Climate change deniers explained

[QUOTE="flacaltenn, post: 11587470, member: 30473"
does ANYONE want to discuss the science behind Global Warming hysteria -- or is this just some sort of fantasy league excersise???

The science behind the hysteria? What does that mean? Or perhaps a better question is what is that SUPPOSED to mean?
Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?

"Thousands". Might want to check your figures there bucko. Maybe a 100, but thousands? :haha:
[QUOTE="flacaltenn, post: 11587470, member: 30473"
does ANYONE want to discuss the science behind Global Warming hysteria -- or is this just some sort of fantasy league excersise???

The science behind the hysteria? What does that mean? Or perhaps a better question is what is that SUPPOSED to mean?[/QUOTE]

What part of hysteria don't you understand?
[QUOTE="flacaltenn, post: 11587470, member: 30473"
does ANYONE want to discuss the science behind Global Warming hysteria -- or is this just some sort of fantasy league excersise???

The science behind the hysteria? What does that mean? Or perhaps a better question is what is that SUPPOSED to mean?[/QUOTE]

well its like this crickham.. Every word out of a AGW fanatic (up to and including the lying Prez) would be the hysteria. A scary tale orchestrated on an International level where yor revered IPCC plays the role of Hollywood producer. Then there is the exagerrated claims from climate scientists who MUST make them in order to get paid under the requirements of the AGW funding..

And then there is the actual science in which you have no interest and no retained knowledge to show for all your 12,000 posts.,

Is that too difficult a concept for you? Every one of my comments are well backed up by the terabytes of the USMB records of our conversations on this topic. Questions?
Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?

Look here bed wetter, you come waltzing in asking for proof that your stupid global warming hoax is indeed a hoax and asking why anyone would try and pull off such a scam.

The proof has been posted here in this forum and all over the internet for years. If you haven't read it, then you obviously don't really want too. If you have and still believe in the scam you're dedicated to ignorance and no amount of proof will satisfy you, or you're one of the criminally insane sociopaths that's getting rich on wasted government grants. If you don't think these pseudo-scientists that you hold in such esteem are any less greedy than the business people you're programmed to hate then you clearly do not have the capacity to think and you're worth no more of my time than I'm willing to spare ridiculing you. As it stands most of the people in the country know globabble warming is bullshit fear mongering and buying an $18K ugly ass roller skate "smart car" is something only an idiot with no self respect would do.

Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?

Look here bed wetter, you come waltzing in asking for proof that your stupid global warming hoax is indeed a hoax and asking why anyone would try and pull off such a scam.

I see you're even more stupid than your earlier comments suggested. Amazing.

The proof has been posted here in this forum and all over the internet for years.

No, it has not. The supporting evidence, however, by the mountainload, has been published in peer reviewed science journals for decades and is nicely collected and summarized in the thousands of pages of the IPCC's assessment reports.

If you haven't read it, then you obviously don't really want too.

I've read shitloads of it. How much of, say, AR5 have you read? Have you looked at The Physical Science Basis? How about just the Summary for Policy Makers?

If you have and still believe in the scam you're dedicated to ignorance and no amount of proof will satisfy you, or you're one of the criminally insane sociopaths that's getting rich on wasted government grants.

Do you REALLY believe that it is reasonable to suggest that an extremely high proportion of the world's scientists, including the near totality of its climate scientists, ALL fall into the two categories you've provided for them? Really?

If you don't think these pseudo-scientists that you hold in such esteem are any less greedy than the business people you're programmed to hate then you clearly do not have the capacity to think and you're worth no more of my time than I'm willing to spare ridiculing you.

Pseudo scientists? Like... Anthony Watts? Christopher Monckton? James Taylor? Vaclav Klaus? Steve Milloy? James Inhofe? Tim Ball? Mark Stern? Myron Ebell? Will Happer? Ian Plimer? Roy Spencer? John Christy? Willie Soon? Russel Cook? James Delingpole? Willis Eschenbach? Steven Goddard? This could go on for quite some time.

The people I hold in esteem are active, publishing, degreed scientists, working in their field. I have never denied that such people aren't human and subject to human failings. But the idea that the entire lot of them have such weak morals and such high greed as to be willing to throw their very hard won careers into the trash bin and risk jail for the tuppence that global warming research nets them AND SIMULTANEOUSLY HOLDING that the people in the fossil fuel industry, whose considerable incomes are seriously, significantly and directly threatened by what climate research has been showing us are as pure as the driven snow - THAT requires a SERIOUS lacking in the ability to think.

As it stands most of the people in the country know globabble warming is bullshit fear mongering and buying an $18K ugly ass roller skate "smart car" is something only an idiot with no self respect would do.

