Why are you using the Internet? Don't you know that requires electricity which is generated by burning fossil fuels which is destroying our planet? Why are you anti-science, denier?

If you want to go live in a cave and swear off deodorant and bathing, you go right ahead. Hump those trees, worship mother Gaia, marry a hairy hippie, named your kids "Starshine" and "Moonbeam".

Just don't expect anyone else to join you.

Heretic!! You will be driven from the church of #globalwarmingclimatechangefunnyweather!!!!
AGW deniers, I can't take you seriously until you start cooking the bulk of your food in petroleum.
Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."

Then by all means, stop offending Mother Nature. Give up your car. Stop flying. Candles can light your house. Wood can cook your food. Let's start saving the planet instead of just talking about it.
Burning firewood is bad too. Fresh veggies and fruit and shriveled nuts. UTOPIA
Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."

Then by all means, stop offending Mother Nature. Give up your car. Stop flying. Candles can light your house. Wood can cook your food. Let's start saving the planet instead of just talking about it.
Burning firewood is bad too. Fresh veggies and fruit and shriveled nuts. UTOPIA

That and a heavy dose of hypothermia ......
Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."

Then by all means, stop offending Mother Nature. Give up your car. Stop flying. Candles can light your house. Wood can cook your food. Let's start saving the planet instead of just talking about it.
Burning firewood is bad too. Fresh veggies and fruit and shriveled nuts. UTOPIA

That and a heavy dose of hypothermia ......
Our ancestors started this shit hundreds of thousands of years ago
We never had a chance
This is a funny thread OP....

Solar, wind, hydro, nuclear and wave will make sure civilization has power! No amish here... ;)

What do the republican loserterians want to do on the other hand? Cut science, cut infrastructure, cut education and push their 2,000 year old myth on everyone...Now that is pretty fucking Amish...Be careful who you call Amish because you're talking about yourself.
Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."

Then by all means, stop offending Mother Nature. Give up your car. Stop flying. Candles can light your house. Wood can cook your food. Let's start saving the planet instead of just talking about it.
Burning firewood is bad too. Fresh veggies and fruit and shriveled nuts. UTOPIA

I love love love fire places..... with burning firewood....

I simply can not think of never again being able to enjoy that

I just can't :(
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

Tell us, what causes do you believe in?

Do you devote 100% of your life to them?


Then, by your own standards, you're a hypocrite and liar. Ooh, sucks to be you, hoisted by your own petard. By your own standards, you're plainly lying your ass off about everything. And given that you're such a self-defined liar, why should we believe a word you say on any topic?

Now us, we're not hypocrites at all, because we don't demand anyone give up technology. We're entirely consistent, while you're a flaming hypocrite.

Why are you using the Internet? Don't you know that requires electricity which is generated by burning fossil fuels which is destroying our planet? Why are you anti-science, denier?
Unfortunately for you, mother nature doesn't give a fuck who you "take seriously."

Then by all means, stop offending Mother Nature. Give up your car. Stop flying. Candles can light your house. Wood can cook your food. Let's start saving the planet instead of just talking about it.
Burning firewood is bad too. Fresh veggies and fruit and shriveled nuts. UTOPIA

I love love love fire places..... with burning firewood....

I simply can not think of never again being able to enjoy that

I just can't :(

You are a selfish, evil person to pollute the air like that. 50 lashes with a wet noodle for you, dearie. :eusa_naughty:
Why are you using the Internet? Don't you know that requires electricity which is generated by burning fossil fuels which is destroying our planet? Why are you anti-science, denier?

If you want to go live in a cave and swear off deodorant and bathing, you go right ahead. Hump those trees, worship mother Gaia, marry a hairy hippie, named your kids "Starshine" and "Moonbeam".

Just don't expect anyone else to join you.

If I honestly believed that mankind was destroying our planet by our actions those are absolutely the things I would do. That's how I know you people are full of shit.
It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.
"Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science."
Yeah I know that`s the line they came up with at the Clinton News Network.
There is no such country that sees "it" as a science, never mind a "settled science".
Ever country has some dingbats like you who say so and those who don`t do so to avoid being harassed by dingbats. Name one country where an election was decided by this garbage.
All it takes is to say you believe this B.S. and do no more than pay lip service to every freak fringe group in existence to please the media. Successful politicians avoid controversy, all but one,...the one who freaks you out ! D.J. Trump won in every state except those which are densely populated by illegal immigrants and assorted dope heads who would not even be able to name the capitol of adjoining states and need cell phone apps to compensate for their stupidity.
Almost every country except Syria has a "Green Party" but nowhere do they form a government.
The best thing that could happen to humanity would be if all the idiots who say what you say get the fk out of the country and ask the IPCC to help you get a territory for your occult in some shit country like Brazil that gets climate accord mega buck$.

You really believe all that crap too, don't you
It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.
"Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science."
Yeah I know that`s the line they came up with at the Clinton News Network.
There is no such country that sees "it" as a science, never mind a "settled science".
Ever country has some dingbats like you who say so and those who don`t do so to avoid being harassed by dingbats. Name one country where an election was decided by this garbage.
All it takes is to say you believe this B.S. and do no more than pay lip service to every freak fringe group in existence to please the media. Successful politicians avoid controversy, all but one,...the one who freaks you out ! D.J. Trump won in every state except those which are densely populated by illegal immigrants and assorted dope heads who would not even be able to name the capitol of adjoining states and need cell phone apps to compensate for their stupidity.
Almost every country except Syria has a "Green Party" but nowhere do they form a government.
The best thing that could happen to humanity would be if all the idiots who say what you say get the fk out of the country and ask the IPCC to help you get a territory for your occult in some shit country like Brazil that gets climate accord mega buck$.

