Climate Change is the rule, not the exception

We just busted Toddster for claiming the 757 engines were "dragging on the ground."

Do you agree with this since the impact is 8 feet above ground, the "nose" of the object.....

What happens if a 757 flying 500+ mph scrapes the ground with its engines?
I make no claims about dragging engines. How can you predict speed when you have claimed it is a missile and those fly at thousands of miles per hour?
I make no claims about dragging engines. How can you predict speed when you have claimed it is a missile and those fly at thousands of miles per hour?

A cruise missile is not a ballistic missile, "pilot..."
A cruise missile is not a ballistic missile, "pilot..."
Is that slicing the pie mighty thin. First things first. I do not recall calling it a ballistic missile, Passenger.
How fast does a cruise missile go?
Long-range subsonic. The United States, Russia, North Korea, India, Iran, South Korea, Israel, France, China and Pakistan have developed several long-range subsonic cruise missiles. These missiles have a range of over 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) and fly at about 800 kilometres per hour (500 mph).

Now for you. What happened to the airplane and passengers that hit the Pentagon if it really did not hit the building?
This part of the forum is for Climate and not conspiracy theories.
Long-range subsonic. The United States, Russia, North Korea, India, Iran, South Korea, Israel, France, China and Pakistan have developed several long-range subsonic cruise missiles. These missiles have a range of over 1,000 kilometres (620 mi) and fly at about 800 kilometres per hour (500 mph).

Now for you. What happened to the airplane and passengers that hit the Pentagon if it really did not hit the building?

Amazing, that's the speed of the object that hit the Pentagon 8 feet above the ground. If it had been a 757, the nose of which is more than 8 feet above the bottom of the engines, the 757 would've cartwheeled.... and that's what you are trying to argue, moron.

As for the plane and passengers, don't know for certain. May never have existed. May have been diverted to Cleveland. When FRAUD is present, possibilities are endless.
This part of the forum is for Climate and not conspiracy theories.


Same demographic behind BOTH the Co2 FRAUD and 911, which together sum up to the entire national debt.

Same demographic that lied its ass off about covid, and screamed at everyone to "get the vax" knowing

1. it was not needed
2. it was pre-meditated Zionist Fascist Mass Murder of Americans AGAIN
" The climate always changes."

Listen up idiots.

The same scientists who discovered that and taught us that are the ones raising alarms about man made climate change.

So you morons are citing them as authority in one breath and then calling them all frauds and liars in the next breath.

Take some time to see if you can figure out how stupid that makes you look.
" The climate always changes."

Listen up idiots.

The same scientists who discovered that and taught us that are the ones raising alarms about man made climate change.

So you morons are citing them as authority in one breath and then calling them all frauds and liars in the next breath.

Take some time to see if you can figure out how stupid that makes you look.

You are the LIAR.

You cannot even define ICE AGE properly....
You are the LIAR.

You cannot even define ICE AGE properly....
Irrelevant outburst

Guess who can and who discivered and taught you everything you will ever know about ice ages? The same scientists you are calling frauds and liars.

Guess who can and who discivered and taught you everything you will ever know about ice ages?

Um..... ME!!!

The same scientists you are calling frauds and liars.

No, they are still lying about what an ICE AGE is, and they cannot refute my truth, not one word of it. The reason they lie about ICE AGE definition is because a proper understanding of ICE AGES explains what does cause Earth climate change and what does not (Co2).

Your side claims that a continent, Antarctica, covered under 2+ miles of ice, is NOT an "ice age," and THAT is LAUGHABLE....
Um..... ME!!!

No, they are still lying about what an ICE AGE is, and they cannot refute my truth, not one word of it. The reason they lie about ICE AGE definition is because a proper understanding of ICE AGES explains what does cause Earth climate change and what does not (Co2).

Your side claims that a continent, Antarctica, covered under 2+ miles of ice, is NOT an "ice age," and THAT is LAUGHABLE....
Shut up stupid. Nobody cares what uneducated slobs think about scientific topics.
I am not clear why some posters, and on all of the forums, persist in the claim of a conspiracy on 9/11. Supposedly the airplane that vanished at the Pentagon with all the crew and passengers on the plane was in real life a missile. They never discuss where did the Airliner go and who buried the passengers and crew. Why they want it to be a missle puzzles me and many others a lot.

Notice that missiles make tons of noise when launched. None of the conspiracy crowd explains who fired their missile and why wasn't anybody telling the press they saw it launched?

Or why a missile knocked down street lights when it passed over cars on a road near the Pentagon. And all the witnesses in those cars saw a plane.

EMH has been loony since a Jew started banging his ex.
We just busted Toddster for claiming the 757 engines were "dragging on the ground."

Do you agree with this since the impact is 8 feet above ground, the "nose" of the object.....

What happens if a 757 flying 500+ mph scrapes the ground with its engines?

It hits the Pentagon.
why a missile knocked down street lights

with no wires and no dents.... either put there or pushed over by the wake of the missile...

Again, if a 757 hits something, it actually exerts a FORCE on the 757, not like your scifi no force scenario...
The real question not asked, does climate change if man didn’t exist?

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