So, that's what's important to you. Impressive... VERY impressive. I guess I have to express my gratitude to you for so clearly demonstrating the difference between deniers and mainstream science. C'mon back and keep it up!
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Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?

"Thousands". Might want to check your figures there bucko. Maybe a 100, but thousands?

Cook, Nuccitelli, et al, in their 2013 study, found 8,547 authors to whom they emailed surveys. Might want to check YOUR figures, BUCKO
Where'd Bucko go? No nippy repartee? Can I take that as an admission that, yes, indeed, there are thousands of publishing climate scientists in this world? I think I can!
Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

I know I am suppose to do unto others as I would have done unto me, but I cannot with these mouth pieces of the devil. I am out of patience and I have been for some time now.

I cannot say I have much hope of making it to heaven if there is one anyway. Having said that, the left are arrogant bloviated pride filled buffoons of their socialist gods. They have been seduced by fairy tales and they actually think utopia exists in the form of socialism.

They cannot see that the environment has been turned into a trillion dollar industry.

This moron wants to see proof. What else is there to say other than holy shit?

You should perhaps read a little closer since you both seem to be on the same side of the political and climate change spectrums.
And yet............................ you can't provide one piece of evidence from a fricken mountain of it. Holy crap batman.
Holy shit.

It has been done ad nauseam on this board. It's all over the internet. No matter what proof you provide to a dedicated liberal that their beliefs or oppinions are wrong or conflict with reality they will not believe it.

Jesus Christ Himself could float down from the heavens and tell them abortion is the murder of innocent life, and they would regurgitate some bullshit about Him being on Karl Rove's payroll and then tell Him what He would do in respecting the "right to choose".

They really are that stupid.

Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?
dude, I already told you I reject them, because they don't exist. You can't pull up anything and you've been asked to present that data. Nothing. you present nothing each and every time.
Interesting comment from someone who apparently rejects the conclusions of thousands of PhDs in tens of thousands of peer reviewed studies. Are you really THAT stupid?

Look here bed wetter, you come waltzing in asking for proof that your stupid global warming hoax is indeed a hoax and asking why anyone would try and pull off such a scam.

I see you're even more stupid than your earlier comments suggested. Amazing.

The proof has been posted here in this forum and all over the internet for years.

No, it has not. The supporting evidence, however, by the mountainload, has been published in peer reviewed science journals for decades and is nicely collected and summarized in the thousands of pages of the IPCC's assessment reports.

If you haven't read it, then you obviously don't really want too.

I've read shitloads of it. How much of, say, AR5 have you read? Have you looked at The Physical Science Basis? How about just the Summary for Policy Makers?

If you have and still believe in the scam you're dedicated to ignorance and no amount of proof will satisfy you, or you're one of the criminally insane sociopaths that's getting rich on wasted government grants.

Do you REALLY believe that it is reasonable to suggest that an extremely high proportion of the world's scientists, including the near totality of its climate scientists, ALL fall into the two categories you've provided for them? Really?

If you don't think these pseudo-scientists that you hold in such esteem are any less greedy than the business people you're programmed to hate then you clearly do not have the capacity to think and you're worth no more of my time than I'm willing to spare ridiculing you.

Pseudo scientists? Like... Anthony Watts? Christopher Monckton? James Taylor? Vaclav Klaus? Steve Milloy? James Inhofe? Tim Ball? Mark Stern? Myron Ebell? Will Happer? Ian Plimer? Roy Spencer? John Christy? Willie Soon? Russel Cook? James Delingpole? Willis Eschenbach? Steven Goddard? This could go on for quite some time.

The people I hold in esteem are active, publishing, degreed scientists, working in their field. I have never denied that such people aren't human and subject to human failings. But the idea that the entire lot of them have such weak morals and such high greed as to be willing to throw their very hard won careers into the trash bin and risk jail for the tuppence that global warming research nets them AND SIMULTANEOUSLY HOLDING that the people in the fossil fuel industry, whose considerable incomes are seriously, significantly and directly threatened by what climate research has been showing us are as pure as the driven snow - THAT requires a SERIOUS lacking in the ability to think.

As it stands most of the people in the country know globabble warming is bullshit fear mongering and buying an $18K ugly ass roller skate "smart car" is something only an idiot with no self respect would do.

So, that's what's important to you. Impressive... VERY impressive. I guess I have to express my gratitude to you for so clearly demonstrating the difference between deniers and mainstream science. C'mon back and keep it up!
damn I see there's been another landslide, the mountain is gone.
Where'd Bucko go? No nippy repartee? Can I take that as an admission that, yes, indeed, there are thousands of publishing climate scientists in this world? I think I can!
dude, you're so lost it's not funny, but, yes it is you're hysterical dude. You make this a joy to come in and read everyday. you have:
* Mountains of evidence, to which you have never shown one piece of
*Thousands of published climate scientists, a list we've never seen
*empirical evidence to which there is zip
*Did I mention the Mountains of evidence? Oh yeah, that's redundant, like it's been redundant on here for months and Billy Jack, you still haven't produced any.

