Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

I can only assume that you don’t believe it because your actions do not at all resemble what one would expect from someone who does believe this sort of thing. With very rare exceptions, you continue living just like the rest of us. Maybe you recycle your plastic bottles, maybe you ordered a salad at Panera Bread today, but for the most part you are just another callous Homo sapien murdering the planet and cannibalizing the future of the human race. Why? How? You think the world is about to end, for God’s sake. What are you doing sitting at Starbucks like the rest of us? Why haven’t you renounced all modern technology? Why haven’t you fled to the mountains before the sea engulfs your family? Why aren’t you doing… anything?

Climate alarmists, I can’t take you seriously until you start living like the Amish

If they were serious about their claims of the dangers of CO2, they'd support nuclear energy.
Instead, they claim reliable nuclear is MORE dangerous than CO2.

Fucking liars.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know?

They know that handing US tax dollars to other countries for "green energy" is a waste of our money.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

All those political parties in every other country are united in wanting to steal more jobs from the US and see it fall. And you want to join them.

You bet. They are all out to get us.............idiot.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why isn't every other country in the world shutting down their power plants and driving horses and buggies again to save our world?

Is that what you think global climate change believers are advocating?

It should be. If all this impending gloom and doom is coming why aren't your actions speaking louder than your words?

Typical Limbaugh move. Make shit up, and complain because that made up shit isn't happening.
The end is nigh!!!


Send cash now!!
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
What do Trump and his followers know about global climate change that every other country in the world doesn't know? Why is there only one political party in the world that questions all the scientific evidence?

Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.
Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.

I doubt that very much. Do you think maybe they're just saying that to get their hands on as many US dollars as they can?
It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.

I doubt that very much. Do you think maybe they're just saying that to get th
Doubt it all you want. Every country in the world signed on to the Paris agreement, except Syria and Nicaragua, and Nicaragua didn't think it went far enough. It's easy to play the victim, but it just doesn't work in this case.
Right and no reason to take a doctor seriously if you see them eat a cheeseburger or a cop that rolls through a stop sign. A building falls down in Cancun because the architect relied on the engineer who miscalculated. So all structural engineers are to be ignored. :booze:
It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.

I doubt that very much. Do you think maybe they're just saying that to get th
Doubt it all you want. Every country in the world signed on to the Paris agreement, except Syria and Nicaragua, and Nicaragua didn't think it went far enough. It's easy to play the victim, but it just doesn't work in this case.

You're saying that every country that signed the Agreement means they're also saying AGW is settled science? With respect, that's a load of crap. And what's this about a victim? No idea where that's coming from or what it means.
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Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.

They should feel free to waste their own money to fix it.
Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.

I doubt that very much. Do you think maybe they're just saying that to get th
Doubt it all you want. Every country in the world signed on to the Paris agreement, except Syria and Nicaragua, and Nicaragua didn't think it went far enough. It's easy to play the victim, but it just doesn't work in this case.

You're saying that every country that signed the Agreement means they're also saying AGW is settled science? With respect, that's a load of crap. And what's this about a victim? No idea where that's coming from or what it means.

Of course you know what I'm talking about.
Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.

I doubt that very much. Do you think maybe they're just saying that to get th
Doubt it all you want. Every country in the world signed on to the Paris agreement, except Syria and Nicaragua, and Nicaragua didn't think it went far enough. It's easy to play the victim, but it just doesn't work in this case.

You're saying that every country that signed the Agreement means they're also saying AGW is settled science? With respect, that's a load of crap. And what's this about a victim? No idea where that's coming from or what it means.

Of course you know what I'm talking about.

If I knew then I wouldn't have asked.
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

Tell us, what causes do you believe in?

Do you devote 100% of your life to them?


Then, by your own standards, you're a hypocrite and liar. Ooh, sucks to be you, hoisted by your own petard. By your own standards, you're plainly lying your ass off about everything. And given that you're such a self-defined liar, why should we believe a word you say on any topic?

Now us, we're not hypocrites at all, because we don't demand anyone give up technology. We're entirely consistent, while you're a flaming hypocrite.
It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

You sound like a flat-earther declaring the round-earth theory isn't considered settled science, because alternate conspiracy kook views exist, and an open-minded person would give the conspiracy theories equal consideration.
My sentiments exactly. I've seen next to zero effort from most of these climate alarmists to actually adjust the way they live and allegedly affect real change. Instead, I see advocates like Al Gore, Leonardo Di Caprio, and now Barack Obama lecturing the rest of us on this impending gloom and doom and then hopping back on their private jets spewing tons of carbon into the air. This is why I don't believe any of the lies you tell.

Tell us, what causes do you believe in?

Do you devote 100% of your life to them?


Then, by your own standards, you're a hypocrite and liar. Ooh, sucks to be you, hoisted by your own petard. By your own standards, you're plainly lying your ass off about everything. And given that you're such a self-defined liar, why should we believe a word you say on any topic?

Now us, we're not hypocrites at all, because we don't demand anyone give up technology. We're entirely consistent, while you're a flaming hypocrite.

Why are you using the Internet? Don't you know that requires electricity which is generated by burning fossil fuels which is destroying our planet? Why are you anti-science, denier?
Why are you using the Internet? Don't you know that requires electricity which is generated by burning fossil fuels which is destroying our planet? Why are you anti-science, denier?

If you want to go live in a cave and swear off deodorant and bathing, you go right ahead. Hump those trees, worship mother Gaia, marry a hairy hippie, named your kids "Starshine" and "Moonbeam".

Just don't expect anyone else to join you.
Why does the other political party only believe the scientific evidence that supports their view and political ideology? Why do they use every possible means to attack, shout down, denigrate, demagogue, and destroy anybody who disagrees with them? And not just AGW either.

It's not just A political party. It's every political party from every country in the world. America's hard right wing republicans are the only group in the world opposing the accepted science.

It's not accepted science, Bulldog. Except by those who will not consider any other point of view.

Tell that to every other country in the world.

Still not accepted science. The rest of the world sees the same data we do; the only people around the world who say the science is settled are the people who want some of our money.
Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science.
"Every country in the world except Syria sees it as settled science."
Yeah I know that`s the line they came up with at the Clinton News Network.
There is no such country that sees "it" as a science, never mind a "settled science".
Ever country has some dingbats like you who say so and those who don`t do so to avoid being harassed by dingbats. Name one country where an election was decided by this garbage.
All it takes is to say you believe this B.S. and do no more than pay lip service to every freak fringe group in existence to please the media. Successful politicians avoid controversy, all but one,...the one who freaks you out ! D.J. Trump won in every state except those which are densely populated by illegal immigrants and assorted dope heads who would not even be able to name the capitol of adjoining states and need cell phone apps to compensate for their stupidity.
Almost every country except Syria has a "Green Party" but nowhere do they form a government.
The best thing that could happen to humanity would be if all the idiots who say what you say get the fk out of the country and ask the IPCC to help you get a territory for your occult in some shit country like Brazil that gets climate accord mega buck$.

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