You really believe all that crap too, don't you
Do I believe the crap that 0.02 % more CO2 is melting all the ice on both polar caps and flood the planet? Just as soon as you demonstrate how you can melt all the ice in a NHL hockey rink with your hair drier !
If I honestly believed that mankind was destroying our planet by our actions those are absolutely the things I would do.

So you're just acting hilariously stupid. You don't see anyone here in the rational community saying everyone has to live in caves. It's only denier mouthbreathers who are saying such bizarre things.

That's how I know you people are full of shit.

That's why we know you're retarded or dishonest.

Most likely, you denier snowflakes aren't as stupid as you sound. You all know you're making crap up. However, you cult commands you to make crap up, so you obey. It's part of your "The ends always justify the means for my own side" life philosophy.
LOL.....just watching CNN.....the founder of the Weather Channel responding to the interviewer that "the whole man made part of climate change is fake!":funnyface::funnyface::bye1:
If I honestly believed that mankind was destroying our planet by our actions those are absolutely the things I would do.

So you're just acting hilariously stupid. You don't see anyone here in the rational community saying everyone has to live in caves. It's only denier mouthbreathers who are saying such bizarre things.

That's how I know you people are full of shit.

That's why we know you're retarded or dishonest.

Most likely, you denier snowflakes aren't as stupid as you sound. You all know you're making crap up. However, you cult commands you to make crap up, so you obey. It's part of your "The ends always justify the means for my own side" life philosophy.

Ahhh.....but winning s0n!! Our side is winning and yours..........well, isn't.

Hey but maybe you can show us s0n. Post some links showing us all where the "denier cultists snowflakes" are losing!!

Oh....and you are calling people "snowflakes" and meanwhile sport an avatar of a faggy cat!!:coffee::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:Shit.........just how many beatdowns did you actually take in the schoolyard s0n? Limpwristers..............dang......on this messageboard you can spot them a million miles away
If I honestly believed that mankind was destroying our planet by our actions those are absolutely the things I would do.

So you're just acting hilariously stupid. You don't see anyone here in the rational community saying everyone has to live in caves. It's only denier mouthbreathers who are saying such bizarre things.

That's how I know you people are full of shit.

That's why we know you're retarded or dishonest.

Most likely, you denier snowflakes aren't as stupid as you sound. You all know you're making crap up. However, you cult commands you to make crap up, so you obey. It's part of your "The ends always justify the means for my own side" life philosophy.

You people have said conclusively that our planet is dying due to our actions, yet you're not willing to give up your car, your cell phone, and most of your modern luxuries to save it. Surely, if we all stopped driving and flying and all of this modern technology that belting out smoke from power plants we'd heal the planet rather quickly, right? If you truly believed the end was inevitable, why aren't you willing to do these things to save the only planet you have? The Amish seem to get along just fine. Why can't you?
If I honestly believed that mankind was destroying our planet by our actions those are absolutely the things I would do.

So you're just acting hilariously stupid. You don't see anyone here in the rational community saying everyone has to live in caves. It's only denier mouthbreathers who are saying such bizarre things.

That's how I know you people are full of shit.

That's why we know you're retarded or dishonest.

Most likely, you denier snowflakes aren't as stupid as you sound. You all know you're making crap up. However, you cult commands you to make crap up, so you obey. It's part of your "The ends always justify the means for my own side" life philosophy.

You people have said conclusively that our planet is dying due to our actions, yet you're not willing to give up your car, your cell phone, and most of your modern luxuries to save it. Surely, if we all stopped driving and flying and all of this modern technology that belting out smoke from power plants we'd heal the planet rather quickly, right? If you truly believed the end was inevitable, why aren't you willing to do these things to save the only planet you have? The Amish seem to get along just fine. Why can't you?
There is no way these liberal moochers would be able to cut the mustard in any of the German speaking colonies....because everybody has to free lunch !
I`ve seen Amish just outside Chicago but never been in any of their colonies, but have been in lots of the Hutterite colonies in Manitoba. These colonies use nothing but the biggest,baddest and most up to date technology with everything they do and have TV,Internet, phones etc in every house. Even though they adhere to their traditional values and have absolutely no use for the kind of crap libtards preach.
Their women are women and their men are men not some sort of emasculated wimp as those who got "educated" in libtard universities whining about mother earth dying.
Here are a few impressions of the colonies in Canada:





The Hutterite women`s hockey team is to date undefeated...they beat the crap out every so called female hockey team that faced know, the kind of females that wear pant suits like Hillary and the likes.
There was a time when society at large was much like and as conservative as Hutterite colonies still are. Crime, drug addiction and assorted sexual perversions had no room to breed and it is truly amazing how these colonies survive in the midst of the immoral cesspools liberals created wherever they reigned
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You people have said conclusively that our planet is dying due to our actions,

Really? Where?

Oh, I see. You just made that up, because you're too chicken to debate what we actually say.

Go hug a tree. It always make you feel better. The rest of us like modern technology. While you work to make sure the lights go out when the fossil fuel runs out, we'll keep working to keep the lights on.
There is no way these liberal moochers would be able to cut the mustard in any of the German speaking colonies....because everybody has to free lunch !

Oh look. A conservative beta is trying to "steal manhood" from another group again. Usually they do it by sucking up to the military. At least it's a bit original, trying to steal manhood from the Amish.

The confident liberal men, of course, don't need to act that way.

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