You say up, they say down and you say they say down and they said no I said up that's how freaking confused these people are
Good grief
We had 100 degrees in Charlotte today. Stepped outside at 2 P.M. Sun was hot as hell. How are we going to cool it down? That's the only thing I know that causes "GLOBAL WARMING." BTW, how many degrees of heat do we want to be lowered? How much does it cost? What happens when the money runs out? Borrow it from China? Or Greece? So much to do, so little time to do it.
Climate change isn't only happening, but we're beyond the point-of-no-return and doomed. the deniers know this. But if they don't oppose CG enough to allow 'reasonable doubt' people would panic, work less, and only speed up our demise.

Just a theory. Stay calm. :) me on this...............gotta remove that ghey avatar. look like the substitute teacher in Welcome Back Kotter!!! Really.....your shit would resonate a bit more if people weren't taking a gander at that avatar because the kneejerk is always going to be, "Geeez.....look at this guy!!". You look like a Lanza family member s0n!! And nobody wears shirts like that anymore s0n!!:up: WTF??!!!:uhh:

Anyway......nobody out there is worried about global warming. If they are, they need some real responsibilities in life!!:2up:
Where'd Bucko go? No nippy repartee? Can I take that as an admission that, yes, indeed, there are thousands of publishing climate scientists in this world? I think I can!

dude, you're so lost it's not funny, but, yes it is you're hysterical dude. You make this a joy to come in and read everyday.

I'm glad I could be of service. I only wish I could make a dent in that abysmal ignorance under which you continue to suffer.

you have:
* Mountains of evidence, to which you have never shown one piece of

Now you're being blatantly dishonest. How many times have I told you to go to IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to see evidence? And if you were going to replay that you didn't like their evidence, that you think they are inaccurate and dishonest... well, that doesn't mean diddly shit to me. The world's climate scientists, who produced all that evidence, are not dishonest, they aren't lying and they aren't in a grand, global conspiracy. My evidence is science's evidence. There's none better. And since you have NO evidence, it's not as if their's any sort of competition going on.

*Thousands of published climate scientists, a list we've never seen

Do you really want to go with that? I can see you making mistakes now and then - we all do. But can you not see how insanely ignorant comments like that make you appear? Good grief, I don't know the name of that bus barreling towards you but that doesn't mean its okay to step out in the road.

*empirical evidence to which there is zip

Do you even know what the word "empirical" means?

1. derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
2. depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, especially as in medicine.
3. provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.

To mention just two, THIS is empirical evidence:


as is this:


*Did I mention the Mountains of evidence? Oh yeah, that's redundant, like it's been redundant on here for months and Billy Jack, you still haven't produced any.

Those mountains have been produced. What has NOT appeared here is any justification for you to reject that evidence besides the FACT that you made up your mind long before you saw any of it.
Where'd Bucko go? No nippy repartee? Can I take that as an admission that, yes, indeed, there are thousands of publishing climate scientists in this world? I think I can!

dude, you're so lost it's not funny, but, yes it is you're hysterical dude. You make this a joy to come in and read everyday.

I'm glad I could be of service. I only wish I could make a dent in that abysmal ignorance under which you continue to suffer.

you have:
* Mountains of evidence, to which you have never shown one piece of

Now you're being blatantly dishonest. How many times have I told you to go to IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to see evidence? And if you were going to replay that you didn't like their evidence, that you think they are inaccurate and dishonest... well, that doesn't mean diddly shit to me. The world's climate scientists, who produced all that evidence, are not dishonest, they aren't lying and they aren't in a grand, global conspiracy. My evidence is science's evidence. There's none better. And since you have NO evidence, it's not as if their's any sort of competition going on.

*Thousands of published climate scientists, a list we've never seen

Do you really want to go with that? I can see you making mistakes now and then - we all do. But can you not see how insanely ignorant comments like that make you appear? Good grief, I don't know the name of that bus barreling towards you but that doesn't mean its okay to step out in the road.

*empirical evidence to which there is zip

Do you even know what the word "empirical" means?

1. derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
2. depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, especially as in medicine.
3. provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.

To mention just two, THIS is empirical evidence:


as is this:


*Did I mention the Mountains of evidence? Oh yeah, that's redundant, like it's been redundant on here for months and Billy Jack, you still haven't produced any.

Those mountains have been produced. What has NOT appeared here is any justification for you to reject that evidence besides the FACT that you made up your mind long before you saw any of it.
Well again, you are a science denier, this graph

From 1965, where in this graph does it show an increase or decrease in temperatures? Nice graph though and where it came from isn't noted and the comment under the graph is very poorly written.

now you claim the IPCC report is your evidence? Seriously, you want to go with that eh? You do realize there is no evidence in it that it is a projection report and has zero experimental value nor is it even accurate to the observed climate at the time. So nope fail on that one. So go to your mountain and try again.

And then the temperature anomaly graph is only showing .8 degrees C increase in temperature anomaly since 1880. Ok we all agreed that a doubling of CO2 will increase temps by 1 degree C, so it seems the graph is spot on to expectations, now again, I don't see what that has to do with changing climate, so please again, dive onto that mountain and show us all that evidence off of it.

And again, let's see the list of the one thousand scientists who claim humans cause climate change. Please?
They are being USED by politicians and AGW leadership by exploitating their total ignorance of the topic..

Please give us an example of how people are being "used" by policiticans and AGW leadership.

Please identify some of these politicians and - more to my interest - who the "AGW leadership" might be.

Please give us a few suggestions as to why these particular politicians and the "AGW leadership" and the vast majority of the world's scientists would commit such an enormous fraud.
The answer to your question lies in their solution, the same solution when the fear was global cooling: World-wide taxation. Taking money from rich countries and giving it to poor countries. How will that stop global anything other than global socialism?
Where'd Bucko go? No nippy repartee? Can I take that as an admission that, yes, indeed, there are thousands of publishing climate scientists in this world? I think I can!

dude, you're so lost it's not funny, but, yes it is you're hysterical dude. You make this a joy to come in and read everyday.

I'm glad I could be of service. I only wish I could make a dent in that abysmal ignorance under which you continue to suffer.

you have:
* Mountains of evidence, to which you have never shown one piece of

Now you're being blatantly dishonest. How many times have I told you to go to IPCC - Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to see evidence? And if you were going to replay that you didn't like their evidence, that you think they are inaccurate and dishonest... well, that doesn't mean diddly shit to me. The world's climate scientists, who produced all that evidence, are not dishonest, they aren't lying and they aren't in a grand, global conspiracy. My evidence is science's evidence. There's none better. And since you have NO evidence, it's not as if their's any sort of competition going on.

*Thousands of published climate scientists, a list we've never seen

Do you really want to go with that? I can see you making mistakes now and then - we all do. But can you not see how insanely ignorant comments like that make you appear? Good grief, I don't know the name of that bus barreling towards you but that doesn't mean its okay to step out in the road.

*empirical evidence to which there is zip

Do you even know what the word "empirical" means?

1. derived from or guided by experience or experiment.
2. depending upon experience or observation alone, without using scientific method or theory, especially as in medicine.
3. provable or verifiable by experience or experiment.

To mention just two, THIS is empirical evidence:


as is this:


*Did I mention the Mountains of evidence? Oh yeah, that's redundant, like it's been redundant on here for months and Billy Jack, you still haven't produced any.

Those mountains have been produced. What has NOT appeared here is any justification for you to reject that evidence besides the FACT that you made up your mind long before you saw any of it.
Well again, you are a science denier, this graph

From 1965, where in this graph does it show an increase or decrease in temperatures? Nice graph though and where it came from isn't noted and the comment under the graph is very poorly written.

now you claim the IPCC report is your evidence? Seriously, you want to go with that eh? You do realize there is no evidence in it that it is a projection report and has zero experimental value nor is it even accurate to the observed climate at the time. So nope fail on that one. So go to your mountain and try again.

And then the temperature anomaly graph is only showing .8 degrees C increase in temperature anomaly since 1880. Ok we all agreed that a doubling of CO2 will increase temps by 1 degree C, so it seems the graph is spot on to expectations, now again, I don't see what that has to do with changing climate, so please again, dive onto that mountain and show us all that evidence off of it.

And again, let's see the list of the one thousand scientists who claim humans cause climate change. Please?
Please note that IPCC are all politicians, not scientists. The IPCC tries to interpret the scientific data and has made statements that were contradicted by the scientific underlying papers.
The answer to your question lies in their solution, the same solution when the fear was global cooling: World-wide taxation.

There was no fear of global cooling. Don't try peddling that fable to anyone outside of your cult, because we'll demand evidence for it, and you don't have any.

Taking money from rich countries and giving it to poor countries. How will that stop global anything other than global socialism?

When the whole planet says you're wrong, it's not because of a vast socialist plot. It's because you're wrong.

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